随着经济全球化以及互联网技术不断发展与成熟,市场竞争的界线变得越来越模 糊,消费需求的变化也越来越快。很多制造业都面临成本上升过快、创新速度太慢、 生产柔性不足等压力,这迫使企业管理者必须重新思考新的经营方式。许多企业选择 外包的方式来应对这些挑战。无论是境内外包还是境外的外包,生产外包成了制造业 更理性使用有限资源、改善经营业绩及专注于核心业务的一个很好选择。 EP 公司是全球最大的复合软管制造商,生产外包尚属首例,在全球的任何市场都 未曾发生过。近年来,在中国市场,受三大不利因素的影响,EP 公司的主营业务一直 在萎缩。这迫使公司不得不进行市场战略的调整,继而提出“做强主业,相邻扩张” 的市场战略,并确定了 5 年内实现“50/50”的战略目标。即从 2016 财年到 2020 财年, 实现销售额的 50%来自于牙膏包装业务,另外 50%的销售额来自于非牙膏包装领域。 遗憾的是,战略实施第二年,业务开拓便陷入了困境。新业务的拓展举步维艰,公司 原本在生产制造能力方面的核心竞争力完全没有施展的空间。问题的根源在哪,如何 应对,这是摆在区域管理层面前的难题。 本文笔者运用自身长期服务于 EP 公司 11 年的经验,结合准确的市场数据以及相 关理论知识,对 EP 公司面临的生产自制困境进行详尽的分析。从新市场领域品牌端的 变化、零售渠道的变化、消费升级的变化三个方面入手,对 EP 公司业务现状进行层层 的剖析;结合对复合软管生产制造流程的研究,寻找出问题背后的真实原因是,生产 设备配置的问题。 应对此问题,笔者提出了三种解决方案,自建产能、并购企业、生产外包。并通 过深入的市场分析、客户满意度调查分析、竞争对手分析,结合 EP 公司各关键部门的 领导意见后,确定了对比分析的 6 个关键指标;同时制定了不同方案间的两两比较模 型,对关键指标进行深入的比较分析,从而得出生产外包是解决当前困境,进而实现 战略目标的最佳选择。 在目标外包服务商的选择方面,本文笔者运用层次分析方法(AHP),通过确定 外包商的关键评价指标,进而对指标进行定量化分析计算,并根据计算结果确定目标 外包服务商。II 在此基础上,本文借鉴生产外包的相关理论和运作管理方法,制定了生产外包的 过程管理,以帮助企业能迅速建立起完善的外包管理系统,提升外包管理的效率,降 低外包管理的风险。 本研究将有助于 EP 公司区域管理层对目前的生产自制困境做出准确的判断,为应 对策略的选择提供具有实操意义的方案,确保战略目标的顺利完成。同时也为国内其 他企业的外包决策提供参考。 关键词,生产外包;层次分析法 AHP;过程管理III Abstract Along With the continuous development of economic globalization and Internet technology, the boundary of market competition has become increasingly blurred ,and consumer demand is changing faster and faster. Many manufacturers are under pressure from rising costs, slow innovation and inadequate production flexibility, which compel companies to rethink their business operation model. Many companies choose outsourcing to deal with such challenge. Whether outsourced domestically or overseas, production outsourcing has become a good choice for the manufacturing industry to make more rational use of limited resources, improve business performance and focus on their core business. As the largest laminated tube manufacturer in the world, EP company is trying to have the first attempt on production outsourcing, which has never happened in any market in global In recent years. EP's main business has been shrinking in the China market due to three unfavorable factors. This compel the company to adjust the business strategy. And put forward the market strategy of Strengthening the main business, Adjacent expansion. And set the strategic goal of Wining 50/50 Within Five Years”. That is, from fiscal year 2016 to fiscal year 2020, 50% of the sales come from the toothpaste packaging business, and the other 50% come from the non-toothpaste packaging field. Strengthen the main business refers to the consolidation of toothpaste packaging business. Adjacent expansion refers to the cosmetics market business development. However ,unfortunately, the strategy was in a dilemma from the second year. New business development is struggling, the company's original core competitiveness is no room to play. What is the root causeHow to deal with This is a tough problem for the regional management team. In this paper, based on 11 years of work experience in EP company; With accurate market data and relevant theoretical knowledge, the author makes a detailed analysis of EP company’s strategic dilemma . Starting from the change of cosmetic marketing brand owner, the change of retail channel and the change of consumption upgrade in China, then make analysis for EP company's business status by different perspectives; Combined with the research on the manufacturing process of laminated tube; Find out the real reason behind the dilemma of strategy implementation. That is , production facility allocation problem. To solve this problem, the author proposes three solutions: self-built capacity, merger and acquisition of enterprises, and production outsourcing. And through market analysis, customer satisfaction survey analysis, competitor analysis, combined with EP company’s keyIV leadership’s opinion, established comparative analysis method of six key indicators. Then established a comparison model between different schemes, to make an in-depth comparison analysis of the key indicators. It is concluded that the production outsourcing solution is the best choice in solving the current dilemma and help in realizing the strategic goal. In terms of the selection of target outsourcing service providers, the author use the analytic method of AHP to determine the key evaluation indicators of the outsourcing providers, and then conducts quantitative analysis and calculation on the indicators, and determines the target outsourcing service providers according to the calculation results. On this basis, this paper draw on the relevant theories and operation management methods of production outsourcing, to develop the process management of production outsourcing, so as to help the enterprises quickly establish a workable outsourcing management system, improve the efficiency of outsourcing management, and reduce the risk of outsourcing management. This study will help EP company's regional management team to make an accurate judgment of the current business status, provide practical solutions for the selection of coping strategies, and ensure the successful completion of strategic objectives. At the same time, it also provides reference for other domestic enterprises on production outsourcing decision. Keywords: Production Outsourcing; Analytic Hierarchy Process, Process managementV 目录 摘要.............................................................................................................................................I Abstract .................................................................................................................................... III 图表清单...............................................................................................................................VIII 第一章绪论................................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景 .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 文献综述与理论概述 ...................................................................................................... 1 1.2.1 生产外包的内涵........................................................................................................ 1 1.2.2 国内外研究文献与综述............................................................................................ 2 1.2.3 相关理论概述............................................................................................................ 3 1.3 研究的意义 ...................................................................................................................... 5 1.4 研究的内容、方法和思路 .............................................................................................. 5 1.4.1 研究的内容................................................................................................................ 5 1.4.2 研究的方法和思路.................