实体书店是文化产业发展的一个重要载体,是图书零售业的重要销售场所, 其本质是商业经营和知识传播的复合体,具有零售业的一般特点,又具有
文化产 业的特殊性。实体书店被誉为一个城市的书房,好的实体书店是一座城市的精神 地标,因此,其发展状况通常是一个地区社会文化发展的重要参考指标。2017 年, 《全
民阅读促进条例》正式实施,“开展全民阅读活动”写入中国共产党的十八大 报告中,建设“书香社会”多次出现在政府工作报告中。“全民阅读”已经成为党 中央和政府的一
项重要战略部署。这表明国家对阅读的重视提升到了一个新高度, 对实体书店的发展必将起到有力的指引和推动作用。 锡林浩特市教育园丁书店是锡林郭勒地区最大的民营连锁
书店,旗下青城阅 立方书店是呼和浩特地区单体最大的实体书店。面对国家政策在文化产业的倾斜 与扶持,以及地方政府的大力支持,锡林浩特市教育园丁书店如何紧紧把握住
良 好的发展机遇,在制定发展战略时,符合自身特点和客观实际,完善战略性指引 以指导具体的经营管理决策,是其亟待解决的重要问题。 本文以锡林浩特市教育园丁书店为研
究对象,在对其进行外部分析时主要运 用PEST分析、波特五力分析,分析出公司面对的机遇和挑战;使用资源-能力分 析法对锡林浩特市教育园丁书店的内部环境进行分析,分析
出公司具有的优势和 劣势。最后通过SWOT分析矩阵推导出企业战略备选方案,最终选择稳定型发展战 略和低成本竞争战略,打造统一的企业文化和经营理念,建立规范有效、模
式统 一的运营系统,并通过图书销售业务、文化创意产品业务和文化活动及其它业务 三个重点业务实施发展战略。同时,从组织建设、人力资源、运营建设、营销策 略、财务管
理五个方面对企业的战略实施提供保障。 本文通过战略理论运用、相关数据分析及工作实践检验,提出了锡林浩特市 教育园丁书店的发展战略,一方面为其管理层进行战略学案
提供参考,从而抓住 发展机遇,有效规避风险,充分发挥自身资源和能力,实现企业的健康有序发展; 另一方面可以为欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内其它企业在面对数字时代全新竞争环境、制定发展
战略时, 提供理论指导和现实参照。 关键词:教育书店,发展战略,战略实施 II Abstract The physical bookstore is an important carrier for the development of the
cultural industry and an important place for book retail enterprises to sell books. Its essence is the complex of business operation and knowledge
dissemination, which has not only the general characteristics of retail enterprises, but also the particularity of cultural industry. The physical bookstore
is known as the "study" of the city. A good physical bookstore is the spiritual symbol of the city. Therefore, its development status is often an
important reference index of social and cultural development in a region. In 2017, the Regulations on the Promotion of Reading for All was officially
implemented, and "carrying out reading activities for all" was written into the report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of
China. In the government work report, it was mentioned many times to build a "book-scented society". Since the 18th National Congress of the
Communist Party of China, reading for all has become a major strategic deployment for the Party Central Committee and the government. It shows that the
country's emphasis on reading has risen to a new height, and it will certainly play a strong role in guiding and promoting the development of physical
bookstores. Xilinhot Education Gardener Bookstore is the largest private bookstore chain in Xilinhot, and its affiliated Qingcheng Reading Cube Bookstore is
the largest single bookstore in Hohhot. Facing the national inclination and support for the cultural. industry policy, and the strong support of the local
government, how does Xilinhot Education Gardener Bookstore seize the opportunity to formulate a development strategy that is in line with objective reality
and meets its own characteristics, how to provide strategic guidance for enterprise development, and how to guide specific business management decisions are
important issues that need to be resolved urgently. This paper takes Xilinhot Education Gardener Bookstore as the research object, uses PEST, SWOT and
Porter's five-power analysis method to analyze the bookstore's external environment and discovers the opportunities and challenges facing the
enterprise. This article also uses the resource-ability analysis method to analyze its internal environment and compares the advantages and disadvantages of
the enterprise. At the last, through the SWOT analysis matrix method, the optimal strategic choice of III the enterprise is derived: low-cost development
strategy and competitive strategy, forming a unified corporate culture and business philosophy, and establishing a standardized and effective management
system with a unified model. The bookstore implements development strategies through three core businesses including book sales, cultural creative products,
and cultural activities. This article also proposes safeguard measures for the implementation of the strategy from five aspects: organizational construction,
human resources, management construction, marketing strategy, and financial management. This paper puts forward the development strategy of Xilinhot
education gardener Bookstore through the application of strategic theory, the analysis of relevant data and the test of work practice. On the one hand, it
can provide strategic cases for its managers to grasp the development opportunities, effectively avoid risks, make full use of their own resources and
capabilities, and realize the healthy and orderly development of the enterprise; on the other hand, it can provide other industry enterprises which are in
the face of the new competitive environment in the digital era with theoretical guidance and practical reference of development strategy. Key words:
Education Gardener Bookstore, Development strategy, Strategy implementation IV 目 录 第一章 绪论 ........................................................ 1
1.1 研究背景 ..................................................... 1 1.2 研究的目的与意义 ............................................. 2 1.2.1 研究的目的
............................................. 2 1.2.2 研究的意义 ............................................. 3 1.3 相关理论回顾
................................................. 3 1.3.1 战略管理概念 ........................................... 3 1.3.2 战略管理思想沿革
....................................... 3 1.4 战略管理分析工具 ............................................. 4 1.4.1 PEST分析
............................................... 4 1.4.2 SWOT分析法 ............................................. 4 1.4.3 波特五力分析模型
....................................... 5 1.5 研究方法和研究内容 ........................................... 5 1.5.1 研究方法
............................................... 5 1.5.2 研究内容 ............................................... 6 第二章 锡林浩特市教育园丁书店发展现状
.............................. 8 2.1 锡林浩特市教育园丁书店发展历程 ............................... 8 2.2 锡林浩特市教育园丁书店的发展现状
............................. 8 2.2.1 组织架构 ............................................... 8 2.2.2 主营业务
............................................... 9 2.2.3 财务情况 ............................................... 9 2.3 锡林浩特市教育园丁书店的战略困惑
............................ 10 2.3.1 企业的发展战略不明确 .................................. 10 2.3.2 企业的竞争战略不清晰
.................................. 10 2.3.3 企业没有完备的战略实施保障措施 ........................ 11 第三章 锡林浩特市教育园丁书店环境分析
............................. 12 3.1 锡林浩特市教育园丁书店宏观环境分析 .......................... 12 3.1.1 政治环境
.............................................. 12 3.1.2 经济环境 .............................................. 15 V 3.1.3 社会环境
.............................................. 16 3.1.4 技术环境 .............................................. 17 3.2 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争环境
................................................ 18 3.2.1 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内主要竞争者分析 .................................. 18 3.2.2 供应方议价