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20世纪50年代,丰田为了满足多品种小批量的市场需求,创立了丰田生产方式, 解决了多品种小批量情形下如何做到低成本的问题。现今,随着市场 环境的变化, 以低成本、快速响应多品种小批量的客户需求成为市场的主旋律,精益生产在企业 中的应用越来越普遍。因此,如何成功推行精益生产来获得新形势下的竞争优势 是 企业成功的关键。 本文首先通过对国内外精益生产相关文献进行总结,简要阐述了精益生产的推 行、工具应用及未来的发展方向。同时,分析我国企业精益生产实践与推行现 状, 并结合顺普公司所处的市场环境和内部实际状况,提出通过精益生产再造来解决公 司面临的运营成本高、前置时间长等问题。在此基础上,通过对顺普公司进行较深 入的调 查并对公司问题进行分析、归纳和整理后,得出顺普公司精益生产再造的总 体思路与具体方案,主要包括:通过理念的培养,提高员工发现问题和解决问题的 能力;通过建立示 范单元积累经验、汲取教训,为精益生产的全面推广打下基础; 运用价值流图,将改善的过程结构化、具体化、数据化;建立精益评价机制促进持 续改善;通过满足不同人群的 不同需求,建立精益激励体系。最后,论文阐述了顺 普公司精益生产再造方案的实施流程与关键因素,总结分析了顺普公司精益生产再 造取得的主要成效。 关键词:价值流图 安灯 标准作业 快速换型 拉动生产 II 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 Abstract In the 1950s, Toyota established the Toyota production system to meet the market demand which was high-mix low-volume, and solved the problem of how to achieve low cost in the case of high-mix low-volume. Nowadays, with the changes of market environment, the demand of customers with low cost and fast response to high-mix low-volume has become the main theme of the market, and the application of lean production in enterprises is becoming more and more common. Therefore, how to successfully implement lean to gain competitive advantage under the new situation is the key to business success. This thesis firstly summarizes the literature on lean production at home and abroad, and briefly expounds the implementation of lean production, the application of tools and the future development direction. At the same time, it analyzes the practice and implementation status of lean production in China, and combines the market environment and internal status of Shape Corporation, and proposes to solve the problems of high operating cost and long lead time faced by the company through lean reform. On this basis, through a more in-depth investigation of Shape Corporation and analysis, induction and collation of the Shape Corporation’s problems, the overall ideas and specific plans of Shape Corporation’s lean reform are obtained, Including: improving the ability of employees to find problems and solve problems through the cultivation of lean philosophy; building up experience and learn lessons by establishing lean university cell, lay foundation for the comprehensive deployment of lean in whole plant; let the kaizen process more institutionalization, concretization and digitalization by using value stream map; establish lean assessment process to promote continuous improvement; a lean incentive system is established by meeting the different needs of different group of people. Finally, the thesis expounds the implementation process and key factors of Shape Corporation’s lean reform, and summarizes the main achievements of Shape Corporation’s lean reform.。。。。 。。以下内容略

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