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BRITISH STANDARDBS ISO 16232-1:2007 Road vehicles — Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits — Part 1: Vocabulary ICS 01.040.43; 13.040.50; 43.180 122&23<,1**:,7+2877%6,,3(50,66,211(;&(377$663(50,77(''%<<&23<5,*+77/$: Li ce ns ed C op y: In st itu te O f T ec hn ol og y Ta lla gh t, In st itu te o f T ec hn ol og y, S un J ul 1 5 09 :3 1: 37 G M T+ 00 :0 0 20 07 , U nc on tro lle d C op y, (c ) B S I BS ISO 16232-1:2007 This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 29 June 2007 BSI 2007 ISBN 978 0 580 50928 5 National foreword This British Standard was published by BSI. It is the UK implementation of ISO 16232-1:2007. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee MCE/22, Engines for road vehicles. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations. Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. DateComments Li ce ns ed C op y: In st itu te O f T ec hn ol og y Ta lla gh t, In st itu te o f T ec hn ol og y, S un J ul 1 5 09 :3 1: 37 G M T+ 00 :0 0 20 07 , U nc on tro lle d C op y, (c ) B S I Reference number ISO 16232-1:2007(E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 16232-1 First edition 2007-06-01 Road vehicles — Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits — Part 1: Vocabulary Véhicules routiers — Propreté des composants des circuits de fluide — Partie 1: Vocabulaire BS ISO 16232-1:2007 Li ce ns ed C op y: In st itu te O f T ec hn ol og y Ta lla gh t, In st itu te o f T ec hn ol og y, S un J ul 1 5 09 :3 1: 37 G M T+ 00 :0 0 20 07 , U nc on tro lle d C op y, (c ) B S I ii Li ce ns ed C op y: In st itu te O f T ec hn ol og y Ta lla gh t, In st itu te o f T ec hn ol og y, S un J ul 1 5 09 :3 1: 37 G M T+ 00 :0 0 20 07 , U nc on tro lle d C op y, (c ) B S I iii Contents Page Foreword............................................................................................................................................................iv Introduction........................................................................................................................................................v 1 Scope.....................................................................................................................................................1 2 Normative references...........................................................................................................................1 3 Terms and definitions...........................................................................................................................1 4 Symbols and abreviations.................................................................................................................11 BS ISO 16232-1:2007 Li ce ns ed C op y: In st itu te O f T ec hn ol og y Ta lla gh t, In st itu te o f T ec hn ol og y, S un J ul 1 5 09 :3 1: 37 G M T+ 00 :0 0 20 07 , U nc on tro lle d C op y, (c ) B S I

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