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WetFeet has earned a strong reputation among college gradu- ates and career professionals for its series of highly credible, no-holds-barred Insider Guides. WetFeet’s investigative writers get behind the annual reports and corporate PR to tell the real story of what it’s like to work at speci?c companies and in different industries. WetFeet Careers/Job Search WetFeet Insider Guide Killer Investment Banking Resumes! 2nd Edition K il le r In ve st m en t B a n k in g R es u m es ! You’re dying to get an interview with Goldman, Morgan Stanley, or Merrill. The resume submission deadline is only days away. You know that hundreds of I-banking hopefuls are vying for a spot on the same crowded interview schedules. How will your resume stand out among the crowd? You know there’s no way you’ll be able to add another extracurricular presidency to your list of “Other Activities” by next week. Even you can’t read your resume for more than 10 seconds without your eyes rolling into the back of your head. Never fear, for WetFeet is here to help! Turn to this WetFeet Insider Guide to learn ? How resumes are used in the I-banking recruiting process. ? How cover letters are used in the recruiting process. ? Insider tips for resume content and format. ? What I-banking recruiters look for when reviewing a resume. ? How to improve the quality and marketability of your resume. ? About mail-merge morons, or the quickest line between your resume and the trash can. ? About reviews and rewrites of resume and cover letter samples. W et Fe et In si de r G ui de The WetFeet Research Methodology You hold in your hands a copy of the best-quality research available for job seekers. We have designed this Insider Guide to save you time doing your job research and to provide highly accurate information written precisely for the needs of the job-seeking public. (We also hope that you’ll enjoy reading it, because, believe it or not, the job search doesn’t have to be a pain in the neck.) Each WetFeet Insider Guide represents hundreds of hours of careful research and writing. We start with a review of the public information available. (Our writers are also experts in reading between the lines.) We augment this information with dozens of in-depth interviews of people who actually work for each company or industry we cover. And, although we keep the identity of the rank-and-file employees anonymous to encourage candor, we also interview the company’s recruiting staff extensively, to make sure that we give you, the reader, accurate information about recruiting, process, compensation, hiring targets, and so on. (WetFeet retains all editorial control of the product.) We also regularly survey our members and customers to learn about their experiences in the recruiting process. Finally, each Insider Guide goes through an editorial review and fact-checking process to make sure that the information and writing live up to our exacting standards before it goes out the door. Are we perfect? No—but we do believe that you’ll find our content to be the highest-quality content of its type available on the Web or in print. (Please see our guarantee below.) We also are eager to hear about your experiences on the recruiting front and your feedback (both positive and negative) about our products and our process. Thank you for your interest. The WetFeet Guarantee You’ve got enough to worry about with your job search. So, if you don’t like this Insider Guide, send it back within 30 days of purchase and we’ll refund your money. Contact us at 1-800-926-4JOB or wetfeet/about/contactus.asp. Who We Are WetFeet is the trusted destination for job seekers to research companies and industries, and manage their careers. WetFeet Insider Guides provide you with inside information for a successful job search. At WetFeet, we do the work for you and present our results in an informative, credible, and entertaining way. Think of us as your own private research company whose primary mission is to assist you in making more informed career decisions. WetFeet was founded in 1994 by Stanford MBAs Gary Alpert and Steve Pollock. While exploring our next career moves, we needed products like the WetFeet Insider Guides to help us through the research and interviewing game. But they didn’t exist. So we started writing. Today, WetFeet serves more than a million job candidates each month by helping them nail their interviews, avoid ill- fated career decisions, and add thousands of dollars to their compensation packages. The quality of our work and knowledge of the job-seeking world have also allowed us to develop an extensive corporate and university membership. In addition, WetFeet’s services include two award-winning websites (WetFeet and InternshipPrograms), Web-based recruiting technologies, consulting services, and our exclusive research studies, such as the annual WetFeet Student Recruitment Survey. Our team members, who come from diverse backgrounds, share a passion about the job-search process and a commitment to delivering the highest quality products and customer service. About Our Name One of the most frequent questions we receive is, “So, what’s the story behind your name?” The short story is that the inspiration for our name comes from a popular business school case study about L.L. Bean, the successful mail-order company. Leon Leonwood Bean got his start because he quite simply, and very literally, had a case of wet feet. Every time he went hunting in the Maine woods, his shoes leaked, and he returned with soaked feet. So, one day, he decided to make a better hunting shoe. And he did. And he told his friends, and they lined up to buy their own pairs of Bean boots. And L.L. Bean, the company, was born . . . all because a man who had wet feet decided to make boots. The lesson we took from the Bean case? Lots of people get wet feet, but entrepreneurs make boots. And that’s exactly what we’re doing at WetFeet. I n s i d e r G u i d e Killer Investment Banking Resumes! 2nd Edition Helping you make smarter career decisions. WetFeet,Inc. The Folger Building 101 Howard Street Suite 300 San Francisco,CA 94105 Phone:(415) 284-7900 or 1-800-926-4JOB Fax:(415) 284-7910 Website:WetFeet Killer Investment Banking Resumes! ISBN:1-58207-431-3 Photocopying Is Prohibited Copyright 2004 WetFeet,Inc.All rights reserved.This publication is protected by the copyright laws ofthe United States ofAmerica.No copying in any form is permitted.It may not be reproduced,distributed,stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted in any form or by any means,in part or in whole,without the express written permission ofWetFeet,Inc.。。。。。。以下内容略

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