当下国内各欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展迅速,企业员工的工作和生活节奏加快,压力增大,导 致职业倦怠问题出现并迅速蔓延。职业倦怠除了会给员工自身带来身心方面的双 重负面影响外,还大大影响了他们的工作效率和工作状态,对企业和社会的可持 续发展也产生诸多不利影响。因此,关注职业倦怠问题,深入剖析职业倦怠的成 因和影响因素并积极寻求解决职业倦怠的应对策略势在必行。 银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司作为我国第三产业的重要组成部分,在金融业中一直处于主体地位, 银行员工尤其是银行柜员的职业倦怠问题也应得到重视。 本文以ZZ农商银行柜员作为研究对象,主要采用问卷调查法和访谈法,利 用SPSS对问卷数据进行描述性统计分析、单因素方差分析、多重比较分析,并 结合访谈内容分析,明确了ZZ农商银行柜员职业倦怠的表现症状,从个人、组 织和社会三个层面分析了职业倦怠的主要影响因素。本论文研究结果表明:ZZ农 商银行柜员整体处于中度职业倦怠水平。具体表现在:身体健康普遍存在问题; 情绪低落,心态消极;工作积极性较低,缺乏工作动力;自我价值感缺失。影响 ZZ农商银行柜员职业倦怠的主要因素有:个人层面的性别、年龄、工作年限、婚 姻状况和学历因素;组织层面的工作压力、工作环境、发展空间和组织公平因素; 社会层面的社会的变迁、客户的合作、柜员的地位和信任的缺失因素。 针对ZZ农商银行的具体情况和影响柜员职业倦怠的主要因素,本文分别从 个人层面、组织层面和社会层面提出了应对策略。多举并行,内外兼治,为解决 ZZ农商银行柜员职业倦怠问题提供切实可行的管理建议。 关键词:农商银行;职业倦怠;工作压力;信任缺失 V Abstract At present, with the rapid development of various industries in China, the work and life pace of employees in enterprises is accelerating and the pressure is increasing, which leads to the emergence and rapid spread of job burnout. Job burnout not only has a double negative impact on employees' physical and mental health, but also has a great impact on their work efficiency and working status, and has many negative effects on the sustainable development of enterprises and society. Therefore, it is imperative to pay attention to the phenomenon of job burnout, deeply analyze the causes of job burnout and actively seek countermeasures to solve job burnout. As an important part of the tertiary industry in China, the banking industry has been playing a leading role in the financial industry. Taking ZZ rural commercial bank tellers as the research object, mainly adopts questionnaire investigation and interview method, questionnaire data to make use of SPSS descriptive statistics analysis, single factor analysis of variance, multiple comparison analysis, and combining the interview content, has been clear about the ZZ rural commercial bank teller job burnout symptom, from three aspects: individual, organization and social analysis of the main influence factors. The research results of this paper show that the tellers in ZZ rural commercial bank are at the level of moderate job burnout. The concrete manifestation is: the body health universal existence question; Feeling low and negative; Low work enthusiasm, lack of work motivation; Low self- worth. The main factors affecting job burnout of tellers in ZZ rural commercial bank include: gender, age, working years, marital status and educational background at the individual level; Factors of working pressure, working environment, development space and organizational equity at the organizational level; Social change, customer cooperation, teller status and lack of trust. In view of the specific situation of ZZ rural commercial bank and the main factors affecting the job burnout of tellers, this paper proposes corresponding countermeasures from the individual level, the organizational level and the social level. It provides practical management suggestions to solve the job burnout of tellers in ZZ rural commercial bank.。。。。。。以下内容略