电子商务的发展是社会发展的需要,也是经济飞速发展的有力途径。对于 农业生产、农副产品等企业来说,借助电子商务这个新兴的领域,实现“互联 网+”是自身发展的一个重要契机。如何进入“互联网+”这个领域,如何开拓, 采取什么样的发展战略,如何借助自身的优势和外部的条件,改善自身的劣势, 避开外部的威胁,保持健康快速发展,以实现战略目标,促进企业与世界接轨, 确保企业的可持续发展是一个重要的课题。 当前,农副产品电子商务正处于一个加速发展的阶段。基于此,本文以 XS 农副产品公司为研究对象,通过文献收集、阅读、整理等方式,实地调查法及 深度访谈等方法,运用 PEST 战略分析方法分析了农副产品电子商务欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司宏观 环境,同时采用波特五力模型分析了农副产品电子商务的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争力。另外, 通过内部环境分析,对 XS 农副产品公司当前企业的运营现状,如资产资源、 财务状况、物流建设、人力资源及电商运营情况等进行深入分析。根据 XS 农 副产品公司内外部环境,通过 SWOT 分析对 XS 农副产品公司的优势、劣势、 机遇和威胁进行归纳总结,得出四种备选发展战略(即:SO 战略、ST 战略、 WO 战略、WT 战略),利用 QSPM 矩阵进行量化评价,采用相对客观的权重评 分和吸引力评分,最终选择得分最高的 ST 战略为 XS 农副产品公司电子商务的 最优发展战略,最后在此基础上分析了 XS 农副产品公司电子商务发展战略的 实施方案,研究制定该企业电子商务发展战略的保障性措施。 本文希望以 XS 农副产品公司电子商务发展为借鉴,为我国广大农产品公 司发展电子商务提供新的发展思路,同时为政府部门、金融机构等相关部门如 何服务现代化农业事业提供参考价值。 关键词:农副产品 电子商务 SWOT 发展战略II Abstract The development of e-commerce is not only the need of social development, but also a powerful way of rapid economic development. For agricultural production, agricultural and sideline products and other enterprises, the "Internet plus" is an important opportunity for their development through the emerging field of e-commerce. How to enter the field of "Internet plus", how to develop, adopt what kind of development strategy, how to improve its own inferiority by avoiding its external threats and keeping healthy and rapid development with the help of its own advantages and external conditions, so as to achieve the strategic goal, promote the integration of enterprises with the world, and ensure the sustainable development of enterprises is an important topic. At present, e-commerce of agricultural and sideline products is in a stage of accelerating development. Based on this, this paper takes XS agricultural and sideline products company as the research object, analyzes the macro environment of agricultural and sideline products e-commerce industry by using PEST strategic analysis method through literature collection, reading, sorting, field investigation and in-depth interviews, and analyzes the competitiveness of agricultural and sideline products e-commerce industry by using Porter five force model. In addition, through the analysis of internal environment, the paper analyzes the current operation status of XS agricultural and sideline products company, such as asset resources, financial status, logistics construction, human resources and e-commerce operation. According to the internal and external environment of XS agricultural and sideline products company, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of XS agricultural and sideline products company are summarized through SWOT analysis, and four alternative development strategies (i.e. SO strategy, ST strategy, WO strategy and WT strategy) are obtained. QSPM matrix is used for quantitative evaluation, and relative objective weight score and attraction score are used to select the ST strategy with the highest score. It is the best development strategy of XSIII agricultural and sideline products company's e-commerce. Finally, it analyzes the implementation plan of XS agricultural and sideline products company's e-commerce development strategy, and studies the safeguard measures to formulate the enterprise's e-commerce development strategy. This paper hopes to take XS agricultural and sideline products company's e-commerce development as a reference, to provide new development ideas for the majority of agricultural companies in China to develop e-commerce, and to provide reference value for the government departments, financial institutions and other relevant departments on how to serve the cause of modern agriculture. Keywords: Agricultural and sideline products E-commerce SWOT Development StrategyV 目录 第 1 章 绪论 .......................................................1 1.1 研究背景和意义...............................................1 1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................1 1.1.2 选题意义 ................................................1 1.2 国内外相关研究现状...........................................2 1.2.1 国外文献综述 ............................................2 1.2.2 国内文献综述 ............................................3 1.3 研究内容.....................................................6 1.4 研究方法及技术路线...........................................6 1.4.1 文献研究法 ..............................................6 1.4.2 访谈调查法 ..............................................6 1.4.3 技术路线图 ..............................................7 1.5 本文的特色与创新.............................................7 第 2 章 相关概念和理论基础 .........................................8 2.1 相关概念.....................................................8 2.1.1 农副产品 ................................................8 2.1.2 电子商务 ................................................8 2.1.3 电子商务模式 ............................................9 2.1.4 战略管理 ................................................9 2.2 理论基础....................................................10 2.2.1 SWOT ...................................................10 2.2.2 波特五力模型 ...........................................10 2.2.3 PEST 分析法 ............................................11 2.2.4 定量战略计划矩阵(QSPM 矩阵)...........................11 第 3 章 XS 农副产品公司内外部环境分析..............................13 3.1 XS 农副产品公司宏观环境分析(PEST) .........................13VI 3.1.1 政策因素 ...............................................13 3.1.2 经济因素 ...............................................13 3.1.3 社会因素 ...............................................14 3.1.4 技术因素 ...............................................15 3.2 国内农副产品电子商务欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展现状............................16 3.2.1 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展现状 ...........................................16 3.2.2 市场规模 ...............................................17 3.2.3 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争环境波特五力模型分析 ...........................17 3.3 XS 农副产品公司内部环境分析 .................................19 3.3.1 XS 农副产品公司概况.....................................19 3.3.2 XS 农副产品公司主营业务与营收情况.......................19 3.3.3 XS 农副产品公司现有资源状况.............................20 3.4 XS 农副产品公司电子商务发展现状和存在问题 ...................23 3.4.1 发展现状 ...............................................23 3.4.2 存在问题 ...............................................24 第 4 章 XS 农副产品公司电子商务发展的战略分析和选择................27 4.1 XS 农副产品公司电子商务发展的 SWOT 分析 ......................27 4.1.1 优势分析 ...............................................27 4.1.2 劣势分析 ...............................................29 4.1.3 机会分析 ...............................................30 4.1.4 威胁分析 ...............................................31 4.2 XS 农副产品公司电子商务的战略选择 ...........................33 4.3 运用 QSPM 矩阵评价与选择.....................................35 4.4 XS 农副产品公司电子商务发展战略目标 .........................39 第 5 章 XS 农副产品公司电子商务战略的实施和保障措施................41 5.1 XS 农副产品公司电子商务战略的实施 ...........................41 5.1.1 降低配送成本,提升配送时效,增加消费便利性 .............41 5.1.2 发展冷链物流和区块链溯源系统,保证食品安全性 ...........42 5.1.3 推进标准化生产,打通线上线下通道,提升消费体