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集装箱业务是中集集团九大产业板块中规模最大的业务板块,全球市场份额 将近 50%,二十多年来一直占据欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司第一的位置,在中集集团整体业务发展和未 来战略中具有举足轻重的地位。在当前复杂的国内外政治经济及贸易环境下,集 装箱欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司需求减缓、成本上升、竞争加剧,中集集团的集装箱业务面临严峻的挑 战。如何使该业务在保持当前竞争优势地位的同时,取得新的业绩增长,成为中 集集团必须面对的研究课题。 本文利用 PESTEL 分析法和波特五力分析模型,对中集所处的宏观及欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞 争环境进行分析,并采用外部因素评价矩阵(EFE)进行评价,得出集装箱欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 虽然面临诸多困难和不确定因素,但也有很多新的发展机会。通过对中集集团的 内部资源与核心能力分析,应用内部因素评价矩阵(IFE),可知虽然有一定的不 足,但之前积累并拥有的核心竞争力,内部状况处于强势,可使中集集团在欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 中具有竞争优势,足以支撑业务未来战略转型。通过 SWOT 分析矩阵,首先对 业务的优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行组合策略分析,制定了竞争战略的备选战略, 然后再通过 QSPM 矩阵对备选战略进行战略定量选择,最后确定中集集团集装 箱业务采用的是“差异化竞争”战略。在确定了“差异化战略”的具体目标后, 提出了产品差异化、服务差异化、市场差异化三条实施途径,还从组织、人事、 生产、资源整合、业务布局、创新研发等角度给出相应的实施保障和控制措施, 最后对战略实施过程进行有效的检查、考核和纠偏,有效保障了战略的落地与顺 利实施。 本文还对中集集团在国际化、组织建设、人力资源建设、资源整合、技术创 新、制造能力、全面解决方案能力等方面给出了一些可行性建议。另外,中集集 团作为国内制造业标杆企业,本文的研究成果,对于其它制造型企业如何认清并 顺应制造业的发展趋势,实现健康、可持续性发展,同样具有现实的借鉴意义。 关键词:中集集团;竞争战略;差异化战略;SWOT;QSPMIV RESEARCH ON THE COMPETITIVE STRATEGY OF CIMC CONTAINER BUSINESS Abstract The container business is the largest business segment among the nine industrial segments of CIMC, with a global market share of nearly 50%. It has occupied the first position in the industry for more than 20 years, and plays a very important role in the overall business development and future strategy of CIMC. In the current complex domestic and international political and economic and trade environment, the demand for containers has decreased, the costs has raising, competition is becoming more and more intense, CIMC’s container business is facing many challenges, how to keep the business in the current competitive advantage at the same time, made make new growth, become the research topic of CIMC. In this paper, PESTEL analysis method and porter's five forces analysis model are used to analyze the macro and industrial competition environment of CIMC, and external factor evaluation matrix (EFE) is used to evaluate. It is concluded that although container industry faces many difficulties and uncertain factors, there are still many new development opportunities. Through the analysis of internal resources and core capabilities of CIMC and the application of internal factor evaluation matrix (IFE), it can be seen that although there are certain deficiencies, the core competitiveness accumulated and possessed before and the internal situation is strong, which can give CIMC a competitive advantage in the industry and be able to support the future strategic transformation of the business. Through SWOT analysis matrix, first of all, the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the business are analyzed, and the alternative strategy of competitive strategy is developed. Then, the strategic quantitative selection of the alternative strategyis carried out through the QSPM matrix. Finally, it is determined that the container business of CIMC adopts the strategy of differentiated competition. In determining the strategy of differentiation target, put forward the product differentiation and service differentiation, market differentiation three implementing ways and also from the organization, personnel, production, resource integration, business layout, innovative research and development, and puts forward the implementation of the corresponding security and control measures, and finally the strategy implementation process for effective inspection, examination and rectification, effective guarantee fall to the ground and the smooth implementation of the strategy.This paper gives some feasible Suggestions on CIMC's internationalization, organization construction, human resource construction, resource integration, technology innovation, manufacturing capacity andV comprehensive solution capacity, so as to ensure the effective implementation of competitive strategy. In addition, as a benchmark enterprise in the domestic manufacturing industry, the research results of this paper are also of practical reference significance for other manufacturing enterprises to recognize and conform to the development trend of the manufacturing industry and achieve healthy and sustainable development. This paper also gives some feasible Suggestions on CIMC's internationalization, organization construction, human resource construction, resource integration, technology innovation, manufacturingcapacityandcomprehensivesolutioncapacity. Inaddition,asabenchmarkenterprise in the domestic manufacturing industry, the research results of this paper are also of practical significance for other manufacturing enterprises to recognize and follow the development trend of the manufacturing industry and achieve healthy and sustainable development. Key words: CIMC;Competition strategy; Differentiation strategy;SWOT;QSPMVI 目 录 中文摘要...................................................................................................III Abstract.................................................................................................... IV 第一章 引言...............................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景和意义 ..............................................1 1.2 企业简介....................................................2 1.3 研究内容和技术路线..........................................2 第二章 相关理论综述 ..............................................................................5 2.1 战略管理理论................................................5 2.2 企业竞争战略理论............................................5 2.3 研究工具和方法..............................................7 第三章 中集集团外部环境分析 ..............................9 3.1 宏观环境分析................................................9 3.2 产业环境分析...............................................17 3.3 竞争对手分析...............................................24 3.4 外部因素评价(EFE)矩阵....................................30 第四章 中集集团内部环境分析 .............................33 4.1 资源分析...................................................33 4.2 能力分析...................................................36 4.3 内部因素评价(IFE)矩阵....................................41 第五章 中集集团集装箱业务竞争战略制定 ...................44 5.1 中集集团集装箱业务竞争战略备选方案.........................44 5.2 中集集团集装箱业务竞争战略的选择...........................46 5.3 中集集团集装箱业务竞争战略主要内容.........................47 第六章 中集集团集装箱业务竞争战略实施 ...................50VII 6.1 实施保障...................................................50 6.2 实施措施...................................................54 6.3 实施评价与控制.............................................55 第七章 结论...............................................................................................58

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