随着国家“十二五”规划、中国制造2025、互联网+和交通强国建设纲要等战略的发 布,加快促进了物联网欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展。随着物联网概念的兴起和乘用车保有量的不断提升, 车联网这个从物联网引申出来的概念也日益被人们所熟悉。目前各国政府机构都高度关注 车联网欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展。全球各大知名的汽车厂商、大型国内外汽车零部件供应商、内容服务 提供商、硬软件提供商以及互联网公司等都纷纷加大对车联网业务的关性和投入,我国的 车联网欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司也发展迅猛。但国内车联网产业链构成复杂,各环节参与者众多,导致车联网 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争异常激烈。大多数车联网企业都是摸着石头过河,商业模式不清晰,研发投入过 高,大都处于亏损状态,实现盈利的企业寥寥可数。那么对于一家初创性质的车联网企业 来说,想在中国发展车联网业务,就得面临如此众多巨型企业的竞争,结局要么在狂风大 浪中灭亡,要么被大型企业收购,在当今互联网+的商业时代尤其是第二种路径日益寻常。 那如何才能提高自身的价值不仅能在夹缝中求生存,也能有高价值回报呢?在这种情况下 研究M公司的市场营销策略,有利于公司找准自身的定位,对于将来在国内的发展有着非 常重要的作用。同时也可以给其他类似困局公司起到参考和借鉴的价值。 M公司过去曾一直专注于国外汽车租赁市场,今年开始把目光转向国内市场,目前已 与国内几家用车企业达成车队管理服务的合作意向,但均尚未签订合作协议,随着国内车 联网的逐渐升温,客户也不断地提高更多服务功能的需求。这都为M公司带来了巨大挑战。 作者本人是M公司的合作创始人之一,拥有获得相关信息和数据的便利性,得出了本论文 的研究方向和重点。本文站在M公司这个车联网硬软件提供商的角度,借助企业市场营销 管理的相关理论知识和分析工具,结合国内外车联网欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司现状和发展趋势的前人文献研究 基础上来研究M公司所要面对的国内车联网欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展现状,首先用PEST分析法分析M公 司车联网欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司外部环境和波特五力模型分析法分析M公司的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争力,并分析了M公司 的内部经营现状,找出M公司存在的问题及问题成因。其次用STP市场营销定位法对M公 司进行市场定位分析和4PS组合营销策略法从产品策略的角度对M公司进行分析制定新的 产品市场营销策略。 综上,得出如下结论:第一,M公司当前在商业模式上存在缺陷,不利于市场竞争力 提升,可通过商业模式重构设计,即开拓车联网后装市场领域的国内汽车租赁市场、汽车 保险市场、移动通信运营商市场和终端消费者(实体店)市场。进而增加未来市场衍生份 额。第二,M公司的市场开发力度不够,营销力量薄弱表现在产品策略上的不足。制定的 总体产品策略是产品越简单低价越好;个性化定制的产品策略是实现产品功能模块化进行 重组排列;产品服务化策略是当客户数量达到一定基数时,可以实现服务费代替产品销售 的费用。第三,M公司的新产品开发力度不足,从优化人力资源管理、加大产品开发力度 和强化公司文化建设三方面阐述措施,来保障所制定的产品营销策略得到有效地实施。 II 本文的创新之处主要为:一是研究视角的新颖性。国内对车联网欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的研究多集中在 车联网产业链和商业模式等方面,大多是以汽车制造商或汽车零部件提供商的角度去分析 研究,且目前国内也没有欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司协会标准来系统说明车联网市场运营的相关欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司。而本文是 站在车联网硬软件提供商的角度,来探讨研究M公司适合当下国内车联网欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展形势的 产品营销策略。二是对策建议的全面性。目前的研究文献大都是只针对某个车联网市场进 行研究,而M公司全面分析自身的产品并发展推广了新的“商业模式”。建议M公司管理 高层能不断开拓车联网汽车后装市场领域。 本文根据对新兴商业模式的探索,并契合制定车联网终端产品的产品营销策略,力争 让M公司的品牌不仅仅在欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内得到肯定。在终端客户心里也留下痕迹,为公司持续运营 打下坚实的基础。相信M公司以市场为中心,在执行新的产品营销策略时,并完善公司各 方面规章制度的建设,一定可以实现公司的转型战略目标。 关键词:M公司 车联网终端产品 市场营销策略 III ABSTRACT With the release of the national 12th five-year plan, made in China 2025, Internet plus and the outline of building a transportation power, the development of the Internet of things industry has been accelerated. With the rise of the concept of Internet of things and the continuous increase of passenger car ownership, the concept of Internet of vehicles, which is derived from the Internet of things, is increasingly familiar to people. At present, government agencies all over the world pay close attention to the development of the Internet of vehicles industry. Major global automobile manufacturers, large domestic and foreign auto parts suppliers, content service providers, hardware and software providers, and Internet companies have all increased their involvement and investment in the Internet of vehicles business. China's Internet of vehicles industry is also developing rapidly. However, the industrial chain of domestic Internet of vehicles is complicated, and there are many participants in each link, leading to extremely fierce competition in the industry of Internet of vehicles. Most Internet of vehicles enterprises are crossing the river by feeling for the stones. Their business model is not clear and their investment in research and development is too high. For a start-up Internet of vehicles enterprise, if it wants to develop Internet of vehicles business in China, it will have to face the competition from so many giant enterprises, and the result will be either death in the storm or acquisition by large enterprises. In today's Internet + business era, especially the second path is increasingly common. So how can you increase your value not only to survive in the gap, but also to have a high value return? In this case, the study of M company's marketing strategy is conducive to the company's positioning and plays a very important role in the future development in China. At the same time, it can also give other companies with similar difficulties the value of reference and reference. M company has always focused on foreign car rental market in the past, this year began turning to the domestic market, has with the domestic several car companies reached cooperation intention of fleet management services, but have not yet signed a cooperation agreement, as the domestic car networking heats up, clients are also constantly improve the service function of more demand. All these bring great challenges to M company. As one of the co-founders of M company, the IV author has the convenience of obtaining relevant information and data, which leads to the research direction and focus of this paper. This article stands in the M company this car networking software provider's point of view, in accordance with the related theories of enterprise marketing management knowledge and analysis tools, combined with domestic and foreign car networking industry present situation and development trend based on previous literature research study of M company facing domestic car networking industry development present situation, first use the PEST analysis, the analysis M car networking industry external environment and porter five model analysis, the analysis of M company's industry competitiveness, and analyzes the M company's internal management present situation, find out problems and problems of M company. Secondly, STP marketing positioning method is used to analyze the market positioning of M company and 4PS combined marketing strategy method is used to analyze M company from the perspective of product strategy to develop new product marketing strategy. In conclusion, the following conclusions: first, the M company's current defect exists in the business model, is not conducive to enhance market competitiveness, can through the business model reconstruction design, namely after loaded car networking market in the field of domestic car rental market, automobile insurance market, mobile operators and terminal consumers (store) market. And increase the future market share of derivatives. Second, the market development of M company is not strong enough, and the weak marketing force is reflected in the insufficiency of product strategy. The overall product strategy is the simpler the product, the lower the price, the better; The customized product strategy is to realize the product function modularization to reorganize the arrangement; The product service strategy is that when the number of customers reaches a certain base, the service charge can replace the cost of product sales. Third, M company's new product development efforts are insufficient. Measures are elaborated from three aspects of optimizing human resource manag