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当前,我国经济正处于经济结构调整、传统产业升级的重要发展阶段,政府投资基 金作为这一历史发展时期促进“新经济”快速发展,转变财政投入方式的重要工具,发 挥着重要的促进作用。客观来讲,我国政府投资基金目前在实际运作管理中仍存在多种 问题,导致资金使用效率较低。“募、投、管、退”是当前政府投资基金运作管理的关键 内容,明确政府投资基金运作管理中的问题并提出改善措施将有助于尽早发挥政府投资 基金推动产业升级转型的效能。 本文首先通过搜集国内外文献,分析总结政府投资基金运作管理相关理论研究内容, 然后从“募、投、管、退”的角度介绍 YUCT 政府投资基金的运作管理现状。接着采用 实地调研以及定性和定量等方法分析该基金运作管理中存在的问题及其成因,主要包括 对外募资渠道来源单一、投资体现的政策性属性有待提升、资金使用效率较低、专业化 投后管理水平不足以及退出方式较为单一等问题,同时也揭示了基金对外宣传不足、私 募股权投资市场不景气、基金绩效考核体系不合理、投资决策流程复杂、员工薪酬激励 机制不完善和投资人员相关专业背景经验不足等成因。最后结合该基金的实际情况, 从“募、投、管、退”等方面提出运作管理优化的建议,主要包括成立专业募资团队、 改善项目决策流程机制和基金绩效管理体系、完善投后管理相关制度流程、完善员工市 场化薪酬激励机制以及灵活安排多种退出机制等措施。同时也从智力保障、制度保障和 组织保障三方面提出了对于基金运作管理优化的保障措施。 本论文的研究成果对于 YUCT 政府投资基金未来运作管理的进一步优化发展提供 了方向,具有重要的现实意义,也对其它省市的政府投资基金的运作管理完善提供参考 和借鉴。 关键词:政府投资基金;基金运作管理;优化建议 IABSTRACT At present China’s economy is at an important stage of economic structural adjustment and traditional industries upgrading, government investment fund has played an important role in promoting the rapid development of the "New Economy" and changing the way of financial investment in this historical period of development. Objectively speaking, there are many problems in actual operation and management of the government investment fund, which leads to low usage efficiency of fund. “Fund raising, fund investment, post investment management and fund withdrawal” are key steps of current operation and management of government investment fund. Clarifying the problems during the operation and management of government investment fund and proposing optimization measures will help to play effectiveness of government investment fund in promoting industrial upgrading and transformation. Firstly, this article analyzed the relevant theories of government investment fund by collecting domestic and overseas literature. And then the article introduced the current operation management status of YUCT government investment fund from the perspectives of “Fund raising, fund investment, post investment management and fund withdrawal”. By using some methods such as the field work and qualitative and quantitative methods, the article analyzed the exiting problems and reasons,including the single financing channel, the policy attributes of investment need to be improved, low efficiency of fund usage, insufficient professional post-investment management level, and simple withdrawal method. This article also explained the relevant reasons, including insufficient publicity of the fund, poor market for PE investment, unreasonable fund performance evaluation system, complicated investment decision-making process, imperfect employee incentive mechanism and lack of relevant industry experience in PE background. Finally, this article proposed the relevant suggestion based on the actual situation of the fund, including the establishment of a professional fundraising team, improvement of the project decision-making process mechanism and fund performance management system, improvement of relevant procedures of post-investment management and employee salary incentive mechanism, and flexible arrangement of multiple withdrawal mechanisms. It also provided guarantee measures for the optimization of fund operation and management from the perspectives of intelligence, system and organization. This research results of this article provide directions for the optimization of the future operation and management of YUCT government investment fund, and have important practical significance. It also provides reference for the improvement of the operation and Imanagement of government investment funds in other provinces and cities. Key word:Government investment fund;Fund’s operation management, Optimization advice. II目 录 摘要.............I ABSTRACT ....I 图表清单.........I 第一章 绪论..1 1.1 研究背景及意义................ 1 1.1.1 研究背景..................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义..................... 4 1.2 文献综述............................ 5 1.2.1 国外文献综述............. 5 1.2.2 国内文献综述............. 6 1.2.3 文献述评..................... 9 1.3 研究内容与方法................ 9 1.3.1 研究内容..................... 9 1.3.2 研究方法................... 10 第二章 政府投资基金运作管理相关理论..............12 2.1 政府投资基金概念.......... 12 2.1.1 政府投资基金定义... 12 2.1.2 政府投资基金特点... 13 2.1.3 政府投资基金设立组织形式分类.......... 13 2.2 政府投资基金运作管理概念......................... 14 2.3 政府投资基金运作管理流程......................... 15 2.3.1 基金募资................... 15 2.3.2 基金投资................... 15 2.3.3 基金投后管理........... 18 2.3.4 基金退出................... 18 2.4 政府投资基金运作管理方式......................... 19 2.5 政府投资基金运作管理原则......................... 19 2.6 本章小结.......................... 19 I第三章 YUCT 政府投资基金运作管理现状..........20 3.1 YUCT 政府投资基金概况 .............................. 20 3.1.1 基金组建方案概述... 20 3.1.2 基金组织形式........... 21 3.2 YUCT 政府投资基金运作管理情况 .............. 23 3.2.1 基金募资................... 23 3.2.2 基金投资................... 25 3.2.3 基金投后管理........... 29 3.2.4 基金退出................... 29 3.3 本章小结.......................... 31 第四章 YUCT 政府投资基金运作管理存在的问题和成因.................32 4.1 YUCT 政府投资基金运作管理存在的问题 .. 32 4.1.1 基金募资方面存在的问题...................... 32 4.1.2 基金投资方面存在的问题...................... 34 4.1.3 基金投后管理方面存在的问题.............. 37 4.1.4 基金退出方面存在的问题...................... 38 4.2 YUCT 政府投资基金运作管理存在的问题的原因分析 ............. 39 4.2.1 基金募资方面存在问题的原因.............. 39 4.2.2 基金投资方面存在问题的原因.............. 41 4.2.3 基金投后管理方面存在问题的原因...... 44 4.2.4 基金退出方面存在问题的原因.............. 46 4.3 本章小结.......................... 46 第五章 YUCT 政府投资基金运作管理优化的建议和保障性措施.....48 5.1 基金募资方面问题的建议............................. 48 5.1.1 成立专业募资团队加大对外宣传力度.. 48 5.1.2 积极采取措施应对政策环境变化.......... 49 5.2 基金投资方面问题的建议............................. 50 5.2.1 改善项目决策流程机制........................... 50 5.2.2 改善基金绩效管理体系.......................... 52 5.2.3 科学规划基金投向... 53 II5.2.4 制定风险补偿和让利机制...................... 55 5.3 基金投后管理问题方面的建议..................... 56 5.3.1 完善投后管理相关部门职责及制度流程............................. 56 5.3.2 完善员工市场化薪酬激励机制.............. 58 5.4 基金退出问题方面的建议............................. 60 5.4.1 积极对接资源争取实现 IPO 退出 ......... 60 5.4.2 对接龙头企业寻找并购退出通道.......... 61 5.4.3 设定股权回购退出机制.......................... 61 5.4.4 争取优先退出清偿等安排...................... 62 5.5 YUCT 政府投资基金运作管理优化的保障性措施 ..................... 62 5.5.1 智力保障................... 62 5.5.2 制度保障................... 63 5.5.3 组织保障................... 63 5.6 本章小结.......................... 64 结 论..........65。。。。。。以下内容略

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