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随着社会经济发展,健康在人类的认知当中被越来越重视,而随着国内二胎政策的 开放,产后康复保养越来越多的受到女性的追捧。但由于缺乏知识普及,社会关注度低, 时间成本或者由于羞怯,哺乳等原因,患者就诊率很低,而且大很多医院相应的治疗设 备严重缺乏,医疗人员对此类疾病认识度也较低,同时诊疗成本较高,加上国内遍重视 药物和手术治疗,导致患者不能及时得到预防和治疗,潜在增加后期费用和疾病风险。 D 公司是从事家用物理康复治疗设备的领域的供应商,具有长达 17 年的研发与制 造经验,产品水平可与世界一流产品相竞争。其旗下家庭产后康复设备正是解决上述提 到的疾病方案之一,且此设备具有方便携带,足不出户在家治疗,节省时间,保护隐私 等特点。不但能够让患者及时、低成本的得到治疗,而且免去在医院治疗费用之外的隐 形成本。加上经济、二胎等政策的利好,预期本项目不但能够缓解目前市场供需矛盾, 且能够产生较大社会价值,同时增强 D 公司本身在国内的影响力,积攒品牌运营经验。 本文阐述 D 公司家庭产后康复设备的规划方案,利用 PEST 分析方法进行市场宏观 分析,利用 SWOT 分析工具定位竞争战略,利用五力分析模型分析欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争情况,得 出企业目前面临的市场机会和风险,从而制定出营销策略,利用 4P 模型,分别对产品、 渠道、价格、促销方面进行详细的规划。其次,从财务的角度对收入,成本,费用等指 标进行了预测,对投资收益,盈亏平衡,项目净现值,内部收益率等指标进行了分析, 得出本项目在财务角度上是可行的。最后,本文从风险分析的角度,对项目敏感度进行 了分析,并对存在的风险提出了应对策略。 本文以商业计划书形式展开,研究目标在于制定一份科学、客观、合理的商业计划 书,为该项目的决策提供必要参考。 关键词,商业计划书;家庭产后康复仪;二胎II Abstract With the development of social economy, health has been paid more and more attention, and accompanied by the opening up and implementation of the two-child policy, more and more women have a fancy for postpartum rehabilitation and maintenance.But due to lack of knowledge,minor public attention,high cost of time or because of shyness, breastfeed and other reasons,the outpatients cannot always receive treatment .In addition,most hospitals are seriously short of corresponding treatment facility and medical personnel have a low degree of understanding of these diseases,meanwhile the high treatment cost combined with domestic hospitals attach great importance to the drug and surgical treatment resulting in patients can't get the prevention and treatment in time,which also potentially increases the later cost of treatment and the risk of disease. D is a supplier of household physical rehabilitation equipment with R & D and manufacturing experience for 17 years,whose levels of product can compete with world-class products. Its household postpartum recovery equipment is one of the solutions to the above disease,and this device has the advantages of being portable,time-saving, getting cured at home without going to hospital,protecting patient's privacy and so on. It can not only make the patient get treated timely with lower cost,but also remove the invisible costs except the hospital treatment. With the help of fast growing economy and two-child policies,it is expected that the project not only can alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand of the market,but also can have a greater social value, at the same time enhance the influence of D company in China and accumulate brand operating experience. This paper describes the planning scheme of D company's household postpartum rehabilitation equipment, using the PEST analytical method to carry on the market macroscopic analysis,the SWOT analysis tool to locate the competitive strategy and the five-force analysis model to analyze the industry competitive situation ,these can be concluded that what opportunities and risks componies are facing so as to formulate marketing strategies,use 4P model to draw up detailed plan about product, channel, price and promotion. Then this paper makes predictions for the income, cost, expense and other indicators from the perspective of finances,analyzes the investment income, profit and loss balance, the net present value of the project, the internal rate of return and other indicators, and finally it is concluded that the project is feasible in the financial perspective. Finally, thisIII paper analyzes the sensitivity of the project from the view of risk analysis and puts forward the countermeasures to the existing risks. This paper goes in the form of a business plan, whose research goal is to develop a scientific, objective and reasonable plan in order to provide the necessary reference for the project decision-making. Keywords,business plan;family postpartum rehabilitation instrument;two-child policyIV 目 录 摘要...I ABSTRACT ..... II 目录IV 第一章绪论..1 1.1 选题背景及意义.. 1 1.2 文献综述.. 3 1.2.1 医疗器械的定义和分类. 3 1.2.2 波特竞争战略..... 3 1.2.3 4Ps 理论 ... 4 1.2.4 商业计划书... 4 1.3 研究目标、研究内容及拟解决的关键问题 5 1.3.1 研究目标. 5 1.3.2 研究内容. 5 1.3.3 拟解决的关键问题... 6 1.3.4 研究方法和思路. 6 第二章公司与项目概况7 2.1 公司介绍.. 7 2.1.1 公司简介. 7 2.1.2 主营业务收入情况... 8 2.1.3 公司组织架构..... 8 2.1.4 人员结构状况..... 9 2.1.5 公司内部资源状况. 10 2.2 项目产品介绍.... 11 2.3 盆底康复设备进入家庭化趋势 12 2.4 本章小结 13 第三章目标市场分析..14 3.1 政治法律环境分析.. 14 3.1.1 医疗设备政策环境. 14V 3.1.2 法律法规监管... 14 3.2 经济环境分析.... 15 3.2.1 中国 GDP 发展趋势..... 15 3.2.2 中国城镇居民人均可支配收入发展趋势. 16 3.2.3 中国医疗器械市场规模..... 16 3.2.4 中国医疗器械厂家数量..... 17 3.2.5 中国医疗器械注册产品数量... 18 3.3 社会环境分析.... 19 3.3.1 中国人口老龄化趋势与机会... 19 3.3.2 二孩政策..... 19 3.4 技术环境分析.... 20 3.4.1 研发能力依然是企业发展的核心驱动力. 20 3.4.2 以顾客为中心将会是未来医疗产品发展方向..... 21 3.4.3 诊疗设备一体化..... 21 3.4.4 实施反馈系统将提高用户信任感和参与度... 21 3.5 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争力分析 22 3.5.1 现有竞争者分析..... 22 3.5.2 潜在进入者分析..... 23 3.5.3 供应商议价能力分析... 24 3.5.4 客户议价能力分析. 25 3.5.5 替代品威胁分析..... 25 3.6 SWOT 模型分析 26 3.7 本章小结 27 第四章市场策略....28 4.1 市场定位与选择 28 4.1.1 市场定位..... 28 4.1.2 市场容量..... 28 4.1.3 市场选择..... 28 4.2 产品-高品质、多功能 .. 28 4.3 价格-撇脂定价,为后续竞争留下余地 .... 31VI 4.4 渠道-传统经销商渠道和线上结合 31 4.4.1 经销商渠道. 31 4.4.2 线上渠道..... 32 4.5 促销-多种推广方式齐头并进 .. 33 4.5.1 学术推广..... 33 4.5.2 展会推广..... 33 4.5.3 医生推荐..... 34 4.5.4 母婴社群..... 34 4.5.5 体验店(保健会所、月子中心等场所). 35 4.6 本章小结 35 第五章项目团队与运行....36 5.1 团队规划 36 5.1.1 项目团队组织架构. 36 5.1.2 工作职责..... 37 5.1.3 团队管理和激励政策... 37 5.2 项目运行 38 5.3 本章小结 39 第六章财务预测与风险分析..40 6.1 投资收益分析.... 40 6.1.1 项目投资计划... 40 6.1.2 收入预测..... 40 6.1.3 投资回收期. 41 6.2 投资决策分析.... 42 6.2.1 NPV(Net Present Value)净现值分析 ..... 42 6.2.2 内部报酬率(IRR)分析 .. 42 6.2.3 修正内部报酬率(MIRR)分析... 43 6.2.4 盈亏平衡点分析..... 43 6.3 敏感性分析.. 44 6.3.1 不确定因素. 44 6.3.2 敏感性因素. 44VII 6.4 风险分析与应对策略.... 45 6.4.1 政策变化产生的风险分析及应对. 45 6.4.2 渠道建设失败的风险... 46 6.5 本章小结 47 结论48

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