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随着银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司金融机构多元化竞争格局的形成和资本市场功能的完善,客户需 求日益多元化、综合化和个性化,银行同业之间的竞争已慢慢转向客户服务之间 的竞争。以客户为中心的时代已经到来,客户关系管理已成为现代银行关注的焦 点,信息技术的发展则加速了银行以账户为中心的运营方式和管理视角向以客户 为中心转变。甘肃省农村信用社是甘肃省网点最多、存贷款规模最大、服务范围 最广的金融机构,随着金融市场化改革逐步深入,传统优势逐渐被蚕食,为了留 住客户、赢得客户,为客户提供全方位、个性化的优质服务,就要重视客户管理, 利用客户关系管理系统的实施与应用,全面分析客户信息,创新金融产品,提高 服务效益,强化自身竞争力。 本文从信息系统设计的角度入手,以甘肃省农村信用社为研究对象,调研甘 肃农信内外部现状、业务开展、系统建设等基本情况,以及客户管理与营销、信 息与管理、业务与管理三方面现状与矛盾,引出建设客户关系管理系统的必要性。 首先,分析要想解决现有问题而需要改变的业务流程,进而根据业务管理需要, 结合客户关系管理理论,从客户、营销、服务、产品、客户经理、统计分析、渠 道支持等方面分析系统需求。其次,提出业务流程重组方案,进而从系统总体概 述、架构设计、模块设计和安全设计等四个方面,提出一套统一、科学、高效及 满足甘肃农信以客户为中心发展需要的系统设计方案,实现客户经理对客户的管 理、银行对产品和服务的管理以及管理人员对客户经理的管理三个方面的要求。 通过技术与管理两个层面配合,实现高效率的管理目标。最后,针对实施提出重 难点问题解决思路和配套管理保障措施。 通过分析设计客户关系管理系统,利用科技手段完善甘肃农信客户管理,充 分满足以客户为中心的发展要求。通过整合全行客户信息资源,深入了解、分析 和挖掘客户,提供优质的产品和便捷的服务,树立良好的品牌形象,才能不断巩 固和扩大客户群体,重塑核心竞争力,落实“做最佳普惠金融机构、建陇原一流 零售银行”的战略定位。 关键词:农村信用社,客户关系管理,信息系统II DESIGN OF CRM SYSTEM IN GANSU RURAL CREDIT UNION Abstract With the formation of a diversified competitive landscape of banking financial institutions and the improvement of capital market functions, the needs of customers are increasingly diversified, integrated and personalized, and the competition among banks has gradually shifted to competition among customer services.The customer-centric era has arrived, and customer relationship management has become the focus of modern banks, because of the development of information technology speeds up the bank account centered operation mode and management perspectives to take the customer as the center.Gansu Province Rural Credit Union is the financial institution with the largest number of outlets, the largest deposit and loan scale, and the widest range of services in Gansu Province,but the traditional advantages have gradually been eroded due to the gradual deepening of financial market reform. In order to retain and win customers, and provide customers with better services,it is necessary to attach importance to customer management, use the implementation and application of customer relationship management system to comprehensively analyze customer information, innovate financial products, improve service efficiency, and strengthen self-competitiveness. From the perspective of information system design, this paper takes Gansu Province Rural Credit Union as the research object to investigate the internal and external status quo, business development, system construction and other basic conditions,as well as the status quo and contradictions in three aspects of customer management and marketing, information and management, and business and management.Firstly, this paper analyzes the business process that needs to be changed in order to solve the existing problems, and then analyzes the system requirements from the aspects of customer, marketing, service, product, account manager, statistical analysis and channel support according to the needs of enterprise management combined with customer relationship management theory.Secondly, the paper puts forward business process restructuring, and then from the system in general,III architecture design, module design and security design and so on altogether four aspects, and puts forward a set of unified, scientific, efficient and meet the need of its development to take the customer as the center of Gansu Province Rural Credit Union, to achieve the customer manager's management of customers, the bank's management of products and services and the management of the management of customer managers these three aspects of the management requirements.Through the cooperation of technology and management, the management goal of high efficiency can be achieved.Finally, aiming at the system implementation, this paper puts forward the key and difficult problem solving ideas and supporting measures of management guarantee. The purpose of analyzing and designing the customer relationship management system is to improve the customer management of Gansu Province Rural Credit Union by means of science and technology, and to fully meet the requirements of customer-centered development.Gansu Province Rural Credit Union through the integration of the whole bank customer information resources, as well as in-depth understanding, analysising and mining customers, providing quality products and convenient service, establishing a good brand image can continuously consolidate and expand customer groups, reshape core competitiveness, and implement the strategic positioning of being the best inclusive financial institution and building the first-class retail bank in Longyuan. Keywords: Rural Credit Union, Customer relationship management , Information systemIV 目 录 中文摘要.................................................I 目 录...................................................IV 第一章 绪论 .............................................1 1.1 选题背景与意义 ..............................................1 1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................1 1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................2 1.2 研究内容 ....................................................3 1.3 研究方法与思路 ..............................................3 1.3.1 研究方法 ................................................3 1.3.2 研究思路 ................................................4 1.4 研究与应用现状 ..............................................6 1.4.1 研究现状 ................................................6 1.4.2 应用现状 ................................................6 第二章 相关理论 .........................................9 2.1 客户关系管理理论 ............................................9 2.2 客户价值理论 ...............................................10 2.3 业务流程与系统建设的关系 ...................................11 第三章 甘肃省农村信用社客户关系管理现状 ................12 3.1 甘肃省农村信用社基本情况 ...................................12 3.1.1 甘肃农信简介 ...........................................12 3.1.2 外部环境 ...............................................12 3.1.3 业务开展 ...............................................13 3.1.4 系统建设 ...............................................16 3.2 客户关系管理现状 ...........................................16V 3.2.1 客户管理与营销面临困境 .................................16 3.2.2 信息与管理矛盾 .........................................19 3.2.3 业务与管理矛盾 .........................................19 第四章 甘肃省农村信用社客户关系管理系统分析 ............20 4.1 客户关系管理系统必要性分析 .................................20 4.1.1 新兴技术冲击规模优势 ...................................20 4.1.2 新型服务挑战传统金融 ...................................20 4.1.3 客户战略调整势在必行 ...................................20 4.2 业务流程分析 ...............................................21 4.2.1 组织结构 ...............................................21 4.2.2 业务流程 ...............................................21 4.3 客户关系管理系统需求分析 ...................................22 4.3.1 调查分析 ...............................................22 4.3.2 功能性需求 .............................................23 4.3.3 非功能性需求 ..............................

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