随着我国国民经济和社会的发展,不仅要求电力系统的供电量持续增加, 对供电质量的要求也越来越高。为了弥补太阳能发电的不足,保证电网安全、 稳定、经济运行,建设抽水蓄能电站越来越得到人们的共识。而且抽水蓄能电 站能够降低电力系统燃料消耗,改变能源结构,缓解发电与灌溉区的用水矛盾 等。因此,本文提出蓄能电站一光伏电站联合运行发电,不但充分利用了太阳 能资源,结合抽水蓄能联合发电,提高了发电质量,保证电网稳定、安全的运 行。 首先,介绍了光伏发电系统的设计方法。由于太阳光能量的变化无规律性、 负载功率的不确定性以及太阳电池特性的不稳定性等因素的影响,因此太阳能 光伏系统的设计比较复杂。太阳能光伏系统设计时,一般采用根据负载消费量 决定所需的太阳电池容量的方法。而且本文将环境价值标准引入光电欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,相 对与煤电评估光伏电站的减排污染物的环境价值。 其次,利用BP神经网络方法,建立了光伏系统发电功率的预测模型。影 响光伏功率输出的因素很多,本文在仅考虑光照强度和环境温度条件下,利用 光照强度和环境温度的历史数据,预测光伏电站实时发电功率,结果证明,预 测精度满足要求,而且如果增加影响因素约束,预测结果会更高。 最后,提出了系统联合优化运行的数学模型。在考虑了电力系统并网要求, 当地24小时负载情况下,建立了使联合发电系统获得最优收益的模型。该模型 从联合系统的角度出发,利用抽水蓄能的调峰调频作用,实现局域电网的电力 调度,同时缓解了光伏系统输出功率对局域电网的冲击。充分考虑了该联合运 行系统的约束条件,利用改进的多目标优化方法NSGA-II,在对比光伏电站独 立运行发电出力情况,验证了抽水蓄能电站一光伏电站联合系统在接入局域电 网时能更安全可靠运行,且能获得更高收益。 通过以上研究,证明抽水蓄能电站一光伏电站联合运行能缓解光伏电站接 入对局域电网的影响,灵活地为用户提供较理想、可靠的电能,最大化地实现 太阳能与水能资源的价值。 关键词:抽水蓄能电站;独立光伏系统设计;环境效益;光伏功率预测;联合 运行 华北屯力人学硕士学位报告 Abstract With the development of national economy and society in China, not only power supply of power system should be continued to increase, but the quality of power supply is required to be higher. In order to make up the deficiency of the solar power, and also to adjust peak-valley difference of the power system, guarantee the operation with safety, stability and economy, building pumped storage power plant has been broad consensus by absorbing foreign experience. And we all know that pumped storage power plant has functions such like to reduce fuel consumption of electric power system, to change the energy structure, to response water contradiction between electric generation and irrigation, to adjust electricity transmission with long distance, etc. Therefore, the pumped storage-solar system combined operating is proposed, this system can not only make full of the solar energy resources, but improve the power quality and guarantee the operation of power grid stably, safely combined with pumped storage to generate power together. At first, this paper introduces the design method of the stand-alone PV system. Because, the solar energy has no regular changes, the load power is uncertain, and the characteristics of solar cells are instable, etc, all of above factors make the design of PV system be complex. It is generally to determine the solar cells capacity by consumption of the load while designing the PV system. At the same time, the standard of environmental value is introduced into the PV industry; evaluate the emissions pollutants environmental value in PV station compared with the coal electricity. Secondly, by the method of neural network, the model that the power prediction of PV power generation system is set up. In the model it only considers light intensity and temperature, predicts PV power by using of historical data of light intensity and temperature. And the results shows, the forecast precision meets the error demands. In addition, increasing influence factors can make predicted results be more accurate. Finally, the optimal operation model of pumped storage-solar system is set up. With the grid connected requirement of power system and local 24 hours load conditions, the paper establishes optimal profits model of the combined system. This model,from the point of the joint system, by use of pumped storage load FM role, not only realizes the full use of solar energy resources, but also can reduce the effect that II 华北电力大学硕士学位报告 PV system acts on the power grid because of the uncertainty of solar energy. Full considered the constraint conditions of the joint system, used the improved multi- objective optimization method NSGA- II, the model verifies the pumped storage-solar system in access to power grid operating more safely and reliably, and it also verifies that the joint system can obtain higher benefits in contrast to pure PV power station. The research above proves that the joint operation of pumped storage-solar system can alleviate the effect on the power grid when photovoltaic power station has been in access to,and the combined system can provide users with more ideal, reliable electricity, and realize the maximization value of the solar energy and water resources. Keywords: pumped storage station, stand-alone PV system design, environmental benefits, PV power prediction, combined operation in 华北电力大学硕士学位报告 目录 艘 I Abstract II 第1章绪论 1 1.1选题背景及其意义 1 1.2国内外研究动态 1 1.2.1太阳能研究动态 1 1.2.2抽水蓄能研究动态 3 1.3课题研究内容 4 1.4预期成果和可能的创新点 5 第2章抽水蓄能基本知识 6 2.1我国电力系统的发展形势 6 2.2抽水蓄能电站的工作原理 6 2.3抽水蓄能水泵-水轮机组 7 2.3.1水泵水轮机的发展 7 2.3.2可逆式水泵水轮机的发展 8 2.3.3水泵水轮机出力计算 9 2.4抽水蓄能电站静态效益 10 2.4.1容量效益 10 2.4.2节煤环保效益 11 2.5小结 12 第3章光伏电站设计及环境效益 13 3.1太阳能资源概述 13 3.1.1太阳能的优缺点 13 3.1.2太阳辐射强度的影响因素 13 3.1.3中国太阳能资源分布 15 3.1.4太阳能光伏电池利用的历史和现状 16 3.1.5太阳能发电理论 17 3.2太阳能光伏系统设计 18 3.2.1设计及计算方法 18 3.2.2算例分析 21 3.3环境价值 22 华北电力大学硕士学位报告 3.3.1环境价值估算 22 3.3.2燃煤污染物排放量 23 3.4光伏功率预测 25 3.4.1光伏功率预测方法及影响因素 26 3.4.2 BP神经网络预测模型 28 3.5小结 30 第4章抽水蓄能电站一光伏电站联合优化运行 31 4.1联合系统意义 31 4.2多目标优化算法 31 4.2.1基于进化算法的多目标优化算法 32 4.2.2 NSGA- II多目标优化算法原理 32 4.3联合系统模型设计 34 4.3.1联合运行系统的工作原理 34 4.3.2联合运行系统的数学模型 35 4.4算例分析 36 4.5光伏系统独立运行时的仿真计算 39 4.6抽水蓄能电站一光伏电站联合运行与光伏系统独立运行的结果比较...40 4.7本章小结 41 第5章结论与展望 42 5.1结论 42 5.2展望 42