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I 摘要 在旅游业蓬勃发展的今天,旅游地劳工数量短缺与结构失衡问题凸显。伴 随中国现代化和城镇化发展的进一步推进,滋生了一种新的人口迁移现象—— 旅游劳工移民,他们作为“异质性”存在于旅游地社会中,与不同利益群体之 间的矛盾和冲突日益加剧。如何推动多元主体和谐共生,打造“共建共治共享” 的发展格局是新时代旅游社区治理的关键。为此,研究旅游劳工移民的价值共 创行为显得尤为重要和迫切。 本研究按照实证主义研究范式,以“问题识别-理论探讨-实证检验-研究讨 论”的逻辑思路开展研究。首先,立足于海岛旅游社区与旅游劳工移民发展现 状,重点关注社会氛围、地方依恋、公平感知与价值共创行为之间的关系机理。 其次,搜集并阅读国内外相关文献,对旅游劳工移民、社会氛围、地方依恋、 公平感知和价值共创行为的国内外研究进展、相关理论、概念内涵进行系统梳 理,构建社会氛围、地方依恋、公平感知和价值共创行为之间的理论模型。第 三,选取独立性相对较强的海岛作为研究对象,并从福建厦门、福建平潭、浙 江舟山、海南三亚和海南海口五个典型海岛旅游地中选取不同发展阶段和类型 的海岛旅游社区作为研究案例地,采用问卷调查方式面向旅游劳工移民收集数 据,在预调研的基础上对研究量表进行修正与完善,形成最终问卷。在正式调 研阶段,共获取 832 份有效样本,通过结构方程模型、多层次回归分析等方法 进行数据分析,检验社会氛围、地方依恋、公平感知与价值共创行为之间的作 用关系。 本研究主要得出如下结论:(1)社会氛围显著正向影响价值共创行为,其 中,社会氛围中的社会互动、社会支持均显著正向影响价值共创参与行为和价 值共创公民行为,而社会信任对价值共创参与行为和价值共创公民行为不存在 直接影响;(2)社会氛围对地方依恋具有显著正向影响,但是社会氛围中的社 会互动对地方依赖不存在直接影响;(3)地方依恋对价值共创行为具有显著正 向影响,但是地方依赖对价值共创参与行为不存在直接影响;(4)地方依恋在 社会氛围(社会互动、社会信任和社会支持)与价值共创行为(价值共创参与 行为、价值共创公民行为)之间具有中介作用;(5)公平感知在地方依恋与价 值共创行为之间存在显著负向调节作用,同时公平感知在地方认同与价值共创华侨大学硕士学位论文 II 参与行为之间、地方依赖与价值共创参与行为之间以及地方依赖与价值共创参 与行为之间同样存在显著负向调节作用,但是公平感知在地方认同与价值共创 公民行为之间不存在调节效果。 根据实证研究的结果,本研究对海岛旅游社区治理提出四点建议:(1)以 人文关怀根植地方力量,营造和谐的生产生活环境和社会氛围;(2)完善社区 基础与功能设施,关注旅游劳工移民的精神需求与民生诉求,激发旅游劳工移 民积极的情感依恋;(3)鼓励旅游劳工移民参与社区共同事务,形成社区共同 体,推动个人价值与集体价值共同创造;(4)从程序、分配、人际和信息四方 面健全公平合理的海岛旅游社区服务管理体系。 关键词:海岛旅游社区 旅游劳工移民 社会氛围 地方依恋 价值 共创行为Abstract III Abstract Tourism is booming, the shortage of labor force and structural imbalances in tourist areas are prominent. And with the further advancement of China's modernization and urbanization, a new phenomenon of population migration - tourism labor migration is growing at an alarming rate. Tourism labor immigration exists in the society of tourist destinations as "heterogeneity", aggravating the conflicts between different interest groups, and triggering social conflicts in tourist destinations. How to promote the harmonious coexistence of multiple subjects and create a development pattern of collaboration, participation, and common interests is a key issue for the management of tourism communities. For this reason, it is particularly important and urgent to study the value co-creation behavior of tourism labor migration. This research is based on the empirical research paradigm, and carries out research with the logical thinking of "Problem identification-theoretical discussion-empirical test-research discussion". First, based on the development status of island tourist communities and tourism labor immigration, the focus is on the relationship between social atmosphere, local attachment, fair perception, and value co-creation. Second, collect and read relevant literature, and systematically review research progress, theories, and conceptual connotations of tourism labor migration, social climate, place attachment, perceived justice, and value co-creation behavior.Then build a theoretical model between social climate, place attachment, perceived justice, and value co-creation behavior. Third, the study selected relatively independent islands as research objects, and took different types of tourism communities in the five typical island tourist cities of Xiamen, Pingtan, Zhoushan, Sanya and Haikou as the case.The study collected data for tourism labor immigrants from island tourist communities. Based on the pre-survey, the research scale is revised and improved to form the final formal华侨大学硕士学位论文 IV questionnaire. A total of 832 valid samples were obtained in the formal survey phase, and analyzed by structural equation models and multi-level regression analysis to examine the relationship between social climate, place attachment, perceived justice, and value co-creation behavior. The conclusion is as follows: (1) The social climate significantly positively affects the value co-creation behavior. And the social interaction and social support significantly positively affect the value co-creation participation behavior and value co-creation citizenship behavior, while social trust does not affect the value co-creation participation behavior and the value co-creation citizenship behavior. (2) Social climate has a significant positive impact on place attachment, and there is no direct impact on social interaction and place dependence. (3) Place attachment has a significant positive impact on value co-creation behavior, but place dependence does not directly affect value co-creation participation behavior. (4) Place attachment has an intermediary role between the social climate (social interaction, social trust and social support) and the value co-creation behavior (value co-creation participation behavior and value co-creation citizenship behavior). (5) Perceived justice is found to strengthen the negative effect of place attachment and value co-creation behavior. Furthermore, perceived justice is strengthen the negative effect of place identity and value co-creation participation behavior, place dependence and value co-creation participation behavior, place dependence and value co-creation participation behavior. But perceived justice does not affect the impact of place identity on value-creation citizenship behavior. Based on the results, this study puts forward four management suggestions for the island tourism community: (1) The managers need to create a harmonious production environment, living environment and social atmosphere, and root regional power with humane care. (2) The managers need to stimulate positive emotional attachment of tourism labor immigrants though improving community infrastructure and functional facilities, and paying attention to the spiritual needs and livelihood demands of tourismAbstract V labor immigrants. (3) Forming a community by encouraging tourism labor immigrants to participate in community common affairs, and further promote the value creation of individual and collective. (4) Improving the fair and reasonable service management system of island tourism communities from four directions: procedure, distribution, interpersonal and information. Keywords: Island tourism community Tourist labor migration Social climate Place attachment Co-creation behavior目录 VII 目录 第 1 章 绪论.................. 1 1.1 研究背景与问题提出........................ 1 1.1.1 研究背景...... 1 1.1.2 问题提出...... 3 1.2 研究目的与研究意义........................ 6 1.2.1 研究目的...... 6 1.2.2 研究意义...... 6 1.3 研究内容与研究方法........................ 9 1.3.1 研究内容...... 9 1.3.2 研究方法.... 10 1.4 研究思路与逻辑框架.......................11 第 2 章 文献综述与理论基础................... 13 2.1 文献综述........... 13 2.1.1 旅游劳工移民的研究进展....... 13 2.1.2 社会氛围的研究进展............... 16 2.1.3 地方依恋的研究进展............... 18 2.1.4 公平感知的研究进展............... 20 2.1.5 价值共创在旅游研究中的进展.............................. 22 2.1.6 研究述

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