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II 报告题目:定边采油厂油水井井筒腐蚀控制技术可行性研究与分析 专 业:化学工艺 硕 士 生:石茂才(签名) 导 师:郭学辉(签名) 摘要 对定边采油厂不同层位产出液水质进行了分析,并采用挂片失重法在现场和室内对 其进行了腐蚀性研究。结果表明:延长组的产出液分离水多为 CaCl 2 型,高矿化度腐蚀 为主,尤其是 Cl - 引起的点蚀;延安组产出液分离水多为 NaHCO 3 型,主要腐蚀原因是 SRB 引起的细菌腐蚀、硫化氢腐蚀;腐蚀速率随着油井深度增加而增加,在 750~1750 m 范围内腐蚀速率增速最快;腐蚀速率随 CO 2 含量的增加而增加,对延安组影响更明显; 同一 H 2 S 浓度下,pH 降低,腐蚀速率升高,高温(80℃)下 H 2 S 浓度 200 mg/L 时,腐 蚀速率最大,低温(28℃)下随着 H 2 S 浓度增加腐蚀速率增大;腐蚀速率随着流速的增 加而增大,且在 0.5 m/s 后增速加快。 合成了咪唑啉季铵盐、喹啉季铵盐和喹啉双季铵盐,以季铵盐为母体缓蚀剂,添加 助剂制成三类固体缓蚀剂,并通过溶解性、缓蚀性等性能评价筛选最优配方。结果表明: 咪唑啉季铵盐为 25%、WLN10%、分散剂 10%、聚乙二醇 4000 为 50%、氯化钠 5%的配 方制成的固体缓蚀剂溶出速率最为稳定,平均溶出率为 0.16 g /h,当其浓度为 100 mg/L, 温度 60℃,在常压饱和 CO 2 产出液分离水中对 A3 钢缓蚀率为 84.1%。 合成了喹啉季铵盐(KLLHB),对其分散剂、复配助剂进行筛选,同时评价复配缓 蚀剂的缓蚀、阻垢、杀菌性能。结果表明:最佳复配缓蚀剂为 KLLHB-Z(15% KLLHB+10% 表 P9+20% 表 27+10%WLN+15%ZMP+1%WIK);当 KLLHB-Z 浓度为 50 mg/L,40℃, 168 小时条件下腐蚀速率为 0.0109 mm/a;在浓度分别为 200 mg/L、100 mg/L 时,阻垢 率达到 83%、对 SRB 杀菌率达到 100%;加药浓度在小于 150 mg/L 的时候,缓蚀效果优 于中原 29#,成本价格只有中原 29#的 0.48 倍。 自行设计了油井环空连续加药装置、注水系统定量加药装置,将 KLLHB-Z 现场应 用,用挂片失重法评价应用效果,结果表明: KLLHB-Z 在油井、注水井使用,浓度为 200mg/L 时,对钢片的腐蚀速率控制在了 0.076 mm/a 以下,油井产出液含铁量下降率平 均达到了 44.3%。 关键词:油水井,腐蚀分析,固体缓蚀剂,液体缓蚀剂,应用 报告类型:应用研究英文摘要 III Subject:Feasibility research and analysis of the oil well and water injection well corrosion control technology of Dingbian Oil field Speciality:Chemical Technology Name : Shi Maocai (signature) Instructor:Guo Xuehui (signature ) ABSTRACT The produced liquid properties of Dingbian oil field were analyzed, and it corrosion propertie have been tested in laboratory and oil filed by the weight-loss corrosion method. The results showed that:the water type of Yanchang group is CaCl 2 , and the main reason for corrosion is high salinity,especially pitting corrosion caused by Cl - ;the water type of Yanan group is NaHCO 3 , corrosion reason is mainly caused by bacteria (SRB) and hydrogen sulfide corrosion;With the well depth increases, the corrosion rate increases, the increscent of corrosion rate within the range of 750 ~ 1750 m is fastest; the corrosion rate were increased with the increase of CO 2 concentration that influence Yanan group more;Under the same concentration of H 2 S, pH decreased , the corrosion rate increased, when the concentration of H 2 S under high temperature (80 ℃ )reached 200 mg/L, the corrosion rate is the largest,but corrosion rate increased with H 2 S concentration increasing under low temperature (28 ℃) ; Corrosion rate increased with the increase of flow ,and speed up after the 0.5 m/s. Imidazoline quaternary ammonium salt, quinoline quaternary ammonium salt and quinoline bisquaternary ammonium salt were synthesized , three WIKnds of quaternary ammonium salt as main corrosion inhibitor,thiourea, curing agent, dispersing agent, sodium chloride were added to made another three types of solid corrosion inhibitor,and screening the best formula by evaluating the three WIKnds of solid inhibitor properties, such as solubility and corrosion performance.The results showed that the imidazoline quaternary ammonium salt was 25%, thiourea 10%,dispersant 10%,polyethylene glycol 4000 50% and 5% sodium chloride that compose a solid corrosion inhibitor perfectly, which dissolve most stablly can riched 0.16 g/h,when the concentration of 100 mg/L, at the 60 ℃, corrosion rate was 84.1% at CO 2 saturated oil field water. Quinoline quaternary ammonium salt (KLLHB) were synthesized,the dispersing agent, compound additives were screened and the non-corrosibility, antiscale, antiseptic properties of compound inhibitor were evaluated.The results showed that the best inhibitor named KLLHB-Z(15% KLLHB + 10% P9 + 20% 27 +10% WLN+ 15% ZMP + 1% WIK) .when KLLHB-Z concentration was 50 mg/L, at 40 ℃, 168 hours ,the corrosion rate is 0.0109 mm/a;When concentration was 200 mg/L, the scale inhibition rate was 83%; and the concentration is 100 mg/L , sterilization rate reached 100% to SRB. When the the英文摘要 IV concentration was less than 150 mg/L, the KLLHB-Z inhibition effect was better than the Zhongyuan 29#, and the price only 0.48 times . Designed the equipment that can add corrosion inhibitor to oil well continuously and quantificationally,and equipment to water injection system,the inhibition efficiency improved by weight-loss corrosion method when KLLHB-Z used in oil well and water injection system .The results showed that when KLLHB-Z concentration is 200 mg/L, the corrosion rate of steel is controlled under the standard of the 0.076 mm/a,the iron content decreased 44.3%. Keywords:Oil and water Wells, The corrosion analysis, Solid corrosion inhibitor, Liquid corrosion inhibitor, Application. Thesis: Applied Study目 录 V 目 录 第一章 绪论...............................................................................................................................1 1.1 油井腐蚀原因总结 ...............................................................................................................1 1.1.1 溶解性气体 ........................................................................................................................1 1.1.2 细菌繁殖腐蚀 ...................................................................................................................1 1.1.3 垢下腐蚀 ...........................................................................................................................2 1.1.4 高矿化度腐蚀 ...................................................................................................................2 1.2 腐蚀监测技术.......................................................................................................................2 1.3 油井的防腐措施...................................................................................................................3 1.3.1 投加油井缓蚀剂 ...............................................................................................................3 1.3.2 选用耐蚀油井材料 ...........................................................................................................5 1.3.3 利用细菌防腐防垢 ...........................................................................................................5 1.3.4 采用牺牲阳极技术 ............................................................................................................5 1.4 研究内容 ...............................................................................................................................6 第二章 定边采油厂油水井腐蚀因素分析...............................................................................7 2.1 实验仪器、药品与所配溶液...............................................................................................7 2.1.1 实验仪器 ...........................................................................................................................7 2.1.2 实验药品 ...........................................................................................................................7 2.1.3 实验所配溶液 ...................................................................................................................8 2.2 实验原理与方法...................................................................................................................8 2.2.1 水质分析 ..........................

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