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汇编 出版。保密的学位论文在解密后适用本规定。 研究生签名: 时间: 年 月 日 导师签名: 时间: 年 月 日 I 摘要 随着消费者对健康的升级需求,益生菌保健品欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司正在快速崛起,市场竞争状况激烈,目前益 生菌的销售正处于品牌营销竞争关键阶段,国内的知名的益生菌企业因缺乏品牌优势和竞争力,和 国外产品竞争处于弱势。所以,如何树立品牌,如何进行品牌营销,如何在消费者心目中形成国内 可信任的益生菌品牌形象,形成自己独有的竞争力,这些对企业后续的发展日趋重要。 本文以倍乐微康的为例,依托市场营销、战略管理等研究对倍乐微康品牌营销策略进行了研究, 首先对倍乐微康品牌现状及品牌营销存在的问题加以分析描述;其次,对微康企业内外部环境进行 分析,运用工具波特五力、PEST、SWOT等研究方法,看清了倍乐微康在发展过程中所面临的机遇、 威胁、公司自身的优劣,同时对其发展战略进行了分析和总结,设计出了适合倍乐微康的战略,并 对创新战略进行了具体实施方法的路径的说明、注意事项和保障措施进行了建议。 在产品方面,倍乐微康的益生菌必须要进一步地迎合益生菌市场的发展,加强益生菌的功能、 技术、外包装的创新,全面提高产品的质量;而在市场营销方面,倍乐微康必须要明确目标市场, 明确产品和品牌的定位,全面拓展营销渠道,尤其是实施网络营销,来抢占市场的拓展,提升公司 品牌影响力等;在产品价格方面,倍乐微康需要根据市场需求以及自身能力来进行合理定价,利用 好当今的政策红利,适时进行价格调整;在产品的促销方面,更需要全面发挥组合打法,利用好各 种促销机会,如包括新媒体、广告、展会等方式,还可以借助政府的推广东风;文章最后提出了实 现倍乐微康营销策略优化的一些具体的保障措施,如管理的标准流程、组织架构细化分工、人才培 养、员工激励等。 倍乐微康的长久发展,取决于企业的战略决策,企业的管理推进能力,也需要利用好政府和国 家的有利政策,不断来适应市场形势的变化,加强产品的研发创新,满足多样化的市场需求 ,另外 微康企业的本身发展也有很多不确定性和挑战,比如企业高层的决策倾向、内部详细的数据分析等 等,所以该方案还存在理论与实际的矛盾冲突,需要在今后的学习和市场调查中不断调整。 关键词:品牌;益生菌;品牌策略;倍乐微康;品牌竞争力; II Abstract With the upgrading demand of consumers for health, probiotic health products industry is rising rapidly, and the market competition is fierce. At present, the sales of probiotics is in the key stage of brand marketing competition. Domestic well-known probiotic enterprises are in a weak position due to the lack of brand advantages and competitiveness, and the competition with foreign products. Therefore, how to establish a brand, how to carry out brand marketing, how to form a domestic trustworthy probiotic brand image in the minds of consumers, and how to form their own unique competitiveness are becoming increasingly important for the subsequent development of enterprises. Based on the research of marketing and strategic management, this paper studies the brand marketing strategy of Beile Weikang. Firstly, it analyzes and describes the status quo of Beile Weikang brand and the existing problems of brand marketing. Secondly, it analyzes the internal and external environment of Weikang enterprise, and uses the research methods of Porter Five Forces, pest and SWOT to see clearly the development of Beile Weikang The opportunities, threats, advantages and disadvantages of the company in the exhibition process, as well as its development strategy are analyzed and summarized, and the strategy suitable for Beile Weikang is designed, and the specific implementation path, precautions and safeguard measures of the innovation strategy are proposed. Prowecare, as the first probiotic brand in China in terms of capacity and scale, R & D and production, has always been focused on the production of the raw material of probiotics. At present, Prowecare has established its own probiotic brand and is committed to providing probiotic strains that are more suitable for Chinese intestinal health. Its mission is: National Bacteria, Chinese Dream. Prowecare’s duty is to develop the probiotic health suitable for the Chinese people with national independent intellectual property rights. This paper focuses on the current situation of the probiotics industry and is committed to find out the suitable brand strategy to make the breakthrough by the collection and collation of internal data of Prowecare enterprises, combined with the management knowledge of this brand, and starting from the existing resources and current situation of Prowecare. Firstly, the current situation of Prowecare shall be introduced and the operational brand strategic opinions of Prowecare shall be obtained through PEST theory, the five-force model of PO-LI FOOD and SWOT analysis, with the combination strategy of 4P strategy and relationship marketing and the summary from organizational structure, human resources and technical support to improve the brand competitiveness of Prowecare. Key words: brand, probiotics, brand strategy, Prowecare, brand competitiveness III 目 录 摘要 ... I Abstract .............................. II 第一章 绪论 ....................... 1 1.1 研究背景 .................. 1 1.2 研究意义 .................. 3 1.3 国内外研究现状 ...... 4 1.3.1 国外研究现状 ... 4 1.3.2 国内研究现状 ... 5 1.3.3 国外研究现状 ... 7 1.4研究思路和论文结构 .............................. 7 1.4.1研究思路 ............ 7 1.4.2论文结构 ............ 8 第二章 相关理论概述 ..... 10 2.1 品牌的定义及作用 10 2.2 品牌策略的定义及作用 ....................... 10 2.2.1有无品牌策略: ............................. 11 2.2.2品牌命名策略: ............................. 11 2.2.3品牌形象策略 .. 11 2.2.4多品牌策略: .. 12 2.2.5品牌定位策略: ............................. 12 2.2.6品牌传播策略 .. 12 2.3 STP理论 ................. 13 2.4 品牌营销理论 ........ 14 2.5 品牌竞争力理论 .... 14 第三章 微康公司的营销现状及问题分析 .... 15 3.1倍乐微康公司基本状况 ........................ 15 3.2倍乐微康的品牌营销现状 .................... 15 3.3渠道布建说明 ......... 16 3.4倍乐微康营销问题分析 ........................ 16 3.4.1 品牌的定位不符合市场需求 ........ 16 3.4.2 品牌营销渠道不足且销售渠道单一 ........................... 17 3.4.3 承载品牌的产品力不够,包装和价格不匹配 ........... 17 3.4.4 品牌传播促销手段太过传统和落后 ........................... 18 第四章 倍乐微康的益生菌市场营销环境分析 ........................... 19 4.1益生菌的宏观环境分析 ........................ 19 4.1.1政治环境(Political) .................... 19 4.1.2经济因素(Economic) ................. 20 4.1.3社会因素(Social) ....................... 20 4.1.4技术因素(Technological) .......... 21 4.2 益生菌的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展现状 ....................... 21 4.3 益生菌未来前景分析 ........................... 25 4.3.1益生菌的产业内涵较一般保健品丰富,应用市场场景比较广阔 ........... 25 IV 4.3.2益生菌的市场体量大,国内消费潜力旺盛 ................ 27 4.3.3益生菌的市场利润空间充足,必将促进欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司蓬勃发展 ........................... 30 4.4 消费者需求分析 .... 30 4.4.1市场认知及需求分析 ..................... 30 4.4.2 关于益生菌品牌的消费者问卷调研 ........................... 32 4.5 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争分析 ........ 34 4.5.1 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司主要竞争对手 ........................ 34 4.5.2 波特五力模型分析 ........................ 35 4.5.3五力分析小结 .. 36 4.6倍乐微康的内部营销环境分析 ............ 37 4.6.1 倍乐微康产业链现状 .................... 37 4.6.2 倍乐微康益生菌的现有产品 ........ 37 4.6.3倍乐微康人力资源分析 ................. 37 4.6.4倍乐微康财务现状分析 ................. 38 4.6.5倍乐微康客户资源及营销能力分析 ............................ 38 4.7倍乐微康SWOT分析 ........................... 39 4.7.1优势(Strengths) .......................... 39 4.7.2劣势(Weaknesses) ...................... 40 4.7.3机会(Opportunities) ................... 41 4.7.4挑战(Threats) ............................. 41 4.7.5 SWOT分析小结 ............................. 41 第五章 倍乐微康品牌营销策略优化方案 .... 43 5.1优化目标和原则 ..... 43 5.1.1品牌策略优化目标 ......................... 43 5.1.2品牌策略优化原则 ......................... 43 5.2品牌策略优化方案 . 43 5.2.1营销市场的定位及目标客户 ......... 43 5.2.2市场营销组合4P策略 ................... 44 第六章 倍乐微康品牌营销策略优化的保障措施 ....................... 50 6.1 建立标准的营销管理流程 ................... 50 6.1.1组织架

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