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圆网印花机印花精度和印花质量的高低很大程度上受进布、印花、烘房、落 布各单元直流电机同步的影响,因而直流电机的同步调速性能便成为了印花系统 中的关键问题之一。传统的转速——电流双闭环直流调速采用的是 PI 控制器,在 圆网印花工艺这样一个强非线性、时变的系统中存在一定的局限性。如参数整定 繁琐、不具备在线调节的自适应能力、难以处理被控对象平稳性、快速性和准确 性多种性能指标之间的矛盾等。 为此,本课题设计了一种基于可拓学理论的可拓智能控制器用于直流电机同 步调速,具体的研究工作有一下几个方面, ⑴ 结合传统 PID 算法、模糊理论、可拓控制算法,设计出多模态可拓智能同 步控制器,拓展系统的控制域,实现多项性能指标要求。其模态切换开关通过提 取系统特征信息,从而建立特征状态关联函数来实现。通过将多模态可拓智能同 步控制器分别应用于线性系统、非线性系统和大时延系统的控制,仿真实验证明 取得了理想的控制效果。在此过程中设计的 GUI 仿真演示界面可以直观地显示出 控制器结构及控制效果。 ⑵ 以荷兰斯托克圆网印花机为例,在 MATLAB/SIMULINK 仿真环境下,构 建了圆网印花机直流电机调速模型。用 S 函数编写了可拓智能控制器的核心算法, 并与传统的双闭环 PI 控制器、模糊 PID 控制器进行了比较。仿真结果验证了可拓 智能控制策略的有效性及其优越性。 ⑶ 对可拓智能同步控制策略进行优度评价,优度评价方法是可拓学中对一个 对象,包括事物、策略、方法等优劣进行评价的基本方法。通过计算优度,并与 另外两种控制策略进行比较,量化地呈现出三种控制策略的优劣差异,也提供了 一种对控制策略优化改进的思路。 本课题借鉴了自可拓学及可拓控制理论提出以来,国内外诸多学者已取得的 成果。通过以上研究工作,围绕圆网印花机直流电机同步调速这一课题,在基元 理论和可拓集理论的基础之上,融合传统的控制算法、模糊理论和自适应理论等, 提出了可拓智能控制策略并构建了多模态可拓智能同步控制器。通过仿真结果比II 较分析证明了该控制策略的优越性,即能有效地处理系统控制过程中的平稳性、 快速性和精确性多指标之间存在的矛盾问题。 关键词,直流电机;圆网印花机;可拓控制;同步控制;关联函数;可拓集 合 作 者,于彪 指导教师,朱翚III Feasibility Research on Extension Intelligent Synchronous Control Strategy in Rotary Screen Printing Machine Abstract Since the printing precision and the printing quality of rotary screen printing machine depend on the synchronicity among DC-motors applied in fabric-entry, printing unit, drying, and fabric-exit unit respectively, the dynamic behaviors of these DC-motors must be controlled on-line to realize the synchronous speed. The traditional speed-current double closed loop control strategy with PI controller is classic and common, but it has a few limitations when it is applied to the rotary screen printing process which is strong nonlinear and time-varying.. These limitations could include parameter tuning, the ability of self-adaptive control online and handling the contradictions among some performance criteria, e.g. stability, swiftness, accuracy and so on. While the traditional PI double closed-loop control approach is not adequate to solve the problem of synchronous control, an extension intelligent controller is designed here. The main research involves following aspects: ⑴ Several control algorithms including traditional PID algorithm, fuzzy theory, and extension control algorithm are combined into a multi-mode intelligent control strategy, which can meet the requirements of some performance criteria at the same time by expanding the control domain so as to. A multi-mode switch is established in terms of the correlation function of the characteristic state whose characteristic values are extracted from controlled system. The simulation experiments demonstrate that the new intelligent control strategy applied in the linear system, nonlinear system or large time delay system can facilitate to achieve the ideal control behavior. In order to display the control results and the specific structure of the controller clearly, a GUI demo interface was designed in the paper. ⑵ Take Netherland Stoke rotary screen printing machine for an example, the DC-motor speed control model was established in the MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation environment. The core algorithm was compiled in S-function. And the threeIV control strategy, i.e. traditional double-closed-loop PI control strategy, fuzzy PID control strategy and extension intelligent control strategy were compared in the simulation. The result verifies the effectiveness and advantage of the extension intelligent control strategy. ⑶ Goodness evaluation method was introduced into optimizing the extension intelligent synchronous control strategy. The goodness evaluation method is a basic method to evaluate a plant, including object, strategy or method in extenics. By calculate the goodness, and compared with the other two control strategies, their control effect differences can be displayed quantitatively. It also provides a new idea to improve a control strategy. In addition, during this investigating, some literatures describing the update achievements on extenics theory and extension control theory are referenced to build up and improve the extension intelligent control strategy. Through lots of simulation experiments, determine the best control model which ingrates extension set theory, traditional control algorithm, fuzzy theory, and self-adaptive theory. The simulation results prove the new control strategy have great advantages. It can effectively handle the contradictions among various performance indexes including stability, swiftness and accuracy in a controlled system. Keywords: DC-motor; rotary screen printing machine; extension control; synchronic control; correlation function; extension set Written by,Yu Biao Supervised by,Zhu Hui目 录 第一章 绪论.................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 课题的研究背景及意义.................................................................................... 1 1.2 多电机同步控制策略的发展 ............................................................................. 2 1.2.1 多电机同步控制技术研究现状 ............................................................... 2 1.2.2 同步控制算法研究现状 ........................................................................... 3 1.3 可拓控制的研究和发展.................................................................................... 5 1.3.1 可拓学概述 ............................................................................................... 5 1.3.2 可拓控制策略研究进展和现状 ............................................................... 6 1.4 本文的研究内容与主要意义............................................................................ 7 第二章 可拓控制.......................................................................................................... 9 2.1 可拓学相关理论简介 ......................................................................................... 9 2.1.1 基元理论 ................................................................................................ 10 2.1.2 可拓集理论 .............................................................................................11 2.2 可拓控制的基本概念 ....................................................................................... 15 2.3 可拓控制系统的基本结构及工作原理 ........................................................... 16 2.4 基本可拓控制器的设计 .................................................................................. 18 2.4.1 特征量抽取及特征模式识别 ................................................................. 18 2.4.2 关联度计算 ............................................................................................. 19 2.4.3 测度模式划分 ......................................................................................... 20 2.4.4 控制器输出 ............................................................................................. 20 2.5 本章小结 .......................................................................................................... 21 第三章 可拓智能控制器的设计及仿真研究............................................................ 22 3.1 可拓 PID 控制器...........................

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