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中国与东盟国家比邻而居,东盟由新加坡、泰国、越南、文莱、柬埔 寨、印度尼西亚、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾十个国家组成,是“一 带一路 ”建设的重要地区,是“一带一路”沿线国家与中国贸易最密切的 地区。2020年上半年,东盟已经成为中国第一大贸易伙伴。近年,世界经 济形势的越来越不确定,中美贸易战 使国际金融市场变得更加敏感与脆弱。 新冠疫情的影响,更加剧了全球经济的下滑,在此背景下,加强与东盟国 家的经贸合作,推进与东盟国家的跨境贸易人民币结算进程,对 于人民币 国际化的发展是至关重要的。 本文梳理了现有跨境贸易人民币结算的研究文献,认为研究跨境贸易 人民结算的理论基础在于货币国际化、汇率风险防范和铸币税理论; 跨境 贸易人民币结算的影响因素主要包含:贸易商的议价能力、计价结算货币 的使用便利性、币值的稳定性、国际货币体系与金融市场习惯等方面。 通过收集与分析中国对东盟 国家跨境贸易人民币结算的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司与数据, 本文认为现阶段东盟国家跨境贸易人民币结算占比较低,发展较为缓慢, 其主要成因在于东盟国家的货币使用惯性和东盟国家跨境贸易 人民币结算 便利性较差。据此,本文提出了通过实施激励措施改变东盟国家货币的使 用惯性,如成立中国对东盟跨境贸易人民币结算奖励基金、减免外贸企业 人民币结算的关税 等;此外,还应当通过提高东盟国家跨境贸易人民币结 算的便利性来推动东盟地区跨境贸易人民币结算的发展,如改善银行服务 水平与质量、加强银行间结算系统建设、应用区 块链技术服务支付清算体 III 系、推进人民币离岸市场建设、推动资本项目开放进程以及扩大与东盟国 家的货币互换等。 关键词:东盟 跨境贸易 人民币结算 IV RESEARCH ON RMB SETTLEMENT OF CROSS BORDER TRADE BETWEEN CHINA AND ASEAN ABSTRACT China lives in close proximity to the ASEAN countries, which consist of Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar and the Philippines, and is an important region in the construction of the "Belt and Road". The countries along the route trade most closely with China.In the first half of 2020, ASEAN has become China's largest trading partner. In recent years, the world economic situation has become more and more uncertain, and the trade war between China and the United States has made the international financial market more sensitive and fragile. The impact of the new crown epidemic has further exacerbated the global economic downturn, and in this context, it is crucial to strengthen economic and trade cooperation with ASEAN countries and promote the process of RMB settlement of cross-border trade with ASEAN countries for the internationalization of RMB. This paper reviews the existing research literature on RMB settlement of cross-border trade, and concludes that the theoretical basis for studying RMB settlement of cross-border trade lies in currency internationalization, exchange rate risk prevention and coin tax theory; the influential factors of RMB settlement of cross-border trade mainly include: the bargaining power of traders, V the convenience of using the denominated settlement currency, the stability of currency value, the international monetary system and financial market habits. By collecting and analyzing data and information on China's cross-border trade RMB settlement with ASEAN countries, this paper concludes that the main reasons for the low percentage and slow development of cross-border trade RMB settlement in ASEAN countries are the inertia of ASEAN countries' currency usage and the poor convenience of cross-border trade RMB settlement in ASEAN countries. Accordingly, this paper proposes to change the currency inertia of ASEAN countries through the implementation of incentive measures, such as the establishment of China to ASEAN Cross-Border Trade RMB Settlement Incentive Fund, tariff reductions and exemptions for foreign trade enterprises in RMB settlement; in addition, the development of cross-border trade RMB settlement in the ASEAN region should also be promoted by improving the convenience of cross-border trade RMB settlement in ASEAN countries, such as improving the level and quality of bank services, strengthening the inter-bank trade RMB settlement, and improving the quality of bank services. The construction of settlement systems, the application of blockchain technology to serve the payment and settlement system, the promotion of the construction of the offshore RMB market, the promotion of the liberalization process of capital projects and the expansion of currency swaps with ASEAN countries. KEY WORDS:ASEAN;cross border trade;RMB settlement VI 目录 摘要 ................................................................. II ABSTRACT ............................................................... IV 第一章 导论 ............................................................ 1 1.1 研究背景与 意义 ........................................................ 1 1.1.1研究背景 ............................................................ 1 1.1.2研究意义 ............................................................ 2 1.2研究综述 .............................................................. 4 1.2.1文献综述 ............................................................ 4 1.2.2文献评述 ............................................................ 6 1.3 研究内容与方 法 ........................................................ 6 1.3.1研究内容 ............................................................ 6 1.3.2研究方法 ............................................................ 7 1.4创新与不足 ............................................................ 8 1.4.1创新之处 ............................................................ 8 1.4.2不足之处 ............................................................ 8 第二章 相关基础理 论与概念 .............................................. 9 2.1跨境贸易人民币结算的理论依据 .......................................... 9 2.1.1国际货币理论 ........................................................ 9 2.1.2汇率风险要素理论 ................................................... 10 2.1.3 铸币税理论 ......................................................... 10 2.2跨境贸易人民币结算的动因 ............................................. 11 2.2.1交易风险的防范 ..................................................... 11 2.2.2储备资产风险的防范 ................................................. 12 2.2.3铸币税的收益 ....................................................... 13 第三章 影响跨境贸易人民币结算的主要因素 ................................ 14 3.1贸易商的议价能力 ..................................................... 14 3.1.1贸易规模 ........................................................... 15 3.1.2贸易产品结构 ....................................................... 15 3.2计价结算货币使用的便利性 ............................................. 15 3.2.1银行结、售汇业务 的便捷性 ........................................... 16 3.2.2资本项目输出渠道、回流渠道及通畅度 ................................. 17 3.2.3货币互换 ........................................................... 18 3.3币值的稳定性 ......................................................... 18 3.3.1物价水平稳定 ....................................................... 19 3.3.2人民币实际汇率稳定 ................................................. 19 3.3.3人民币实际利率稳 定 ................................................. 20 3.4国际货币体系与金融市场习惯 ........................................... 21 VII 3.4.1国际货币体系 ....................................................... 21 3.4.2金融市场习惯 ....................................................... 22 第四章 中国对东盟跨境 贸易人民币结算的现状、问题与成因 ................... 23 4.1中国对东盟跨境贸易人民币结算的现状 ................................... 23 4.1.1东盟国家人民币跨境 贸易目前主要的结算方式 ........................... 23 4.1.2东盟地区跨境贸易人民币收付数额 ..................................... 24 4.2中国对东盟跨境贸易人民 币结算存在的问题 ............................... 27 4.2.1中国对东盟跨境贸易人民币结算额占比较低 ............................. 27 4.2.2跨境贸易人民币结算在东 盟地区

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