首页 > 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司专栏 > 组织 > 机构类型 > 分支机构 > 2020年中国银行甘肃分行客户经理绩效考核方案设计DOC




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随着我国金融体系改革的不断深入,市场经济环境下银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的竞争日趋激 烈。客户经理作为商业银行客户关系的管理者和核心业务的营销员,其工作业绩 的好坏将直接影响到商业银行产品营销、服务推介等经营活动的竞争成败。针对 商业银行这个核心员工群体制定科学、合理、有效的绩效考核方案,打破国有商 业银行绩效考核固有模式,切实贯彻执行新考核办法,充分调动客户经理的工作 积极性与主动性,持续提升企业盈利水平,已成为商业银行经营管理活动的重要 内容。 本文从商业银行客户经理制及绩效考核基本理论出发,通过对国内外商业银 行客户经理绩效考核发展的研究综述,并结合中国银行甘肃分欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务发展现状, 充分说明客户经理及对其开展绩效考核的重要性与紧迫性;通过分析目前中国银 行甘肃分行客户经理绩效考核中存在的问题及成因,研究并设计一套以“平衡计 分卡”为核心的中国银行甘肃分行客户经理绩效考核新方案,最后对该方案的实 施、考核结果应用及保障进行评述并形成结论。 通过中国银行甘肃分行客户经理绩效考核方案的实施,达到进一步提升核心 员工绩效与满意度,进一步扩大竞争优势,进一步增强盈利能力的目的,也期望 本方案对中国银行集团的客户经理绩效考核产生良好的示范效应。 关键词:中国银行,客户经理,绩效考核,平衡计分卡 MBA学位报告作者:张卓 中国银行甘肃分行客户经理绩效考核方案设计 Abstract With the deep reform of financial system in China, the competition in the banking sector becomes more and more fierce. The customer manager of commercial bank works as customer relationship manager and core business sale,and their performance will have a direct impact on some important business processes in the commercial bank, such as the product marketing and service promotion. Therefore, it is very crucial for the commercial bank to establish a scientific, reasonable and effective performance ^jpraisal program for the customer manager. The implement of new program will break the fixed-mode of performance appraisal in the state-owned commercial bank, fiilly mobilize and motivate the working enthusiasm and initiative of customer manager, continuously enhance the performance of corporate earnings, which has become an important content of commercial bank's management at the moment, On the basis of the fundamental theory of customer manager system in commercial banks and performance appraisal, the development and research of performance appraisal for the customer manager in domestic and aboard commercial banks is reviewed. Combined with the present business development of Bank of China Gansu Branch, this thesis shows the importance and urgency of performance appraisal for customer manager, analyzes the problems and causes of the current performance appraisal for Bank of China Gansu Branch's customer manager, researches and designs the new performance appraisal program based on Balanced Score Card. Finally, it forms a conclusion about the implementation of the program, the application and guarantee of appraisal result Through the implementation of new performance appraisal program for Bank of China Gansu Branch's customer manager, it can improve the core employees' performance and personnel satisfaction, broaden the competitive advance, and enhance the profitability of Bank of China Gansu Branch. In the meantime, hope this program can achieve the good demonstration effect for Bank of China Limited. Key words: Bank of China, Customer Manager, Performance Appraisal, Balanced Score Card n MBA学位报告作者:张卓 中国银行甘肃分行客户经理绩效考核方案设计 目录 一、 1 (一)研究背景 1 (二)研究目的与意义 2 (三)研究内容与方法 3 二、理论基础 5 (-)商业银行客户经理制 5 (二)绩效考核理论 7 (三)国外商业银行客户经理绩效考核的发展与借鉴 12 (四)国内商业银行客户经理绩效考核的研究趋势 13 三、中国银行甘肃分行客户经理绩效考核现状分析 15 (-)中国银行甘肃分行概况 15 (二)中国银行客户经理制的实施概况 16 (三)中国银行甘肃分行客户经理绩效考核现状 19 (四)现行客户经理绩效考核中存在的问题与成因分析 21 四、中国银行甘肃分行客户经理绩效考核方案设计 26 (一)绩效考核方案设计基本原则 26 (二)绩效考核方案设计总体思路 26 (三)绩效考核方案详细设计 27 五、中国银行甘肃分行客户经理绩效考核方案的实施 44 (一)实施前的准备工作 44 (二)实施流程分析 45 (三)绩效考核结果的应用 47 (四)绩效考核方案实施保障 49 MBA学位报告作者:张卓 中国银行甘肃分行客户经理绩效考核方案设计 六、结论与展望 51 (-)结论 51 (二)展望 51

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