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I 摘要 我国民办高校的快速发展开始于 2003 年 9 月 1 日《民办教育促进法》的正式 实施之后,根据 2014 年 6 月国家相关文件精神,我国将加快发展职业教育,要让 更多的社会力量参与办学,深化产教融合、校企合作,这将促进我国民办高校将 进入新一轮的快速发展阶段。 作为民办高校,招生是生存之本,师资是发展之本。教师是学校的主体,高 校的核心竞争力应该是优秀的教师队伍和雄厚的师资力量。然而,不少民办高校 是企业控股,不重视教师对于学院发展的重要性,完全实行企业化的人力成本控 制以及考勤等管理,使得很多教师无所适从,产生不满意感,导致人才流失。鉴 于此,作为民办高校的创办者和高层管理人员要转变观念,要以引进优秀师资, 培养提升师资素质水平,打造一流师资队伍作为学校的战略重点和长期任务;一 定要以“以人为本”的管理理念并选择适合民办高校实际情况的相关管理理论和 方法,设计出科学合理的人力资源管理制度体系,对民办高校的师资队伍进行管 理。而薪酬管理是人力资源管理当中的最核心内容,直接决定或影响教师对学院 的满意度结果。对于民办高校相关管理层而言,需要在有限的人力成本预算下, 设计出让大部分教师都满意,并能够很好地吸引、培养、激励和留住优秀人才的 薪酬体系才更有利于学院的长远发展。 本文在广泛查阅相关文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的基础之上,首先对国内外薪酬管理的相关理 论进行综述,了解和掌握薪酬体系设计的经典理论、方法和技术,分析组织薪酬 体系设计与师资力量建设两者之间的内在关系;然后采用调查问卷和访谈等方法, 了解学院现行薪酬体系存在的主要问题;结合学院的发展战略,明确学院薪酬管 理的目标;再运用薪酬体系设计的科学理论、方法和技术,主要从教师岗位评价 体系设计、教师绩效考核体系设计、教师固定薪酬发放、教师绩效奖金发放等方 面为民办X学院教师薪酬体系进行优化设计,同时完善薪酬管理配套制度和机制, 保证新的薪酬制度体系能够良好地运行和实施。 希望研究结果对民办 X 学院的薪酬管理具有一定的实用价值,并对其他同类 高校的薪酬管理和改革具有指导和借鉴意义。 关键词,民办 X 学院,教师,薪酬管理,优化设计ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT Along with the formal implementation of Law of the People's Republic of China on Promotion of Privately-run Schools since Sep 1 st in 2003, our domestic privately-run higher education schools started a fast growth. According to the spirits of our State Department Issued Decision of Boosting Modernized Vocational Education Development (File number 19 of 2014), our country will speed up development of vocational education, and motivate more social power to participate into school running, and deepen merging and cooperation between industry and education. Under this promising situation, our privately-run higher education will enter into a brand new fast growth phase. For a private higher education school, the student enrollment is the foundation, but the teacher force is the essence of a school’s sustainable development. Teacher is the primary component of a school, and high level teachers are the school’s core competitiveness. However, many of those private higher education schools which run by enterprises do not attach too much importance on teacher force enhancement, they fully adopt company management mode to strictly control labor cost with tight discipline monitoring, for instance, they applies fingerprint attendance record among teachers. The rigid management induced teachers’ grudges; some of excellent teachers choose to leave. For turning round the situation, the school owners and its top management people are strongly suggested to change their owned conception by importing high level teacher resources, improving whole staff’s competence, and putting teacher force development at the prime position of school’s long term strategy and goal. The private schools should learn and take fully use of modern human resources management concept and methods based on their actual situation, to design out more scientific and reasonable HR management systems which will finally realize win-win result between school owners and teachers. The salary management is the essence of HR management, also is the main factor of impacting teachers’ satisfaction. For those private higher education schools, their top level management people need think about how to work out more reasonable salary management system to make teachers fell truly satisfactory, and attract, train, motivate and retain more high level talents under limited human cost budget, which will give benefit to school’s long termABSTRACT III development. Based on broad reference of relative materials, this thesis gave summary at first for those domestic and abroad salary management theories and studies, to brief general salary management design method and theories, and reveal relationship between the system and teacher force establishment. And then this thesis used questionnaires and interviews to get to know TY School’s present issues existing in salary management. By linking TY School’s development strategy and salary management goals with scientific salary system design theories and methods, the following sections of this thesis clarified the whole process of salary management system design from teacher’s hierarchy appraisement system design, teacher’s performance appraisement system design, base salary payment setting, to incentive bonus payment setting and so on. The thesis optimized salary management system of private TY School, and further completed salary system aiding polices and mechanism, ensured a highly effective operation and beneficial result. Hope all study outcomes in this thesis will bring practical value to TY School’s salary management, and also hope can benefit and give guidelines to other similar schools to better and reform their salary management system. Keywords: Private X School, Teacher, Salary Management,Design Optimization目录 IV 目 录 第一章 绪 论.................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景和意义 ................................................................................................ 1 1.2 研究目的和内容 ................................................................................................ 2 1.3 研究方法和思路 ................................................................................................ 2 1.3.1 研究方法 ..................................................................................................... 2 1.3.2 研究思路 ..................................................................................................... 3 第二章 薪酬管理相关文献综述研究............................................................................ 4 2.1 薪酬概述 ............................................................................................................ 4 2.1.1 薪酬的含义.................................................................................................. 4 2.1.2 薪酬的功能................................................................................................. 6 2.2 薪酬管理的相关理论研究 ................................................................................ 7 2.2.1 经济学视角的薪酬理论............................................................................. 7 2.2.2 心理学视角的薪酬理论............................................................................. 8 2.2.3 工资结构理论............................................................................................. 9 2.2.4 我国薪酬管理体系现状........................................................................... 10 2.3 薪酬设计的方法和技术 ...................................................................................11 2.3.1 薪酬设计的方法........................................................................................11 2.3.2 薪酬设计的技术手段............................................................................... 12 2.4 绩效薪酬 .......................................................................................................... 13 2.4.1 绩效薪酬与员工满意度关系................................................................... 13 2.4.2 基于激励理论的绩效薪酬发放............................................................... 14 第三章 民办 X 学院教师薪酬管理现状及问题............

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