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摘要 改革开放以来,随着党和国家对教育事业的重视,我国教育体制不断改革 与深化,教育培训欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发生了翻天覆地的变化。在中国,受独生子女、升学压 力、就业竞争压力等各种因素影响,教育培训产业的发展呈现出强大的生命力, 发展潜力巨大。 YF培训机构连锁经营商业计划书旨在利用本人在郑州大学商学院2年多工 商管理知识的学习,通过对教育培训欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的背景、竞争因素、发展趋势等各种 情况分析,总结出建设培训机构的必要性和重要意义,确定成立以中小学课外 辅导为主要目标市场的培训机构,制定品牌化、体系化、标准化、制度化、连 锁化、创新与服务等各个方面的详细方案,从产品、价格、渠道、品牌等设计 出竞争和发展策略,试图探索和制定出一套能指导YF培训机构建设和发展的品 牌化连锁经营商业计划书。 为适应市场的需求,同时增强市场竞争力,计划成立的YF培训机构制定了 三个阶段的发展路线: 第一阶段:建设一个以中小学课外辅导为主要市场目标的培训机构,不断 增加它知名度、美誉度、诚信度,用一年的时间将培训机构建设成一个独具特 色和影响力的品牌化培训机构,逐步走上品牌化经营的道路。 第二阶段:在成功建设品牌化培训机构的基础上,建立和完善标准化经营 机制,不断发展新的特色品牌化连锁培训机构,形成初具规模的连锁培训机构。 第三阶段:在成功建设标准化经营机制的基础上,扩大连锁经营规模,逐 步发展成极具品牌化的连锁经营培训机构。 按照制定的战略发展路线,短时间内扩大国内市场占有率,办出有特色、 有质量、有知名度、品牌化的连锁教育培训机构。 关键词:YF培训机构,连锁经营,商业计划书 I Abstract Abstract After the reform and opening-up policy,with our country paying more and more attention to education, the educational system of China experiences great change,and accordingly the educational cause of China has experienced amazing change. In China, influenced by various factors such as one-child policy,school entrance pressure and employment competitive pressure, the Chinese educational training industry tends to be promising. This business plan of YF Training School is to take advantage of more than two years ‘ knowledge concerning business management in ZhengZhou University Business School. Through the background of educational training industry, competitive factors and developing tendency, the plan summarizes the construction of necessity and importance of the training industry, establishes training school that targets at out-of-class tutoring of junior middle school and primary school students and sets up a series of detailed plans for creation and services of the training school in terms of brand, system, standard,system and chain. In addition, the plan designs competitive and developing strategies from factors such as products, prices,channels and brands and aims to explore and carry out a set of business plans for guiding YF training school's construction and development in the road of branded chain. To meet the demands of the market and to increase the market competitiveness, the plan is to carry out the developing routes of three phrases for YF training school: The first phrase: the plan is to construct a training school which mainly targets at out-of-class tutoring of junior middle school and primary school students, increases its fame, reputation and credibility,makes the training school become a special branded training school with specialty and follows the road of branded operation of the school. The second phrase: based on the successful construction of branded training school, the plan is to establish and perfect standardized operational mechanism, develops new special branded training school constantly and forms a large chain II Abstract training school. The third phrase: based on the successful construction of branded training school, the plan is to expand chain operation scale and construct a branded training school with chain operation. In accordance with the strategic developing route,the plan is to expand the domestic occupying rate within a short period and to construct a training school with specialty, quality and great reputation. Key words: YF training school,chain operation,business plan III 目录 目录 1导论 1 1.1项@提_背景 1 1.2项目建设的必要性 2 1.3研究的思路与框架 4 2项@介绍 7 2.1项S介绍 7 2.2体系设置 8 2.3机构标示设置 8 3欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司与环境分析 10 3.1欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司分析 10 3.1.1教育培训4于业竞争因素分析 10 3.1.2教育培训欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展趋势分析 11 3.1.3培训机构情况分析 12 3.2市场发展空间分析 14 3.3 SWOT 分析 15 4管理模式分析 18 4.1发展战略 18 4.2建设品牌化 18 4.2.1组织结构 19 4.2.2管理控制 21 4.2.3人力资源规划 23 4.3建设标准化 24 4.3.1选址分析 24 4.3.2建设标准化体系 24 4.4连锁化管理 26 5市场推广分析 29 I 目录 5.1目标市场 29 5.2宣传策略 29 5.3营销模式 30 5.4推广方式 31 6财务分析 33 6.1资金需求分析 6.2资金来源分析 34 6.3投资收益分析 34 6.4财务目标分析 37 6.5薪酬体系设置 37 7风险与对策分析 39 7.1风险分析 39 7.2控制措施 40 8结论 44

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