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I 摘要 我国信用卡产业的发展是一个从无到有,从小到大,从分散到相对规范化的过 程。近年来,我国信用卡市场发展迅猛,面对广泛的客户需求,信用卡市场表现出更 大的活力,发卡种类不断推陈出新,发卡量也保持着强劲增长态势。虽然我国信用卡 发行数量大幅增加,但是相较于发达国家的信用卡市场,我国信用卡业务的发展尚处 于起步阶段,在多方面发展迟缓,由此也引发了一系列问题。诸如不法分子伪冒办 卡,恶意透支、套现,信用卡诈骗等等,这些问题给商业银行的发展带来了巨大的风 险,也极大制约了信用卡业务的长期良性发展,如果不尽快解决,将会对中国信用卡 市场的高效发展带来沉重后果。 N 行作为国有大型商业银行,资金实力雄厚,服务功能齐全,各项业务位居同业 前列,也非常重视信用卡业务的发展,每年加大资源投入,这促使信用卡业务量连年 攀升,可是,在规模增长的背后衍生出更多业务风险,不良贷款率居高不下等,严重 制约了银行的发展,说明 N 行在风险管理中仍存在一定的问题需要改进。面对激烈的 信用卡市场竞争环境,N 行如何在稳定提升市场份额的前提下,防范和控制信用卡风 险显得尤为重要。因此,N 行应该结合自身业务实际情况,在风险防范的前提下,做 大信用卡业务,占据市场有利地位,实现 N 行信用卡业务的良性发展。本文引用风险 管理理论中信息不对称和委托代理理论,收集 N 行内部信用卡业务指标数据,结合 N 行信用卡业务发展情况、对风险管理流程进行梳理,分析 N 行信用卡风险管理现状及 存在的问题和原因,并提出改进的措施。 本文的构成分为以下几个部分。第一章为“绪论”,从该论文的背景出发阐述其 意义,并且对论文中所要研究的内容以及用到的方法进行简单的介绍,对研究思路进 行简单描述。第二章为“信用卡风险管理理论分析及文献综述”,介绍信用卡风险的 含义及特点,分析信用卡风险的产生原因,并查阅国内外关于信用卡业务风险管理的 文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,获悉信用卡风险管理的理论知识,为进一步研究信用卡风险管理做保障。 第三章为“N 行信用卡风险管理现状及问题分析”,从 N 行信用卡业务发展基本情 况、风险管理现状以及风险管理流程方面介绍目前 N 行信用卡风险管理情况,并提出 N 行风险管理中存在的问题及成因。第四章为“N 行信用卡风险管理的改进方案”, 介绍 N 行信用卡风险管理改进目标、改进原则并详述改进方案。第五章“N 行信用卡西北大学硕士学位论文 II 风险管理的保障措施”,介绍 N 行如何改进信用卡风险的保障措施。第六章是结论与 展望。 关键字:N行;信用卡风险;风险管理ABSTRACT III ABSTRACT The development of credit card industry in China is a process that is developing from nothing, expanding from small to big and developing from dispersion to relative normalization. In recent years, credit card market in China is rapidly developing. Facing to the extensive customer demands, credit card market exerts the greater vitality. Also, the development space of credit card market is very large. The card types constantly introduce new ones. The card capacity maintains the strong growth situation. Even if credit card capacity in China is dramatically increasing, credit card business belongs to the starting stage by comparing with financial system and credit market of developed countries, showing the developmental delay in multiple aspects. However, it also causes a series of problems. Lawbreakers forge to apply for cards, make malicious overdraft, cash out and make credit card fraud. All of these problems bring huge risks to the development of commercial banks and greatly restrain long- term benign development of credit card business. If these problems can’t be solved as soon as possible, it will bring heavy consequence to high-efficient development of Chinese credit card market. N is a large-scale state-run commercial bank with tremendous strength and complete service functions. Each business ranks in the front row of the same industry. Also, the bank values the development of credit card business and enlarges resource investment every year, resulting in continuous increase of credit card capacity. However, scale increase is derived with lots of business risks. Bad loan rate remains high and seriously restrains development of the bank, indicating that N still has some problems in risk management and should be improved. Facing to the fierce credit card market competition environment, it is extremely important to prevent from and control credit card risks under the precondition of how to stably improving market shares. As a result, N combines with physical truth of business to enlarge credit card business, occupy favorable status, and realize benign development of credit card business in N under the precondition of risk prevention. In this thesis, the author introduces information asymmetry and principal-agent theory in risk management theory, collect data,combines with credit card business development and risk management process in N, analyzes status of credit card risk management in N, existing problems and causes, and proposes the improvement measures.西北大学硕士学位论文 IV The composition of this thesis can be divided into the several parts. The chapter one is “introduction”. The author elaborates its significance from the background of this thesis, briefly introduces research contents and methods, and briefly describes the research ideas. The chapter two refers to “credit card risk management theory analysis and literature review”, introduces the meaning and features of credit card risks, analyzes the causes for credit card risks, looks up domestic and overseas literature about credit card business risk management, gains the theoretical knowledge of credit card risk management, and safeguards the credit card risk management. The chapter three includes “status of credit card business management and problem analysis in N”, introduces the credit card risk management situation in N from the perspectives of basic situation of credit card business development in N, risk management status and risk management process, and proposes existing problems and causes in risk management of N. The chapter four includes “improvement projects on credit card risk management in N” and introduces the target principle and how to improve credit card risk management problems in N. The chapter five contains “safeguard measures of credit card risk management in N” and introduces how to improve safeguard measures of credit card risks. The author proposes conclusions and prospect in the chapter six. Key words: N bank; Credit card risk; Risk management目 录 V 目 录 摘要....................................................................................................................................I ABSTRACT .....................................................................................................................III 目 录.................................................................................................................................V 第 1章 绪论 .......................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ......................................................................................................1 1.1.1 研究背景 ...........................................................................................................1 1.1.2 研究意义 ...........................................................................................................2 1.2 研究内容、方法与研究思路 ..................................................................................2 1.2.1 研究内容 ...........................................................................................................2 1.2.2 研究方法 ...........................................................................................................3 1.2.3 研究思路 ...........................................................................................................3 第 2章 信用卡风险管理理论分析及文献综述 ...............................................................5 2.1 信用卡风险的基本概念 ..........................................................................................5 2.1.1 信用卡风险的定义 ...........................................................................................5 2.1.2 信用卡风险的特点 ...........................................................................................5 2.2 信用卡风险产生的原因

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