快速变迁的技术与市场环境对企业资源与能力提出更高要求,促使企业创新模式从 封闭转向开放。以企业为核心形成的创新生态系统,聚合了多元化的参与者,凭借异质 性创新资源的组合与合作创新的协同效应,实现超越个体累积的共同价值目标。然而目 前我国在培育企业创新生态系统过程中,未能发挥出群体价值共创的作用,导致一些企 业参与创新生态系统的积极性以及参与程度不足,影响了创新生态系统的健康发展。而 探讨创新生态系统中价值共创对企业创新绩效的影响,对于提高企业参与创新生态系统 活动的主动性和积极性,以及促进创新生态系统的良性发展有着重要的理论和实际意 义。 本文以创新生态系统、价值共创、资源互动等理论为指导,通过实证分析揭示创新 生态系统视角下价值共创对企业创新绩效的影响作用,有助于创新生态系统内企业明晰 群体价值共创与个体企业创新绩效之间关系,从而提升企业参与价值共创的积极性与参 与程度,促进企业创新绩效提升与创新生态系统的良性发展。本文首先采用扎根理论法 建构创新生态系统视角下企业创新绩效影响因素理论架构;引入创新资源互动和关系纽 带脆韧性为中介概念、生态系统规范机制为调节概念,以创新生态系统为研究视角,梳 理价值共创、创新资源互动、关系纽带脆韧性、生态系统规范机制、企业创新绩效等概 念之间的关系,提出研究假设并构建理论模型;以我国创新生态系统内企业作为研究样 本,运用结构方程模型实证分析创新生态系统视角下价值共创对企业创新绩效的影响作 用机制。其次,采用系统动力学方法,动态分析创新生态系统视角下价值共创对企业创 新绩效的影响作用,探索企业创新绩效在价值共创的影响下会随时间迁移呈现何种变 化。最后,基于上述实证结果,对促进创新生态系统发展以及提高企业创新绩效提出对 策建议。 关键词:创新生态系统;价值共创;企业创新绩效;系统动力学 创新生态系统视角下价值共创对企业创新绩效的影响研究 ABSTRACT The rapidly changing technology and market environment place higher requirements on enterprises’ resources and capabilities, which prompts the company's innovation model to move from closed to open. The innovation ecosystem formed by the core of the enterprise brings together diverse participants. It leverages heterogeneous innovation resources and the synergy effect of cooperative innovation to achieve the common value goal beyond individual accumulation. However, at present, China's innovation ecosystem is developing slowly. The unclear relationship between group value co-creation and individual innovation performance has led to a low degree of enthusiasm and poor participation in the enterprise, which seriously restricts the development of the enterprise. Therefore, exploring how value co-creation in the innovation ecosystem affects the innovation performance of enterprises has important theoretical and pratical significance for improve the innovation performance of enterprises in the innovation ecosystem and promote the healthy and sustainable development of enterprises. Based on related theories such as the innovation ecosystem theory, value co-creation theory and resource interaction theory, this paper reveals the impact of value co-creation on the innovation performance of enterprises from the perspective of the innovation ecosystem through empirical research. It can help enterprises in innovation ecosystem clear the relationship of cluster value co-creation and individual innovation performance so that enhance the enthusiasm and participation of enterprises in value co-creation, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the innovation ecosystem. Firstly, this article constucts the theoretical framework of the factors affecting the enterprise innovation performance from the perspective of innovation ecosystem by ground theory. The innovation resource interaction, brittleness-toughness of relation tie are introduced as the intermediary concept, and the ecosystem regulation mechanism is the adjustment concept. According to analyzing the relationship of those concepts, this paper builds the theoretical model from the perspective of innovation ecosystem. Taking China’s enterprises in the 哈尔滨工程大学硕士学位论文 innovation ecosystem as research samples, this paper uses the structural equation model to verify the effect mechanism of value co-creation on enterprise innovation performance from the perspective of innovation ecosystem. Secondly, this article uses theory of system dynamics to construct a system dynamics model of value co-creation influencing corporate innovation performance from the perspective of the innovation ecosystem, and explores the changing trends of enterprises innovation performance over time under the influence of value co-creation. Finally, based on the empirical results, this article puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for promoting the development of the innovation ecosystem and improving corporate innovation performance. Key words: innovation ecosystem; value co-creation; enterprise innovation performance; system dynamics 创新生态系统视角下价值共创对企业创新绩效的影响研究 目 录 第1章 绪论.....................1 1.1 论文的研究背景、目的及意义........1 1.1.1 研究背景...1 1.1.2 研究目的和意义......................2 1.2 国内外研究现状.3 1.2.1 国外研究现状..........................3 1.2.2 国内研究现状..........................5 1.2.3 国内外研究现状综述..............7 1.3 论文的研究内容和研究方法............7 1.3.1 研究内容...7 1.3.2 研究方法.10 1.4 论文的创新之处..............................11 第2章 相关理论基础与创新生态系统视角下企业创新绩效的影响因素分析....13 2.1 创新生态系统...13 2.1.1 创新生态系统的内涵............13 2.1.2 创新生态系统视角的解读....14 2.2 价值共创...........15 2.2.1 价值共创的内涵....................15 2.2.2 价值共创的维度....................17 2.3 企业创新绩效...18 2.3.1 企业创新绩效的内涵............18 2.3.2 企业创新绩效的维度............19 2.4 基于扎根理论的创新生态系统视角下企业创新绩效影响因素分析........20 2.4.1 扎根理论方法与适用性分析21 2.4.2 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司选择与收集....................22 2.4.3 扎根理论分析过程................23 2.4.4 扎根理论的研究发现............27 2.5 创新生态系统视角下价值共创影响企业创新绩效的过程因素分析........30 2.5.1 创新资源互动........................32 2.5.2 关系纽带脆韧性....................33 哈尔滨工程大学硕士学位论文 2.5.3 生态系统规范机制................34 2.6 本章小结...........35 第3章 创新生态系统视角下价值共创对企业创新绩效影响的研究假设与理论模 型......37 3.1 创新生态系统视角下价值共创与企业创新绩效.........37 3.1.1 创新生态系统视角下对话与企业创新绩效.......37 3.1.2 创新生态系统视角下渠道/获取与企业创新绩效............................38 3.1.3 创新生态系统视角下风险评估与企业创新绩效..............................39 3.1.4 创新生态系统视角下透明度与企业创新绩效...39 3.2 创新资源互动的中介作用..............40 3.2.1 创新生态系统视角下创新资源互动与企业创新绩效关系分析......40 3.2.2 创新生态系统视角下价值共创与创新资源互动关系分析..............41 3.3 关系纽带脆韧性的中介作用..........43 3.3.1 创新生态系统视角下关系纽带脆韧性与企业创新绩效关系分析..43 3.3.2 创新生态系统视角下价值共创与关系纽带脆韧性关系分析..........44 3.4 生态系统规范机制的调节作用......44 3.5 理论模型...........45 3.6 本章小结...........46 第4章 创新生态系统视角下价值共创对企业创新绩效影响的研究设计............48 4.1 变量测量...........48 4.1.1 价值共创的测量....................48 4.1.2 企业创新绩效的测量............49 4.1.3 创新资源互动的测量............49 4.1.4 关系纽带脆韧性的测量........50 4.1.5 生态系统规范机制的测量....52 4.2 样本选择与问卷调查......................52 4.3 预测试检验.......53 4.3.1 价值共创.53 4.3.2 企业创新绩效........................55 4.3.3 创新资源互动........................56 4.3.4 关系纽带脆韧性....................57 创新生态系统视角下价值共创对企业创新绩效的影响研究 4.3.5 生态系统规范机制................58 4.4 数据获取与描述性统计分析..........59 4.5 本章小结...........61 第5章 创新生态系统视角下价值共创对企业创新绩效影响的实证研究............62 5.1 问卷信度和效度检验......................62 5.1.1 问卷信度检验........................62 5.1.2 问卷效度检验........................63 5.1.3 同源偏差检验........................68 5.2 结构方程模型检验..........................69 5.2.1创新生态系统视角下价值共创与企业创新绩效的直接关系检验...69 5.2.2创新生态系统视角下价值共创与企业创新绩效的整体模