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无性系茶树良种具有发芽整齐、性状一致,有早、中、迟生可供 搭配等优点,是提升名优茶产业的必由途径。但是,现有的无性系茶 树良种中品质完美型的不是很多,加之现炒现卖忽视拼配,以致一些 名优茶产区出现排斥推广无性系茶树良种的现象,有的甚至说要把 “龙井43”、“乌牛早”等无性系茶树良种挖掉,而且这种情况在 不少传统名优茶产区都有不同程度的存在,包括余杭径山茶。 本文针对传统名茶产区对推广无性系茶树良种的种种疑虑,通过 对鸠坑群体种(CK)、乌牛早、浙农139、浙农113、龙井43、龙井 长叶、茂绿、迎霜、白茶、日本薮北种10只品种样的感官品质审评 和生化呈味成分测试分析,通过7组品种间的拼配加工效果试验,论 证了无性系茶树良种的某些品质不足是可以通过拼配加工的方法实 现优势互补的,并能实现比原鸠坑群体种更好的品质效果。 但是,由于径山茶芽叶极其细嫩,又是极易断碎的毛峰类名茶, 不可能采用传统意义上的毛茶拼配,于是提出了 “拼配加工”这样一 个全新的概念,即把这种拼配放到径山茶在制过程中去的拼配加工, 如摊青、杀青、理条、揉捻或干燥的毛火阶段等。同时指出,这种意 义上的“拼配加工”是建立在对各无性系茶树良种品质特征、生化成 分特征、新梢生长规律,以及拼配经验基础上的,所以比传统意义上 的“拼配”更具难度和技术性。 关键词:径山茶鸠坑群体种无性系茶树良种拼配加工 Abstract Clonal tea cultivars are excellent for burgeoning trimly and being identical in characters. And they are matured in ealy, middle or late time so that it becomes possible to select the ones you wanted for blending in different period. That is the way we must take to promote the industrial of famous tea. But few of the existent clonal tea cultivars is perfectly improved in quality, and the fact on making tea from single variety without blending leads to opposition. In some raditional famous tea regions, tea growers even intend to grub up clonal ones such as Longjing-43, Wuniuzao. The situation is ubiquitous to varying degrees, also in the region of Jingshan Tea. In allusion to all kinds of doubts on the performance of clonal tea cultivar in traditional famous tea regions, we made sensory evaluation and biochemical analysis on 10 varieties of single tea samples (Jiukeng , Wuniuzao, Zhenong-139, Zhenong-113, Longjing-43, Longjingchangye, Maolu, Yingshuang, White-tea, JP Yabukita), as well as did effect experiment by blending them on 7 ways,to proof that complementary advantage can be achieved by blending to make up deficiency among single clonal tea cultivars, and it carried out quality exceeding over Jiukeng tea. However, Jingshan tea is a kind of easily breakable Mao Feng, with -in- extremely delicate tender buds and leaves. So that the traditional general blending technique used for primaty tea is unsuitable for it. Thus we bring forward a brand new concept of blending processing of tea, which is a method to blend tea in its production process, such as the processes of setting fresh leaves, stir fixation, shaping, rolling, drying (gross fire), etc. Morever, the blending processing is established on the experience of making clear the quality characters, biochemical components' characters, new shoots growing regulars of the clonal tea cultivars, as well as the experience of blending. Therefore it's more difficult and technical than traditional blending of tea. Keywords Jingshan tea; Jiukeng tea; clonal tea cultivar; tea blending processing; 目录 致 I m w n ABSTRACT Ill 图表索引 VII 斜 1 1径山茶生产的现状 1 1.1径山茶生产的基本状况 1 1.2现有生产径山茶的品种与栽种情况 2 1.3径山茶的加工工艺与品质现状 3 2我国茶树无性系良种研究进展 5 2.1茶树良种研究进展 5 2.2适制绿茶的无性系茶树良种 5 2.3径山茶产区的无性系茶树良种特性 8 3茶叶拼配技术研究进展 10 3.1茶叶拼配的原理 10 3.2茶叶拼配的种类 10 3.3茶叶拼配的研究进展 12 第二章材料与方法 18 1鲜叶材料(用于加工的鲜叶) 18 2加工方法(拼配材料的加工方法) 18 3拼配方法 19 4感官审评方法 19 5呈味物质分析方法 20 第三章结果与分析 21 1 料茶 21 1.1品质特征与感官审评分析 21 1.1.1鸠坑群体种径山茶(CK)的品质特征 27 1.1.2若干无性系良种径山茶的品质特征 27 1.2原料茶的品质成分分析 31 1.2.1若干无性系良种径山茶的品质成分差异 31 1. 2. 2试析鸠坑群体种径山茶的呈味特点 35 2拼配方案与拼配茶品质 36 2.1拼配方案 36 2.2拼配效果的感官审评及分析 37 3.各供试品种特征的可利用性分述 47 3.1 浙农 113 47 3. 2 浙农 139...... 3. 3茂绿 3. 4乌牛早 3. 5龙井长叶..... 3. 6迎霜 3. 7 龙丼 43........ 3. 8藪北种 3.9白茶 第四章结论与展望 1结论 2展望

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