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上世纪八十年代末期以来,体育选修课给国内中、高等教育阶段体育课带来了 翻天覆地的变化,实践证明体育选修课不同于一般的大班式体育课教学,给学生和 学校都带来了非常显著的积极影响。当今国内高等教育阶段基本上已经全面实施体 育选修课制度,而中等教育阶段的体育选修课也正在如火如荼的幵展之中。小学教 育阶段开展体育选修课已经成为体育教学改革的方向所趋。 本文通过文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法和问卷调查法等方法,以华中师范大学附属小学为研究对 象,主要以五年级学生和全校正式编制体育教师为问卷调查对象,对华中师范大学 附属小学的体育课程设置、在校学生体育课程学习情况、教师资源、教学资源等进 行相关调查,论证在华中师范大学附属小学里幵展体育选修课的可行性,以此为例 讨论小学校园环境是否适合开设体育选修课。 结果显示: 1.中国近30年来关于体育选修课的研究范围逐渐向低等教育过渡,而高等教育 和中等教冇相关研究不断细化。关于体育选修课和关研究的方法越来越丰富、越来 越复杂。 2.人民生活水平的提高使人们在工作之余越来越多的参与到体育运动项目中 来,而家庭的体育运动氛围的提高促使华师附小里越来越多的小学生在校外参加体 育兴趣班,以至于学生对体育选修课有较高的兴趣。 3.现今社会上,从小学至高校,学校的硬件设施条件随着人们对不同教育阶段 的重视程度逐级提高。华师附小对小学体育教育重要性认识不足导致小学体育课程 教学资源相对落后,对体育选修课造成了一定的阻碍。 4.而且体育选修课开展的好与坏和学校对体育选修课重视程度成正相关。华师 附小在原有硬件软件设施配备情况下,体育选修课要达到显著的教学效果相对较 难。若华师附小或当地教育局全力配合小学里开展体育选修课,将会给小学校园带 明显的变化,使体育选修课教学效果显著提高。 5.在华师附小里开设体育选修课有良好的学生基础,也得到了许多任课教师的 支持。体育选修课不仅符合小学生身体发展的需要,也响应了国家对基础教育改革 的号召,在教育局、学校、任课教师和学生的共同努力下,体育选修课在小学校园 内开展是可行的。 关键词:小学;体育课;体育选修课 I 硕士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS Abstract Since the late 1980s,Sports Elective Courses(SEC) has made great impacts on improving the quality of PE courses in middle schools and colleges and increasing the enthusiasm of students because of its unique forms and the targeted contents. As an effective mode,SEC has been a mainstream mode of holding PE course in colleges, and becomes more and more popular in the middle schools in China nowadays. Analogically could this mode of PE course be apply to practice in primary schools in ChinaIn this paper, we are going to discuss this topic by The literature material law and questionnaire survey. And in this paper, we are going to regard Central China Normal University Primary Division as an object and make some investigations of students' learning enthusiasm and the PE course setting resources. Then base on the survey's data, we will analyze wether the SEC possible to be setup in this school or even any other primary school in China. And the results find that: 1.The research scope of SEC has become wider and richer in the post 30 years in China, from higher education to the secondary education. Also the research methods have become richer. 2.More and more people take part in sports in their spare time since the improvement of their living standards. And the sporting atmosphere in family makes the students in the Central China Normal University Primary Division become interested in SEC. 3.Central China Normal University Primary Division does not realize the importance of PE and put little value on it. That makes the teaching resources of PE courses can not fit the actual requirement, and block the setting of SEC. 4.1f the school and the local education department play supporting roles and help to set up the SEC,it may come across lots of difficulties and improve the quality of PE courses. 5. Students and most teacher in this school show their agreement and support for setting SEC. And SEC is feasible in Central China Normal University Primary Division with the help of the local education department- Keywords: Primary School; Physical Education; Sports Elective Courses II 硕士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS 目录 摘要 1 Abstract ......— II 1前言 1 1.1研究目的及意义 1 1.2对小学开展体育选修课可行性研究已有研究现状的评析 2 1.2.1相关研究数量 2 1.2.2相关研究方法 3 1.2.3 相关研究方向 3 1.2.4国内课程改革的相关研究 3 1.2.5国内高等教育阶段开展体育选修课的相关研究 4 1.2.6国内中等教育阶段开展体育选修课的相关研究 6 1.2.7国内小学教育阶段开展体育选修课的相关研究 7 1.2.8国外部分国家关于开展体育选修课的研究 7 1.2.9文献综述结论 8 2研究对象与方法 10 2.1 研究对象 10 2.2研究方法 10 2.2.1文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法 10 2.2.2观察法 10 2.2.3 问卷调查法 10 2.2.4数理统计法 11 2.2.5逻辑分析法 11 2.3研究的创新之处 11 3结果与分析 12 3.1小学幵展体育选修课重难点分析 12 3.1.1小学开展体育选修课重点分析 12 3.1.2小学开展体育选修课难点分析 12 3.2小学开展体育选修课的可行性探讨——以华师附小为例 12 3.2.1小学里开展体育选修课的理论依据 13 3.2.2华师附小学生对开展体育选修课态度调查 14 硕士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS 3.2.3华师附小现状分析 20 3.2.4华师附小开展体育选修课方案的探讨 22 4结论及建议 27 4.1 结论 27 4.2 舰 27

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