农村商业银行是我国金融体系的重要组成部分,由辖内居民、个体工商户、企业法人和其 他经济组织等共同入股组成的股份制地方性金融机构。农村
商业银行由农村合作社和农村合作 银行改制而来,这也决定了农村商业银行以存款和贷款为核心业务,存贷利差收入为主要盈利 来源。随着近年来我国利率市场化改革逐步推进
,央行多次降准降息,存贷利差不断虽小,对 农村商业银行赖以生存的运营模式产生深度冲击,主动思变在农村商业银行体系中凸显。 在H农村商业银行存在的县域,邮政储蓄及
邮政银行是主要竞争对手,但总体未对H农村 商业银行产生太大的压力。但近年来一是H农村商业银行规模性业务拓展模式不可维持,二是 在市区一级股份制商业银行同质化竞争
激烈,三是受经济大环境下行影响,对公业务拓展受限, 且风险系数增加。伴随着十九大乡村振兴战略的提出,竞争不充分的农村市场成为大中型股份 制银行的蓝海。仅2018年
,H农村商业银行所在的县域就新增了民生银行和南京银行,利用产 品优势对市场展开激烈争夺,同时四大国有银行也加大了对三农贷款的投放,农村市场竞争进 入白热化。 论
文梳理了国内外商业银行零售业务发展及优秀商业银行零售业务发展的实践;分析了H 农村商业银行重点业务发展现状及重点业务转型必要性;从企业战略管理的视角,分析了H农
村商业银行重点业务转型方向,明确了H农村商业银行重点业务向零售业务转型的定位;以市 场营销理论为依据,研究了H农村商业银行重点业务转型的实施,制定了适合H农村商
业银行 向零售业务转型的方案及实施保障措施。从战略视角研究H农村商业银行重点业务转型,从市 场营销视角落实H农村商业银行重点业务转型研究,研究结论对H农村商业银行
长期发展具有 实用价值。 关键词:农商银行;企业战略;市场营销;零售业务 H农村商业银行重点业务转型研究 II ABSTRACT Rural Commercial Bank is an important part
of China's financial system. The bank is a joint-stock local financial institution, with shares held mainly by residents, individual industrial and
commercial households, corporate legal persons, and other economic organizations. Rural commercial bank is restructured from Rural Cooperatives and Rural
Cooperative Bank, which determines that its core business comes from deposits and loans, resulting in main source of profit from interest spread between
deposits and loans. With the gradual advancement of revolution of China's interest rate marketization in recent years, the Central Bank has repeatedly
cut interest rates and required reserve ratios, leading to continuously reduce the spread between deposits and loans. It has a profound impact on the
operating model that Rural Commercial Bank depends on, and proactive thinking has become prominent in the rural commercial bank system. In the counties where
H Rural Commercial Bank exists, Postal Savings and Postal Bank are the main competitors, but they generally do not exert much pressure on H Rural Commercial
Bank. However, H Rural Commercial Bank has been under a ridiculous amount of pressure in recent years. First, the business expansion model of H bank's
large-scale characteristics is unsustainable; second, the homogeneity competition in joint-stock commercial banks in urban areas is abnormally fierce; and
finally, due to the downward impact of the economic environment, the expansion of public business is limited, and the risk factor increases. With the
development of the 19th CPC National Congress's strategy for revitalizing the countryside, the insufficiently competitive rural market has become a blue
ocean for large and medium-sized joint-stock banks. In 2018, Minsheng Bank and Nanjing Bank has extended their business in the county where H Rural
Commercial Bank is located. They used their product advantages to compete fiercely for the market. Meanwhile, the four major state-owned banks have also
increased their investment in agriculture, rural areas and farmers, which make the competition in the rural market increasingly day-to-day. This paper combs
the development of retail business of domestic and foreign commercial banks and the practice of the development of retail business of excellent commercial
banks; analyzes the development status quo and the necessity of key business transformation of H rural commercial bank; from the perspective of corporate
strategic management, analyzes the direction of transformation H rural commercial bank's key business, and clears the positioning of H rural commercial
bank's transformation from key business to retail businessdevelopment. Based on the marketing theory, the implementation of H rural commercial bank's
key business transformation has been studied. A 南京航空航天大学硕士研究生论文 III suitable scheme and implementing safe guards for H rural commercial
bank's transformation to retail business have been developed. This paper studies the transformation of H rural commercial bank's key business from a
strategic point view, and implements the research of the transformation of H rural commercial bank's key business from a marketing perspective. The
research conclusion has practical value for H rural commercial bank's long-term development. Keywords: Rural Commercial Bank, Corporate Strategy,
Strategy Transition,Retail 南京航空航天大学硕士研究生论文 V 目 录 第一章 绪论 .............. 1 1.1研究背景 .. 1 1.2国内外研究与实践综述情况 .. 3 1.2.1国内外
关于企业战略管理的研究现状 ...... 3 1.2.2国内外关于商业银行零售业务研究现状 .. 4 1.2.3国内外关于商业银行转型的研究现状 ...... 6 1.3研究内容与研究方法
.............. 7 1.3.1 研究内容...................... 7 1.3.2 研究方法...................... 8 1.3.3技术路线图 ................... 8 第二章 银行零售业务研究
相关理论 .... 10 2.1企业发展战略理论 ................ 10 2.2商业银行营销理论 ................ 10 2.3银行零售业务概述 ................ 10 2.4国内银行零售业务
的最新发展 ........................... 11 2.4.1 国内商业银行零售业务的新特点 ........... 11 2.4.2 国内商业银行代表性零售新产品 ........... 12 2.5 H农村商业银
行零售业务界定 ........................... 13 第三章 H农村商业银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务现状分析 ............................. 14 3.1 H农村商业银行发展现状分析
........................... 14 3.1.1 三年来的总体发展 .. 14 3.1.2 2019年经营状况 ..... 15 3.1.3 H农村商业银行资产负债指标分析 ..... 17 3.1.4 H农村商业银行贷
款分析 ..................... 18 3.2 H农村商业银行重点业务现状分析 ................... 20 3.3 H农村商业银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务存在的问题及原因分析 ... 21 第四章 H农村商业银
行基于战略的重点业务转型分析 . 23 4.1 H农村商业银行发展机遇与挑战 ....................... 23 4.1.1发展机遇..................... 23 H农村商业银行重点业务转型
研究 VI 4.1.2 挑战 ......................... 24 4.2 H农村商业银行发展战略 .... 24 4.2.1指导思想..................... 24 4.2.2发展目标..................... 25
4.2.3总体战略..................... 25 4.3业务发展规划........................ 25 4.3.1 零售金融业务规划 .... 25 4.3.2 公司金融业务规划 .... 26 4.3.3 资金市场
业务规划 .... 27 4.3.4 互联网金融业务规划 28 4.4 H农村商业银行重点业务转型定位 ................... 29 4.4.1市场定位..................... 29 4.4.2客户定位与拓
展 ......... 30 4.5 H农村商业银行重点业务转向可行性分析 ....... 31 第五章 H农村商业银行重点业务转型实施 ..................... 32 5.1构建适应重点业务转型的组
织架构 ................... 32 5.1.1组织机构设计 ............. 32 5.1.2组织机构调整 ............. 33 5.2提升适应重点业务转型的营销能力 ................... 34
5.2.1提高营销管理能力 ..... 34 5.2.2以客户为中心的获客、活客、留客能力 36 5.2.3差异化产品设计能力 . 37 5.2.4提升市场竞争力的渠道能力 .................... 37
5.2.5推动营销服务能力提升 ............................ 38 5.2.6以活动为动力,调动全员营销积极性 .... 38 5.3设计适应重点业务转型的创新产品 ...................
38 5.3.1大数据精准营销平台 . 38 5.3.2整村授信..................... 39 5.3.3天添惠盈系列存款产品 ............................ 40 5.3.4网格商
户..................... 40 5.3.5惠民e贷 ..................... 41 5.3.6“智、惠、润、泽”四大产品体系 ......... 41 南京航空航天大学硕士研究生论文 VII 5.4 H农
村商业银行重点业务转型保障措施 ........... 41 5.4.1人力资源保障 ............. 42 5.4.2绩效管理保障 ............. 42 5.4.3风险管理保障 .........