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近年来,互联网金融的蓬勃发展业已成为不可阻挡的时代潮流。作为一种 利用互联网技术与信息通信技术实现资金融通、支付、投资和信息中介服务的 新型金融业务,互联网金融既不能简单地理解为互联网企业做金融,也不能认 为是金融企业单纯地运用互联网技术来完善自己,而应该理解为,是互联网创 新成果与金融的深度融合的一种方式。在此轮互联网金融发展的浪潮中,商业 银行为了适应市场与用户需求,保住在金融领域的主导地位,必须深入研究自 身互联网金融发展的策略与方向。 本文结合当前互联网金融发展的背景,以中国建设银行 F 省分行这一国有 大型商业银行沿海分支机构作为主要研究对象,开展针对该分行持续有效推进 互联网金融发展的策略分析。本文回顾了 F 省建设银行的互联网金融发展历程, 对其互联网金融发展的基本现状与现有架构进行了总结,并针对当前 F 省建设 银行在互联网金融发展中存在的突出问题进行了分析阐述。随后,通过问卷调 查法的方式,对 F 省建设银行发展互联网金融的问题诱因进行了数据收集整理, 得出主要影响因素,并结合 SWOT 分析方法,对 F 省建设银行发展互联网金融的 优势、劣势、机遇与挑战进行了总体评价。 根据上述分析的结果,本文提出了建设银行 F 省分行为推动互联网金融的 科学发展,应当坚持以“协同、开放、整合、创新、智慧、传承”为总体导向, 从“用户、产品、平台、场景、营销、保障”六个维度,提出促进 F 省建设银 行互联网金融发展的有效策略。此外,本文还对此次研究的后续工作进行了初 步展望,希望在后续的研究过程中,能够关注到 F 省建设银行在互联网新技术 的运用、规范化发展以及,推动互联网金融的价值创造方面,进行科学的反馈 与评价。 关键词:互联网金融,F 省建设银行,发展策略Research on Internet finance development strategy of China construction bank in F province Abstract In recent years, the booming development of Internet finance has become an irresistible trend of times. As a kind of use of the Internet technology and information communication technology to realize financing, payment, investment, and new financial business information intermediary services, Internet financial can not simply understand do financial for Internet companies, also cannot be considered a financial enterprise simply use Internet technology to perfect itself, and should be understood as the Internet innovation and the depth of the financial integration a way. In this wave of Internet finance development, in order to adapt to the needs of the market and users and maintain the leading position in the financial field, commercial Banks must conduct in-depth research on the development strategy and direction of their own Internet finance. In combination with the background of the current development of Internet finance, this paper takes China construction bank F province branch, a coastal branch of a large state-owned commercial bank, as the main research object, to carry out strategy analysis on the sustainable and effective promotion of Internet finance development of this branch. This paper reviews the development process of Internet finance of China construction bank F province branch, summarizes the basic status quo and existing structure of its Internet finance development, and analyzes and expounds the prominent problems existing in the development of Internet finance of China construction bank in F province. Then, by means of questionnaire survey, data were collected and sorted out on the causes of problems in the development of Internet finance of CCB in F province, and main influencing factors were obtained. Combined with SWOT analysis method, the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges in the development of Internet finance of CCB in F province were comprehensively evaluated.. According to the results of the analysis, this paper puts forward the construction bank F province branch in order to promote the scientific development of the Internetfinancial, should adhere to the collaborative, open, wisdom, inheritance, integration, innovation for the overall direction, from the user, product, marketing platform, scene, ensurencesix dimensions, and puts forward effective to promote the development of China construction bank F province branch Internet financial strategy. In addition, this paper also makes a preliminary outlook on the follow-up work of this research, hoping that in the follow-up research process, we can pay attention to the application of new Internet technologies, the standardized development of China construction bank in F province, as well as the scientific feedback and evaluation in the aspect of promoting the value creation of Internet finance. Key words : Internet finance, China construction bank F province branch, development strategy目录 第一章导论 ........................................................ 1 1.1 选题背景和意义 ..............................................1 1.1.1 选题背景.................................................................................... 1 1.1.2 选题意义.................................................................................... 1 1.2 国内外文献综述 ..............................................2 1.2.1 国外文献综述 ............................................................................ 2 1.2.2 国内文献综述 ............................................................................ 3 1.2.3 相关研究评析 ............................................................................ 5 1.3 研究框架 ....................................................5 1.3.1 研究内容.................................................................................... 5 1.3.2 研究方法.................................................................................... 6 1.3.3 技术路线图 ................................................................................ 6 1.3.4 创新点 ....................................................................................... 6 第二章 F 省建设银行互联网金融发展概况 .............................. 8 2.1 互联网金融发展简述 ..........................................8 2.1.1 互联网金融的定义 ..................................................................... 8 2.1.2 互联网金融的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展现状 ....................................................... 8 2.2F 省建设银行互联网金融发展的概况 ............................10 2.2.1F 省建设银行互联网金融发展的历程 ........................................ 10 2.2.2F 省建设银行互联网金融现有的理念、架构与模式 ................... 12 2.3 本章小结 ...................................................14 第三章 F 省建设银行互联网金融发展存在的问题 ....................... 15 3.1 业务流程与互联网金融发展不适应 .............................15 3.1.1 财务投入流程繁琐 ................................................................... 15 3.1.2 业务运营流程繁琐 ................................................................... 16 3.2 产品管理与互联网金融发展不协调 .............................16 3.2.1 产品推广缺乏统筹管理 ............................................................ 17 3.2.2 产品应用水平参差不齐 ............................................................ 17 3.2.3 产品开发迭代效率不高 ............................................................ 18 3.3 数据应用与互联网金融特征不匹配 .............................18 3.3.1 数据分析的水平不高................................................................ 19 3.3.2 数据应用的层次有限................................................................ 19 3.3.3 数据挖掘的来源不足................................................................ 19 3.4 营销措施尚缺乏创新性与灵活性 ...............................20 3.4.1 营销管理过于粗放 ................................................................... 203.4.2 营销策略缺乏优势 ................................................................... 21 3.4.3 营销方式创新不足 ................................................................... 21 3.5 本章小结 ...................................................21 第四章 F 省建设银行互联网金融发展问题的成因 ....................... 22 4.1 调查描述 ...................................................22 4.1.1 调查工具.................................................................................. 22 4.1.2 调查程序...............................................................

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