工程项目的可行性研究是企业投资管理活动的重要环节,通过对工程项目技术先进性、 经济合理性和建设可能性等方面进行分析比较来确定该项目是否值得投资、建设规模、建设 时间、投资计划、预期经济效益等,是国家及企业投资决策的重要依据。 本文从陕西煤业化工集团经营状况及发展战略入手,以小保当矿井得天独厚的建设条件 为基础,结合近年来煤炭欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展现状’分析其作为煤炭欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司示范矿井的可行性和示范性。 采用定性分析与定量研究相结合的方法,对项目所在地互适性、能源市场发展进行预测,依 据国家产业政策对矿井建设规模、实施方案、进度计划指标、投资规模等进行合理确定。 经济效益是工程项目建设的落脚点,本文对矿井进行了投资分析和经济评价,分析了项目的 投资成本、盈利能力、偿债能力并进行了敏感性分析及盈亏平衡分析,为项目的立项决策提 供了科学客观的依据。 作为风险投资项目,矿井除一般项目常规风险外具有一次性投资大、建设周期长、风险 大、地质环境复杂等风险,文中着重对矿井建设风险进了评估并提出风险规避方案。 关键词:矿井,可行性研究,风险分析,投资分析,经济评价 Abstract The feasibility study of engineering projects is a very important part of the management of enterprises.The study can judge the investment value of projects through comparing and analyzing the technical advancem叫economiefeasibilities and constructive feasibilities of the engineering projects.The construction scaleconstruction timeinvestment plans and the expected economic efficiency are all important basis of countries' and enterprises' investment decisions. The paper starts with the operation state and development strategies of Shaanxi Coal and Chemical fcdustry and is based on the unique construction conditions of the Xiaobaodang Mine and combines the development status of coal industry in recent years in order to analyze the feasibility and demonstration of Xiaobaodang Mine,the demonstrative mine of coal industry.The paper predicts the compatibility of seats of energy and the development of energy market by the means of the combination of qualitative anal>is and quantitative analysis.Besidesthe thesis also tells how to determine rationally the mines' construction scale,embodiment,schedule indicators and investment scale according to national industrial policy.Economic effectiveness is the secure foothold of the process of engineering projects. In the essay,I have made investment analysis and economic evaluations of tiie mines and analyzed the investment costprofitability and credit capacity.In addition^ also made sensitivity analysis and breakeven analysis.I do all above so as to provide scientific and objective basis for the project decisions. As venture capital projects,ttie mine projects have general additional risks compared with regular projects such as the huge one-time investment^high stake,complex geologic environment and so on.ThereforeI focused on the evaluations of the mine construction risks and put forward venture avoiding schemes in the paper. Keywords: mine feasibility study venture analysis investment analysis economic evaluation 第1章_ 1.1研究背景及意义 1. 2研究内容 1. 3研究思路与方法 第2章项目背景及建设必要性 2.1建设单位概况… 2.2项目建设的必要性 第3章井田概况及建设条件 3.1井田概况 3.2矿井建设外部条件 3. 3矿井开采技术条件及评价 3.4地质勘探程度 第4章市场分析与预测 4.1产品目标市场 4. 2产品竞争力分析 第5章矿井建设方案设计 5.1建设规模 5. 2矿井设施建设方案 5. 2.1工业场地位置选择 5. 2. 2地面场地布置 5. 2. 3矿井开拓方式 5. 3项目建设标准及目标 5.4项目实施进度计划 5. 4.1施工准备 5. 4. 2井巷工程施工进度指标 5. 4. 3矿井移交标准 5.4.4井巷主要连锁工程 5. 4. 5加快施工进度的主要措施..5. 5组织结构及人力资源配备 5. 5.1组织结构 5.5.2人力资源配备 第6章建设项目投资估算与经济评价 6. 1投资估算 34 6. 2资金筹措 37 6.2.1资本金筹措 37 6.2.2债务资金筹措 37 6. 3财务评价 37 6. 3. 1基础数据 40 6. 3. 2参数选择 40 6. 3. 3成本费用估算 40 6.3.4销售收入估算 42 6. 3. 5财务分析 43 6. 3. 6不确定性分析 44 6. 4综合评价 47 第7章项目投资风险管理 48 7. 1项目主要风险分析 48 7. 2防范和降低风险对策 50 7. 3风险管理策略 51 B8章结论及建议 53 gC m 54