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更快更及时的了解互联网校招信息,请访问gointernetgo , 一起进军互联网,更有互联网前辈线上/线下分享交流 微信订阅号 PHP LAMP Engineer Test Paper Question 1 What does <? echo count ("123") ?> print out? A) 3 B) False C) Null D) 1 E) 0 Question 2 Which of the following snippets prints a representation of 42 with two decimal places? A) printf("%.2d\n", 42); B) printf("% 1.2f\n", 42); C) printf("%1.2u\n", 42); Question 3 Given $text = 'Content-Type: text/xml'; Which of the following prints 'text/xml'? A) print substr($text, strchr($text, ':')); B) print substr($text, strchr($text, ':') + 1); C) print substr($text, strpos($text, ':') + 1); D) print substr($text, strpos($text, ':') + 2); E) print substr($text, 0, strchr($text, ':') ???ü?????? gointernetgo Question 4 What is the value of $a? <?php $a = in_array('01', array('1')) == var_dump ('01' == 1); ?> A) True B) False Question 5 What is the value of $result in the following PHP code? <?php function timesTwo($int) { $int = $int * 2; } $int = 2; $result = timesTwo($int); ?>; Answer: NULL Question 6 The code below ___________ because ____________. C <?php class Foo { ?> <?php function bar() { print "bar"; } } ?> A) will work, class definitions can be split up into multiple PHP blocks. B) will not work, class definitions must be in a single PHP block. C) will not work, class definitions must be in a single file but can be in multiple PHP blocks. D) will work, class definitions can be split up into multiple files and multiple PHP blocks. ???ü?????? gointernetgo 更快更及时的了解互联网校招信息,请访问gointernetgo , 一起进军互联网,更有互联网前辈线上/线下分享交流 微信订阅号 ???ü?????? gointernetgo。。。。。。以下内容略

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