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常州移动客户经理薪酬管理方案优化研究 常州移动作为国有基础通信运营商地市分公司,随着近年业务快速增长, 为当地的通信发展做出较大贡献。当前常州移动的发展既因其他运营商、互联 网公司激烈市场竞争而受到较大挑战,也因全业务发展全力推进、4G 移动通信 快速普及、互联网移动化趋势加快而面临良好机遇。转型发展是未来的方向, 而发挥转型市场营销人员的能动性,提升激励效果,又是其中的关键之一。 本文聚焦于公司转型发展的重点——全业务市场的营销人员客户经理,通 过对客户经理现有薪酬管理方案进行优化完善,实现对客户经理作用的重新定 位和激励效果的提升,最终达到公司发展主力逐步向集团市场转变并且提升发 展效率的目标。本文首先针对现有客户经理薪酬管理方案中存在的问题进行收 集梳理、开展实地访谈,在综合各方欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的基础上分析问题原因并结合开展同 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司市场内客户经理薪酬状况调研,针对性地提出优化方案。现有的客户 经理薪酬制度主要包含几个问题,客户经理的薪酬档次与对其的要求和贡献不 匹配;客户经理计件比重不足,激励效果不足;薪酬结构中各部分界限不清, 存在重复激励和考核的缺点;激励机制过于单一,没有建立多维立体的激励体 系,同时也缺乏精神激励要素。因此针对性的优化方案主要包含三个方面,第 一是进行客户经理薪酬结构优化。重新设计当前发展阶段客户经理岗位职责, 明确其在公司的定位,强化客户经理责任担当,人工成本、营销成本向其倾斜, 提升激励效果并吸纳更符合岗位要求和能力的人员流动到该岗位。提高客户经 理薪酬档次的同时,对薪酬结构进行调整,提升计件奖金的占比,强化能者多 劳、多劳多得的分配理念,防止出现大锅饭的弊端,实现薪酬收入与公司效益 直接挂钩的正向激励。在具体操作层面,精简计件规则提升清晰度,增加重点 发展项目的权重。通过这些措施使得计件薪酬制度更加完善周密且易于实施易II 于理解,激励作用也能更好体现。第二是薪酬核算方式更加公平和科学。营销 过程中面临的现实问题是各客户经理往往不能决定自己所维护企业的规模和经 营好坏等客观因素,但这些因素却会直接影响企业在信息化方面的投入,从而 影响客户经理的业绩与奖金;另一方面即使是客户经理发展了相同的业务并形 成相同的收入,但在使用公司的成本资源等方面也存在差异,从而导致给公司 带来的收益率不同。综合考虑多种因素,探索建立集团单位的分类分级制度, 并引入营销成本核减机制,从而促进薪酬方案的公平合理性。第三是丰富激励 措施,在传统薪酬单一依靠经济性因素激励之外,重点设立精神层面的各类荣 誉称号和非经济性福利,并配合以宣传手段和树立典型,正面鼓励激励者本人 和其他客户经理,使激励手段更加立体。 针对以上的优化思路和方案,在拟定详细落实计划和阶段性目标的同时, 还需要相关的保障措施,成立工作小组协调相关部门协同推进,提前开展方案 的测算论证,确保方案的周密可行。 关键词, 客户经理,薪酬管理,计件薪酬,方案优化III ABSTRACT Research on the Optimization of Customer Manager Salary Management in Changzhou Branch of CMCC Changzhou Distribute of CMCC as the city branch of national basic communications carrier, in recent years with the rapid growth of the business, made great contributions to the development of local basic communication. Current development of Changzhou mobile both by challenges from other operators, Internet companies and intense market competition, is also facing the whole business development rapid spread of comprehensively promote, in the 4G mobile communication, mobile Internet trend to speed up the good opportunity. The transformation is the future direction of development. In this paper, we focus on the customer managers, who’s responsible for the full service market, which is the key of restructuring and development of the company. By optimizing salary management program of customer manager, and repositioning the role of customer manager, we try to enhance the incentive effect, and transform the main market of the company gradually to group customers, and effectively improve the efficiency of the development. In based on the problem analysis of the original customer manager compensation program, field research and propose optimization solution. Firstly, the responsibilities and requirements of post of customer manager should be redesign, and the customer manager should take more responsibility. The company will also spend more labor costs and marketing costs to customer manager. Secondly, the incentive mechanism should also be optimized, we need to enhance the piecework remuneration for ratio, streamline the rules ofIV piecework wage to improve clarity, promote the fairness of piecework wage by classifying of the type of the group customer, and introduce marketing cost control mechanism. Through these measures, the piecework wage system can be more thoughtful and easy to operate. The performance of the company and customer manager salary will associate in further degree, and the principle of distribution according to work and more pay for more work should be manifest. When the incentive effect is in improving, more outstanding staffs who can qualify the job will be absorbed to the post. Thirdly, more measures for incentives used beyond the traditional payment, the incentive effect will be more significant. According to the optimization ideas and measures above, we implemented the plans and milestones with efforts to promote. For the program, we asked for advice, actualized experimental unit, and made adjustment and optimization, and basically reached the expected goal. The business performance of the company, and the satisfaction of customer manager compensation had been both greatly improved after the implementation of the new program, and establish a long-term mechanism of attract talent for the company. Keywords: Customer manager, Reward management, Piecework wage, Optimization.V 目 录 第 1 章 绪论.............................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景和意义.............................................................................1 1.2 研究方法与内容.............................................................................3 1.3 文献综述与理论研究.....................................................................4 第 2 章 常州移动客户经理薪酬管理现状及问题分析........................9 2.1 常州移动公司简介.........................................................................9 2.2 常州移动客户经理薪酬管理现状.............................................. 10 2.3 客户经理薪酬管理存在的问题.................................................. 15 2.4 客户经理薪酬管理现有问题成因分析...................................... 18 第 3 章 常州移动客户经理薪酬管理方案优化设计..........................21 3.1 客户经理薪酬管理方案优化的总体思路.................................. 21 3.2 客户经理基础薪酬结构优化...................................................... 22 3.3 客户经理计件薪酬核算分层化.................................................. 30 3.4 客户经理薪酬激励方案多维化.................................................. 33 第 4 章 客户经理薪酬管理优化方案的实施保障..............................36 4.1 薪酬方案的测算论证及试点实施.............................................. 36 4.2 薪酬方案的培训传达与方向引导.............................................. 39VI 4.3 完善客户经理薪酬管理系统...................................................... 40 结 论.......................................................................................................43

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