近年来,随着整个市场经济增速的放缓,部分领域经济呈现下行趋势。 受整体环境的影响,客户的收入水平下降,还款能力不稳定导致信用卡不 良资
产增加,银行信用卡资产质量下降。 中国银行兰州城关支行是甘肃省分行位于省会兰州的六大中心支行之 一,独立考核、自负盈亏。近几年,城关支行的信用卡资产质量不断下
行, 不良资产占比提高,银行利润受到严重的影响。 本文以中国银行兰州城关支行为研究对象,以大量国内外相关理论和 文献研究为基础,剖析了城关支行信用卡资产质量发展
现状,通过问卷调 查和人员访谈,进一步找出在信用卡资产管理中存在的问题并分析原因。 运用全面质量管理理论运用到城关支行信用卡资产质量管理全流程,运用 流程图和效
用函数,从增加授信总额和降低不良资产两个角度出发,并结 合存在的问题,对城关支行信用卡资产质量管理提出了五条改进意见:第 一,整体管理上,通过优化考核结构完善
信用卡资产质量管理体系。第二, 人员管理上,通过合理配置、部门联动和学习培训来明确岗位职责。第三, 客户管理上,建立客户档案、实行“首发卡”负责制、加强信用卡
活动来 刺激客户消费识别潜在风险。第四,操作流程上,通过运用效用函数做好 风险识别、规范客户准入以及逾期客户分类管理来细化具体操作。第五, 运用 PDCA 循环法检验
全面质量管理是否取得预期效果,并及时做出调整。 为了确保具体的建议达到良好的效果,又从人员考核、财务和活动上给予 保障。 通过本论文的研究,不仅可以为中国银行兰
州城关支行信用卡资产质 量管理存在的问题找到解决方案,而且对整个中国银行甘肃省分行乃至于 对同类银行的信用卡资产质量管理提供新的解决思路及参考意见,具有一 定的
借鉴意义。 关键词:信用卡资产,资产质量管理,中国银行MBA 学位论文 作者:马于钦 中国银行兰州城关支行信用卡资产质量管理改进研究 III RESEARCH ON CREDIT CARD
ASSET QUALITY MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT OF BANK OF CHINA LANZHOU CHENGGUAN SUB-BRANCH Abstract In recent years, with the slowdown of the overall market economy,
some sectors of the economy showed a downward trend. Affected by the overall environment, the income level of customers declines, and the unstable repayment
ability leads to the increase of non-performing assets of credit cards, and the quality of bank credit card assets declines. Bank of China Lanzhou Chengguan
Sub-branch is one of the six central sub-branches of Gansu Branch located in lanzhou, the capital of gansu province. In recent years, the credit card asset
quality of Chengguan branch continues to decline, the proportion of non-performing assets increases, and bank profits are seriously affected. This thesis
takes Bank of China Lanzhou Chengguan Branch as the research object, based on a large number of relevant theories and literature research at home and abroad,
analyzes the status quo of credit card asset quality development in Chengguan Branch, and further finds out the existing problems in credit card asset
management and analyzes the reasons through questionnaire survey and personnel interview. Use of total quality management theory into the city branch credit
asset quality management the whole process, using flow chart and the utility function, increase the total amount of credit and reduce bad assets two Angle,
and combining the existing problems, and puts forward five chengguan branch credit card asset quality management improvement opinions: first, the overall
management, by optimizing the structure to improve the quality management system for credit card assets. Secondly, in terms of personnel management, the
position responsibilities are clarified through rational allocation, department linkage and learning and training. Third, customer management, the
establishment of customer files, the implementationMBA 学位论文 作者:马于钦 中国银行兰州城关支行信用卡资产质量管理改进研究 IV of the "first card"
responsibility system, strengthen credit card activities to stimulate customer consumption to identify potential risks. Fourthly, in terms of the operation
process, the utility function is used to do a good job in risk identification, standardize customer access and classify and manage overdue customers to
refine specific operations. Fifth, the PDCA cycle method is used to test whether TQM has achieved the expected results and make timely adjustments. In order
to ensure that specific recommendations achieve good results, personnel assessment, finance and activities are guaranteed. Through the study of this thesis,
not only for lanzhou city branch of Bank of China credit card asset quality management problems existing in the solution, and similar to the bank of China,
gansu province branch credit card asset quality management to provide a new solution and reference opinion, has a certain reference significance. Key words:
Credit Card Assets,Asset Quality Management, Bank of ChinaMBA 学位论文 作者:马于钦 中国银行兰州城关支行信用卡资产质量管理改进研究 V 目 录 中文摘要··II
Abstract III 第一章 绪论·················1 1.1 研究背景与意义················ 1 1.1.1 研究背景··1 1.1.2 研究意义··2 1.2
研究内容与思路················ 3 1.2.1 研究内容··3 1.2.2 研究思路··4 1.3 研究方法与工具················ 5 1.3.1 研究方法
··5 1.3.2 研究工具··6 第二章 相关理论与政策法规··············7 2.1 相关概念界定··7 2.1.1 信用卡资产·················7
2.1.2 信用卡资产质量···········8 2.2 资产质量管理主要理论与方法················ 9 2.2.1 资产质量理论··············9
2.2.2 全面质量管理理论······ 10 2.2.3 资产五级分类法········· 11 2.3 国内外信用卡资产质量管理研究综述······13 2.3.1 国内信用卡资产质量管
理研究综述···13 2.3.2 国外信用卡资产质量管理研究综述···13 2.4 我国现行相关政策法规······14 第三章 中国银行兰州城关支行信用卡资产质量管理现状与分
析···16MBA 学位论文 作者:马于钦 中国银行兰州城关支行信用卡资产质量管理改进研究 VI 3.1 中国银行兰州城关支行简介16 3.2 城关支行信用卡资产质量管理现状分析·
··17 3.2.1 综合指标完成情况······ 18 3.2.2 逾期客户机构和欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司分布···············20 3.2.3 人员管理现状············ 21 3.3
信用卡客户问卷调查·········22 3.3.1 问卷信度分析············ 22 3.3.2 问卷效度分析············ 23 3.3.3 差异性分析·····
·········· 24 3.4 焦点人员访谈26 3.5 存在的问题···27 3.5.1 信用卡资产质量管理体系缺失·········27 3.5.2 人员管理制度不健全··· 28
3.5.3 信用卡资产质量管理流程不规范······28 3.5.4 客户缺乏消费积极性··· 29 3.6 问题的成因···30 3.6.1 未形成完善的内部考核制度··········
··30 3.6.2 缺乏全面资产质量管理体系············30 3.6.3 管理者质量管理意识薄弱···············30 3.6.4 信用卡客户管理工作不到位·
···········31 第四章 中国银行兰州城关支行信用卡资产管理改进策略············32 4.1 完善考核机制构建全面质量管理体系······ 32
4.1.1 明确机构指标细化内部考核制度······32 4.1.2 业绩履职相结合规范人员考核体系···32 4.2 明确岗位分工健全人员管理制度·········· 33 4.2.1
个人金融部成立专职信用卡催收团队33 4.2.2 风险管理部负责对信用卡进行初审···33 4.2.3 做好员工警示教育防范道德风险······33 4.2.4 建立以人为本的管理文化
···············34 4.3 规范重点环节操作流程化解潜在风险····34 4.3.1 引用效用函数识别潜在风险············34MBA 学位论文 作者:马
于钦 中国银行兰州城关支行信用卡资产质量管理改进研究 VII 4.3.2 运用标准化流程图规范客户准入······35 4.3.3 借鉴资产五级分类法做好逾期资产质量管理····
·····36 4.4 做好客户管理活跃信用卡消费市场·········40 4.4.1 建立客户档案及时发现风险············40 4.4.2 实行“首发卡”负责制对客户
进行全流程管理······41 4.4.3 利用信用卡相关活动刺激客户刷卡消费···············41 4.5 运用 PDCA 循环法按月把控全面质量管理工作进程···
····43 4.5.1 PLAN 计划阶段············43 4.5.2 DO 行动阶段···············44 4.5.3 CHECK 检查阶段··········44 4.5.4
ACTION 执行阶段········ 44 第五章 预期效果与保障措施···········