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这项研究的目的是调查全球化对中国西安教育服务业中组织文化某些关键维度的影响。 使用改编的组织文化评估工具问卷(OCAI)和相关性研究来衡 量全球化程度对组织文化某 些关键维度的影响。 本文的第一部分涵盖了对先前文献的分析,隐含了五个小节,涉及本文的两个关键变 量,即全球化和组织文化。 文献综述和调 查结果均提供了有关中国组织文化以及全球化 对企业文化的影响的见解. 实证研究包括两个部分,首先是采用适应性组织文化评估工具(OCAI)。 目的是确 定中国西安市教育服 务业中的主导文化。 鉴于 OCAI 可以确定组织的文化类型,文化类型 的强度,整个组织中文化类型的相似性。 此外,改编的 OCAI 包含五个问题(即主要特征, 组织领导力, 员工管理,战略重点,成功标准)。 每个问题都有四个备选方案( A =氏族, B =专制,C =市场,D =等级制)。从评估结果中,选择了优势文化的四个维度。 实证研究的 第二 部分暗示了一项相关研究,以衡量全球化对主导文化的选定关键维度的影响,即: 竞 争力,组织胶合,客户导向,工作与生活失衡。 关键词:全球化,组织文化问卷, OCAI, 组织文化的关键方面,CVF。III Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of Globalization on selected key dimensions of Organizational Culture in the educational services industry in Xi’an, China. Using The adapted Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument questionnaire (OCAI) and a Correlation study to measure the impact of the Degree of Globalization on selected key dimensions of Organizational Culture. The first section of this thesis covers an analysis of the previous literatures, implying 5 Subsections about the two key variables of this thesis, Globalization and Organizational Culture. Both The literature review and the findings provide an insight about Organizational Culture in China and the impact of Globalization on Corporate Culture. The Empirical study involves two parts, initiating with The adapted Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). The purpose was to identify the current dominant culture in the Educational service industry in Xi’an, China. Given that The OCAI identifies the culture type of the organization, the strength of the culture type, resemblance of culture types across the organization. Moreover, the adapted OCAI consists of five questions (i.e., Dominant Characteristics, Organizational Leadership, Management of Employees, Strategic Emphases, Success Criteria). Each question has four alternatives (A=Clan, B=Adhocracy, C=Market, D=Hierarchy). From the assessment results, four dimensions of the dominant culture were selected. The second part of the Empirical study implies a correlational study to measure the impact of Globalization on selected key dimensions of the dominant culture, namely: Competitiveness, Organizational glue, Customer orientation, Work-Life Imbalance.。。。。。。以下内容略

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