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近年来,大型超市如雨后春笋般快速发展。大型超市的快速发展改变了人 们的购物方式,也给大家的购物生活带来了极大的便利。去超市购物时,购物 手推车必不可少。可是,购物手推车在给人们(尤其是对于那些带孩子进超市 购物的消费者们)购物提供便利的同时,也存在着诸如安全隐患、卫生条件让 人堪忧、设计不够人性化以及未能充分发挥其商业价值的问题。 本文根据目前超市儿童手推车的市场现状,针对以上存在的问题,创新性 的提出了解决方案,开发了一种全新的超市儿童手推车,不仅从外观、功能上 进行了革命性的改变,而且还独创了一种全新的市场运营模式,这对消费者、 超市管理方以及投资者都将具有十分重要的意义。本文作者编制本商业计划书 旨在探讨、论证该项目的可行性,也是作为项目组织实施的一个指导文件,同 时,也为有意投资该项目的投资者提供了充足的参考数据,便于投资者作出投 资决策。 本文研究内容主要包括项目分析、项目实施、项目财务指标及风险控制三 个部分。本计划书首先提出了项目产生的背景,接着详细阐述了创新的项目运 营模式,随后全面描述了产品的设计理念、外观、材质、功能、生产工艺,同 时还应用波特五力模型,对该产品的市场竞争环境进行了分析,明确了项目 的核心竞争力和竞争优势;然后通过SWOT分析,明确项目的发展战略,制定 了项目实施的详细计划;之后运用财务管理的知识制定财务计划,对项目财务 决策指标进行评价;最后运用风险管理的相关理论对项目可能遇到的风险进行 分析并提出相应的风险对策以及风险规避方法。 本文充分利用准确和详尽的信息,借助项目、经济、投资和财务方面的理 论,通过对项目市场、技术、投资和效益等方面的分析,证明该项目的投资不 仅必要的,而且是可行的,对投资者具有十分重要的参考价值。 关键词:新型超市儿童手推车,儿童购物车,商业计划书 ' I MBA学位报告作者:朱道连 新型超巿儿童手推车项目商业计划书 ABSTRACT In recent years, large supermarket is going up like mushrooms, one after another.With the rapid development of large supermarkets, the way people shop is changing, meanwhile, life way of people is changing to a great convenience.When each time goes to the supermarket shopping, supermarket trolley is indispensable.But, unfortunately, it has brought conveniences for people (especially, for those consumers who take their children into the supermarket), yet supermarket trolley has caused a great deal of questions too, such as, the sanitary conditions still feels very worrying, not enough human design, its commerce value not be given full play to and etc. Based on the current market situation of supermarket trolley, according to the existing problems, I put forward the solution to innovative. A new supermarket trolley challenged for children is not only new appearance and function, but also a new market operation mode created, to the consumer, supermarket management and investors will all have a very important realistic meaning.The aim of the business plan the author write is to explore and demonstrate the feasibility, also as project organization of a guidance document, at the same time, also to provide plenty of reference data for the project investors who are interested in invested, convenient making investment decisions.This paper research mainly includes project analysis, project implementation, project financial index. Firstly, project of the background is proposed, then expounds the project operation mode, then describe the product design concept, appearance, material, the function, the production process, and also application potter five competitive forces model, to the product market competition environment is analyzed, clear the core competitive power and competitive advantage of the project;Secondly, Through the SWOT analysis, clear the development strategy of the project, has made the detailed plan of the project implementation;Thirdly, with using of financial management knowledge after prepare financial plan, to the project financial decision-making indexes;Last, the application of risk management related theory to the project may meet with the risk analysis and put forward the corresponding countermeasures and the risk of risk aversion method. By making full use of theory of accurate and detailed data and information, the aid of the project, economy, investment and financial aspects of the theory, through the analysis of the market, technology, investment and benefit analysis, proving the project investment not only necessary, but being feasible, it is very important reference for the investor. Key Words: New supermarket trolley children, Children's Shopping cart, A business plan II MBA学位报告作者:朱道连 新型超市儿童手推车项目商业计划书 目录 一、 项目介绍 1 (一) 项目背景 1 (二) 项目盈利模式 3 二、 项目产品市场分析 5 (一) 超市手推车市场现状分析 5 (二) 市场容量分析 6 (三) 外部环境影响分析 12 (四) 项目产品市场竞争分析 13 三、 项目产品分析 18 (一) 产品设计理念 18 (二) 产品外观、结构 18 (三) 产品功能 19 (四) 产品的生产 20 四、 项目的实施计划 23 (一) SWOT分析 23 (二) 项目发展战略 25 (三) 项目营销策略 26 (四) 项目公司筹建 31 (五) 营运机构的设置 33 (六) 项目进度控制 35 五、 项目财务分析 41 (一) 项目投资估算 41 (二) 资金来源及使用计划 42 (三) 财务及经济效益分析 46 六、 项目的风险分析与对策 47 (一) 风险分析 47 (二) 风险对策 48 七、 结论与建议 50 (一) 结论 50 (二) 建议 50

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