Y平台在运行的过程中,会产生伴生气,同时电动压缩机、过滤分离器每天分离的 轻烃回到加热器加热后进入V-200,大部分会变成气态,均进入火炬放空。在未设置伴 生气和轻烃回收装置时,会造成巨大的资源浪费。经过调査,解决该资源浪费问题最方 便、最经济、最有效的方法是增加一套轻烃回收系统,将获取的轻烃通过柱塞泵泵入海 管输送至终端,可以得到有效利用,而且轻烃对水合物的生成有抑制作用。 研究轻烃回收技术和增压方法是进行后续研究的基础。经过调研,本文提出了三种 增压方案,凭借工艺流程模拟软件HYSYS,对比三种方案的优缺点,并得到轻烃的回 收量,同时分析了轻烃对压缩机的影响,得到轻烃对压缩机无影响。通过对比各种压缩 机的特点,结合本文研究的背景,选取压缩机为往复活塞式压缩机。由于目前国内无满 足工艺条件的压缩机,因此采取压缩机组配制方案,推荐压缩机采用ZWD175-H302/2型, 包括二级压缩机组、电动驱动机、及各类阀、管线和相应管件。驱动机YB2-280S-4隔 爆型电动机,额定电压380V,额定功率90kW,工作转速1480 r/min。或使用船用防爆 电机。推荐轻烃泵型号为3ZHD11-3.5/6.5的柱塞泵。 根据文献和现场条件,本文确定了增压和轻烃回收工艺流程,通过对比立式分离器 和卧式分离器,选择卧式分离器分离压缩后天然气中的凝析油。根据轻烃回收量和停留 时间,得到轻烃稳定罐的尺寸。 运用OLGA软件对轻烃注入干气海管进行模拟,分析其对天然气外输的影响,发现 在上游生产稳定的情况,海管中的流动比较稳定,流动状态为分层流,不会出现段塞流; 加入液烃后的压降较加入之前要增加约0.5MPa,而夏季的压降又比冬季略大;海管内 的积液量除了在加入初期较多外,从第2天以后积液量就比较少了,冬季和夏季的积液 量均在lm3以内,不需要经常清管。 关键词:放空气;轻烃回收;Y平台;海管;多相流;OLGA模拟 Abstract Y platform,in the course of operation, will produce gas, light hydrocarbon separating by the electric compressor and filter separator enter the V-200 after heating, most will become gaseous,and get into the vent, when the associated gas and light hydrocarbon recovery unit is not set, it will cause a huge waste of resources. After investigation, method of solving the problem of the waste of resources is the addition of a light hydrocarbon recovery system with the most convenient, the most economical, the most effective,light hydrocarbon will get through the plunger pump into the tube to the terminal, and it can be utilized, and the generation of light hydrocarbon hydrate is inhibited . Study of light hydrocarbon recovery technology and boosting method is the basis for the subsequent research. After investigation, this paper puts forward three kinds of pressurization scheme,with process simulation software HYSYS, compares the advantages and disadvantages of the three schemes,and obtains the recovery rate of light hydrocarbon, at the same time,it analyzed the influence of the compressor, so light hydrocarbon has no effect on the compressor. By contrasting the characteristics of the compressor, combined with the background of this study, select the compressor for reciprocating compressor. Because of the compressor at home cannot meet the conditions, so it take the compressor formula recommended by ZWD175-H302/2 of compressor, including electric two stage compression unit, drive, and all kinds of valves, pipeline and the corresponding fittings. Driver: YB2-280S-4 flameproof motor, rated voltage 380V, rated power 90kW, speed is 1480 r/min. Or the use of marine explosion-proof motor. Plunger pump recommended light hydrocarbon pump type 3ZHD11-3.5/6.5. According to the literature and field conditions, this paper determined the booster and light hydrocarbon recovery process, comparing the vertical separator and horizontal separator, horizontal separator was selected to separate the compressed condensate oil in natural gas. According to the light hydrocarbon recovery rate and residence time,it can get the light hydrocarbon tank size. Using OLGA software for light hydrocarbon injection stem Qihai tube was simulated, and analyses the effect of natural gas output, therefore when it is stable production situation in the upstream,flowing sea pipe flow is relatively stable, stratified flow,slug flow does not appear; the pressure drop of liquid hydrocarbon is added after adding prior to the increase of about 0.5MPa in summer, and the pressure drop was slightly larger than in winter; the amount of fluid inside the tube in addition to join the sea early more, from the second day on the 3 amount of fluid is less,the winter and summer effusion were within 1m,without the need for frequent pigging. Key words: Relief gas; light hydrocarbon recovery; friendship road; pipeline; multiphase flow; OLGA simulation 第1章绪论 1.1本文研究目的和背景 1.1.1研究目的 1.1.2研究背景 1.2国内轻烃回收技术现状 1.3主要研究内容和研究成果 1.4技术路线 1.4.1增压工艺 1.4.2轻烃回收 第2章放空气増压与轻烃回收工程 2.1规模 2.2建设现状 2.3增压与轻烃回收方案 2.3.1增压参数 2.3.2增压方案 2. 3.3流程模拟 2.3.4模拟结果分析 2.3.5轻烃对压缩机的影响 2.3.6轻烃回收量 2. 3.7轻烃柱塞泵 2.3.8压缩机选型 2.3.9增压与轻烃回收工艺流程 2.3.10卧式分离器与立式分离器的比较和选择 2.3.11卧式分离器处理能力计算 2.3.12压气站放空系统 2.3.13轻烃稳定罐的选择 2.4小结 第3章轻烃注入干气海管对天然气外输的影响.... 3.1海管多相流动态模拟 3.1.1海管多相流瞬态模拟软件简介 3.1.2模拟参数设置 3.1.3冬季动态模拟分析(1月) 3.1.4夏季动态模拟分析(7月) 3.1.5冬季与夏季模拟结果的比较 32 3.2 小结 34 第4章结论及建议 35 4.1 结论 35 4.1.1增压与轻烃回收工艺方案 35 4.1.2轻烃回收量 35 4.1.3主要工程量 35 4.1.3轻烃对压缩机的影响 36 4.1. 4轻烃注入干气海管对天然气外输的影响 36 4.1.5经济估算 37 4.2存在问题与建议 37 Ifc tt 38