等部分内容。论文的公布(包括以电子信息形式刊登)授权东南大学研 究生院办理。 研究生签名: 导师签名: 日期:I 我国联合办公空间的市场状况及发展趋势研究 研究生:丁毅 导师:徐康宁教授 东南大学 摘要 随着互联网技术的不断发展以及共享经济的出现使得我们的生活质量和方 式均发生了非常明显的变化,李克强总理“大众创业、万众创新”的理念对经济 的发展起到了进一步的促进作用,使得经济发展具有新的活力。在此背景下,极 大推动了我国联合办公空间的发展,使得其逐渐的向低成本、人性化、智能化、 共享化以及可移动办公的方向进行发展。但是一味的发展,也使得我国的联合办 公空间暴露了较多的问题,主要是表现在商业模式、运营、人才等方面。 在本文的研究中,首先通过对文献进行整理,进而界定商业模式、联合办公 空间和共享经济的概念。分析欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展情况,经过分析发现我国的联合办公行 业潜力巨大。在我国,联合办公空间的类型非常丰富,其在商业模式的特点上也 存在较大的差异。本文根据文献来对联合办公欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司核心企业进行归纳以及总结, 根据其核心赢利点存在的差异来对联合办公空间的商业模式分类为物业型联合 办公、综合型联合办公、专业型联合办公以及天使风险投资型联合办公,对联合 办公空间的理论研究有着较为重要的意义。在分析联合办公欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展状况以及 其商业模式的基础上,本文总结出联合办公空间的发展趋势,第一,将与传统办 公室租赁模式共存;第二,客户群体不断扩大,不再局限于初创公司;第三,新 进入者会越来越多样化;第四,社群属性仍是联合办公空间核心的竞争力之一。 接着,本文分别对国际以及本土的联合办公的优秀企业 WeWork 和优客工场 进行分析,目前国内的联合办公市场上,WeWork 与优客工场是竞争场中的佼佼 者,存在许多值得借鉴的地方。根据国内实际情况,笔者首先选取进军中国的 WeWork 简单分析,其在美国迅速崛起,但进军中国,环境不同,需要探索新的 中国模式,通过对 WeWork 中国模式差异的分析,使得我国联合办公空间的特点 得到了充分体现,可以看出联合办公空间在我国特色的商业市场上需要寻求创新 与突破。有了 WeWork 案例的铺垫,笔者重点选取我国运营稳定,商业模式成熟, 具有欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司领导地位的联合办公空间——优客工场进行详细分析。经过分析发现在 优客工场发展过程中,所搭建的服务生态圈对发展起到了极大的保障作用,对其 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司地位有着明确的巩固。最后运用 SWOT 模型分析其发展态势。对于 Wework 和优客工场的案例分析,对于我国联合办公空间的发展具有一定的实践意义。 最后,本文深入分析我国联合办公空间目前存在的问题,研究问题存在的根 源,并提出相应的发展建议,第一,“重模式,轻产品”导致利润来源单一,由东南大学硕士学位论文 II 于运营的过程中过度、片面的重视商业模式上的创新,而没有运用科学的方式来 对产品进行策略上的制定是导致联合办公空间收入来源单一的最为主要的原因, 由商业模式的定义,公司向消费者提供产品,并由此获得收益,在共享经济背景 下,该产业中没有太多与特殊经济规律协调一致的产品策略,因此,商业模式无 法发挥真实的效果,缺少盈利载体,便只得借助以往的租赁方式获得收益;第二, 缺乏专业人才导致联合办公空间倒闭频发,资本市场的消极作用是继专业人才匮 乏之后的又一影响根源。2016 年,资本市场出现低迷,投资规模大幅缩小,有 人将其称为寒冬来临。然而,此类空间的建设和运转资金基本均来自于资本市场, 因而市场的消极变化致使一系列联合办公公司走向破产;第三,对传统房地产资 源利用不足导致空置率高。论及空置率过高的原因,不仅是受成长周期规律的影 响,还与传统房地产业的发展状况息息相关,尤其是同其对资源消耗的浪费有关。 当前在对商业模式的选择问题上,联合办公空间尤为关注对除地产资源之外的其 他资源的汇集和使用,往往容易忽视对地产资源的关注。相应的建议为,第一, 制定符合共享经济规律的产品策略改善盈利状况;第二,通过招聘和培养专业型 人员助力联合办公空间稳定发展;第三,充分利用传统房产资源降低空置率。为 了使得联合办公欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司得到健康的发展,需要加大与传统房地产的合作力度,对相 应的资源进行整合。 关键词:联合办公;商业模式;共享经济III RESEARCH ON THE MARKET SITUATION AND DEVELOPMENT TREND OF JOINT OFFICE SPACE IN CHINA Postgraduate:DING Yi Supervisor:XU Kang-ning Southeast University Abstract With the rapid development of sharing economy and network information, there is a profound change in our life and our way of work. The mass entrepreneurship and innovation has further stimulated the new vitality of economic development. In this context, China's commercial office space is also carrying on the innovation and development more intelligent human nature low-cost mobile office sharing new business offices co-working space quickly welcomed and rapid development, but also exposes the development of our country too rapidly co-working space in the business model, operational and talents aspects of the problems. This paper defines the concept of co-working, business model and sharing economy. By the analysis of the development of industry, we find that the development of the co-working space industry in China is still showing a growing trend, and the potential of the industry is huge. China is rich in the types of co-working space, each type of space in its business model has different characteristics. Based on the literature, this paper summarizes the core enterprises of the Joint office industry, and classifies the business model of the joint office space into the Property-type joint office, integrated joint Office, professional joint office and Angel venture capital type. It is of great significance to the theoretical research of joint office space. on the basis of analyzing the development situation of the joint office industry and its business model, this paper summarizes the development trend of the joint office space. First, it will coexist with the traditional office leasing model, and second, the customer base is expanding and is no longer confined to start-ups. Third, new entrants will become more and more diverse; and Community attributes remain one of the competencies of the core of the joint office space. At the same time, this paper deeply analyzes the existing problems of China's joint office space, studies the root causes of the problems, and puts forward corresponding development suggestions.东南大学硕士学位论文 IV Then, this article carries on the analysis to the international and the local joint office outstanding Enterprise WeWork and the UCOMMUNE workshop. Now in the domestic joint office market, WeWork and the UCOMMUNE workshop is the leader in competition field, there are many worthy to learn from the place. According to the actual situation in China, the author first chooses WeWork simple to analyze, its rapid rise in the United States, but the Chinese environment is different, it need to explore the new Chinese model. Through the analysis of the differences in the Chinese model of WeWork, so that the characteristics of China's joint office space has been fully reflected. It can be seen that the joint office space needs to seek innovation and breakthrough in Chinese market. With the WeWork case, the author focuses on the analysis of UCOMMUNE workshop which has stable operation, mature business model and is the industry leadership of the Joint office space. It is found that in the course of the development of UCOMMUNE workshop, the service ecosystem has played a great role in safeguarding the development, and has clearly consolidated its position in the industry. Finally, the SWOT model is used to analyze its development trend, and then put forward three development countermeasures for the future development of UCOMMUNE workshop. Finally, Through the development status of the co-working space industry and different types of space business model analysis, this paper argues that the single source of revenue for co-working space is due to the one-sided emphasis on business model innovation while neglecting the formulation of scientific product strategies in the development and operation of various types of co-working space. Product strategies should be solved by formulating product strategies that are in line with the rules of the shared economy. The main reason for the increase in the number of failed co-working space spaces is the lack of industry professionals, which should be resolved through a combination of talent training and talent recruitment; leading to a co-working space in China; The reason why the vacancy rate of co-working space in our country is generally high is that the design of utilizing traditional real estate resources to obtain development is neglected