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民办 H 学院薪酬体系改进方案的设计 目前我国高等教育已呈现出由精英教育转向大众化教育的发展特征,并伴 随《中华人民共和国民办教育促进法》的深入贯彻与实施,民办高校已成为高 等教育办学的重要组成部分,但随着高等教育学苗人数的减少,各高校之间的 竞争将会越来越激烈,争夺优秀的师资显得尤为重要,而构建公平合理的薪酬 体系是争夺师资的重要手段之一。 本文以民办 H 学院为例,希望通过分析现行薪酬体系中存在的问题,设计 薪酬体系的改进方案,以期对民办 H 学院的薪酬体制改革及其他民办高校的薪 酬体系设置起到参考作用。 首先,本文简要介绍了民办 H 学院的背景。而后,从现行的薪酬体系状况, 提出薪酬制度不完善、结构不合理、内部欠缺公平、外部缺少竞争等几个方面 分析了民办 H 学院薪酬体系的现状,并对现存问题进行成因分析。 其次,本文对民办 H 学院薪酬体系改进设计的前提基础进行了梳理,通过 对调查区域内高校薪酬水平,构建完善的人力资源管理体系,国内部分高校薪 酬体系的比较研究等方面进行研究。 再次,对民办 H 学院的薪酬改进体系方案进行设计: (1)确认薪酬改进体系期望实现的目标。实现不照搬公立院校,结合民办 高校的实际,遵循强化岗位、以责定薪、责变薪变,按劳取酬、优劳优酬的目 标。 (2)在遵循战略导向、内部公平性、外部竞争性、统一量化等相关基本原 则,完成薪酬改进体系方案的设计。 (3)设计影响薪酬体系的核心要素。针对知识密集型的组织特点,围绕应 用型人才的培养目标,实现以科研促教学,以管理促发展,进行了薪酬体系核II 心要素的设计。 (4)改进后的薪酬体系的构成设计。参照各岗位影响薪酬的核心要素,依 托内各岗位工作量、重要程度、对学院贡献度等方面的差异,合理设置同类岗 位间不同岗位类别的责任系数,并折合成相应工作量,从而完成各类岗位间的 计酬标准的确认。 (5)建立健全各项福利制度。进一步完善薪酬体系的设计,从各类补贴、 保险保障及服务等方面入手,力争为教职工的现在与未来提供合理保障,解除 他们的后顾之忧。 最后,从组织保障、制度保障、文化保障三方面入手,规范注意事项,更 好地落实薪酬体系改进方案,保证其顺利实施。 综上所述,本文通过对民办 H 学院薪酬体系改进方案的设计,将教职工个 人业绩与薪酬有机结合起来,达到吸引外部人才、稳定内部师资的目的,从而 确保学院战略目标的实现。 关键词: 民办高校,人力资源管理,薪酬管理III Abstract Design of Improved Compensation System in H Private College At present,the development feature of higher education in our country is a transition from elite education to mass education. Meanwhile, with the thorough implementation of Law of the People's Republic of China on Promotion of Privately-run Schools, the private colleges and universities have become the important component of the higher education. But with the reduction in the number of students of higher education, the competition among the colleges and universities will be getting more and more intense. For the private colleges and universities, to have the outstanding teachers is the key for them to gain an upper hand in the competition. Therefore, building a fair and reasonable salary system is an important means of gaining excellent teachers. Taking the private college for instance, the paper analyzes the problems in the current compensation system and works out the improvement program so as to play a reference role in the compensation system reform of the H private College and other private colleges. First, the paper briefly introduces the background of the H private College. Then, point out the present state of the present salary system: the imperfection of the system, the unreasonable structure, its lack in internal fairness and external competition. And, analyze the causes. Next, the paper reorganizes the premise of the improvement of the compensation system in the H private College. Its main contents are as follows: Investigate the salary level of high institutes in the region, Make the strategic target definite, construct perfect human resource management system, make comparisons with theIV salary system of some of other high colleges. Then, design to the compensation system improvement plan of H Private College (1)Confirm the goal of compensation system improvement plan. Make sure not to imitate the compensation system of the public colleges and universities without careful thinking, combine the reality of non-governmental, and follow the principles as follows: Strengthening responsibility, Salary commeasuring salary with work, evaluating salary on what you produce. (2) Follow the principles such as the strategic guidance, the internal fairness, the exterior competitiveness, uniform quantization and improve the compensation system improvement plan. (3)Design the central elements of influencing the salary system. The design of the central elements is aimed at he knowledge-intensive organizational characters, application-oriented training goal, the improvement of teaching through scientific research and the development through management. (4) The improved salary system. Refers to the core essential factors influencing the salary of different posts, work load, importance, and contribution to college and set the responsibility coefficients of the different posts, and transform them into corresponding work load, thus the salary standard between each kind of post is confirmed. (5) Establish sound welfare system. Further improve the compensation system, provide reasonable now-and-future safeguard for the teaching and administrative staff and relieve their extra worries by offering various allowances, insurances and services and so on. Finally, standardize the notes from the three aspects: organizational security, system security, cultural security, put the compensation system improvement plan into effect and ensure it implantation.V In summary, the paper combines the individual performance of the staff and their salary through the design and the implementation of the H private College’s compensation system to attract external personnel, stabilize internal teachers, and achieve the aim of attracting more talents so as to ensure the realization of the college strategic target. Key words: Private colleges, Human resource management, Compensation managementVI 目 录 引 言 ..................................................................................................... 1 第 1 章 民办 H 学院薪酬体系的现状及问题...................................... 2 1.1 民办 H 学院简介 ............................................................................ 2 1.2 民办 H 学院薪酬体系概况 ........................................................... 4 1.3 民办 H 学院薪酬体系存在的问题分析 ....................................... 6 第 2 章 民办 H 学院薪酬体系改进设计的前提基础........................ 10 2.1 薪酬体系改进的理论基础 .......................................................... 10 2.2 民办 H 学院薪酬体系改进设计的前提条件 ............................. 12 2.3 区域内高校薪酬水平的调查分析 .............................................. 15 2.4 国内高校薪酬制度的研究 .......................................................... 17 第 3 章 民办 H 学院薪酬体系改进方案的设计................................. 21 3.1 目标与原则 .................................................................................. 21 3.2 影响薪酬体系改进设计的核心要素.......................................... 22 3.3 基本薪酬标准的确定 .................................................................. 30 3.4 教学工作量计酬标准的确定 ...................................................... 31 3.5 科研及学术活动工作量计酬标准的确定.................................. 34 3.6 管理类岗位工作量计酬标准的确定.......................................... 36 3.7 福利制度的建设 .......................................................................... 38 第 4 章 民办 H 学院薪酬体系改进方案实施的保障措施 ............... 42 4.1 组织保障 ...................................................................................... 42 4.2 制度保障 ...................................................................................... 43 4.3 文化保障 ...................................................................................... 45 结 论 ................................................................................................. 48

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