随着社会的发展和科技进步,在世界范围内出现了回归“大自然”的趋势。 同时,由于西药引起的药源性疾病的增加,且对某些慢性病的疗效不够理想,因 而在国际上对天然药物的研究、开发和应用日益受到重视。尤其是对一些疑难病 症的治疗上,中草药是很有疗效的药物。在此背景下,我国中医药已开始引起世 界各国的重视,并在国际上掀起了“中医热”和“中药热”。这为中国产品走入 国际市场创造了良好的机遇。 本文从战略管理的角度,运用现代市场营销、科技管理和项目管理的理论和 方法,分析了入世后中国制药企业所面临的机遇与挑战,提出我国加强中药欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 的自主创新、知识产权保护和完善现代中药产业链以及推动中药欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司产业化建设 的战略构想。从项目管理的角度对中药系列冻干粉针产业化建设项目进行了深入 的剖析,结合项目和公司的背景情况,将理论与实际相结合,首先对制药欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司项 目的特点进行了分析研究,根据国际医药市场的趋势、状况及我国医药欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的特 点,建立了冻干粉针剂项目可行性研究的框架体系,从市场、工艺技术、工程建 设、组织机构和人员配置、资金筹措、财务评价等方面进行了全面、系统的可行 性研究。本文采用了定量与定性相结合的方法,进行市场分析与调查,通过比较 国内外医药市场的情况,结合公司的实际产品—黄芪、银杏内酯、新生脉、刺五 加冻干粉针,进行市场容量和销售情况的预测。以国家产业化政策为依据,提出 完善中药产业链和推进产业化建设,实现中药现代化的措施和建议,使其研究成 果更具有科学性和实践可操作性。 关键词, 中药 冻干粉针 产业化 项目 可行性研究ABSTRACT Along with the development of the society and the improvement of the science and technology, a trend of ‘Returning to the nature’ is emerging world-wide. At the same time, the research, development and application of the natural medicine has been paid much attention to gradually internationally due to the increase of the drug factor deceases caused by western medicine and its unsatisfying effect on curing chronic deceases. The Chinese herbal medicine is the very effective medicine on curing some difficult and complicated deceases. In this situation, the traditional medicine in our country has begun to be paid attention to by the other countries in the world and therefore resulted in the upsurge of traditional Chinese Medicine, which provided a good opportunity for China’s products to enter the international market. This article analyzes the opportunities and challenges that China’s pharmaceutical companies are facing after China entered WTO and proposes the strategy that our country should enhance the innovation and intellectual protection of the traditional Chinese medicine and improve the industrial chain of modern Chinese medicine and facilitate the industrialization of the traditional Chinese medicine, applying the theories and methodology of modern marketing, science and technology management and project management from the angle of strategic management. This article also deeply probes the project of the industrialization of dry-freezen powder of the series of Chinese medicine from the angle of project management according to the background of the project and company. Based on the theories and practices, it first researches the features of the projects of the pharmaceutical industry. Secondly it established the frame of the feasibility study of the dry-freezen powder according to the situation and trend of the international medical market and the features of our medical industry and makes a complete and systematic feasibility study from the aspects of market, process and technology, project construction, organizational structure and human resources, financing and financial evaluation, etc.. This article adopts the qualitative and quantitative theory to conduct the market analysis and research. By comparing the situation of the medical market domestic and abroadand based on the actual products of the company including astragalus dry-freezen powder, bilobalide dry-freezen powder, new shengmai dry-freezen powder and acanthopanax dry-freezen powder, it forecasts the capacity and the sales of the market. According to the industrialization policy of the country, it proposes to improve the industrial chain of the Chinese medicine and facilitate the industrialization construction, achieve the modernization of the traditional Chinese medicine and make the results of research of the Chinese medicine more scientific and practical. KEY WORDS , Traditional Chinese Medicine, dry-freezen powder, project, industrialization, feasibility study目 录 第一章 导论… 1 1.1 选题的背景和意义 1 1.1.1 企业概况… 2 1.1.2 项目的背景及意义… 3 1.1.3 本项目对中药产业化推动作用 4 1.2 本文的研究路线… 5 第二章 制药欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司项目可行性研究的特点… 7 2.1 项目可行性研究的方法、步骤… 7 2.1.1 可行性研究报告概述 7 2.1.2 可行性研究的作用… 7 2.1.3 可行性研究报告编写步骤与依据… 8 2.2 制药欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司项目的特殊性 9 2.2.1 药品项目的特点 9 2.2.2 制药欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司项目可行性研究的特点和主要评价指标10 第三章 市场分析及预测11 3.1 我国药品市场现状、面临的问题与发展趋势…11 3.1.1 我国中药欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司及药品市场现状11 3.1.2 药品市场面临的主要问题14 3.1.3 我国药品市场的特点和发展趋势…14 3.2 药品市场的营销策略、产业生命周期、目标市场的选择及定位…16 3.2.1 药品市场及药品市场营销16 3.2.2 药品目标市场…18 3.2.3 药品市场定位…20 3.2.4 药品生命周期及营销策略23 3.3 我国中药产业市场结构分析29 3.4 项目产品的市场分析与预测31 第四章 项目方案…44 4.1 建设规模与产品方案…44 4.2 工艺技术方案454.3 污染治理措施… 45 4.3.1 主要污染源及污染物… 45 4.3.2 污染治理措施及效果… 46 第五章 项目实施 48 5.1 总投资和资金筹措… 48 5.2 工程实施进度情况… 49 5.3 组织机构与劳动定员 50 第六章 财务分析 53 6.1 评价依据和数据来源 53 6.2 评价结果分析… 56 6.3 不确定性分析… 57 第七章 推进我国中药产业化的进一步思考… 58 7.1 中药产业发展的基本情况 59 7.2 中药产业目前存在的主要问题与面临的机遇 61 7.2.1 中药产业目前存在的主要问题… 61 7.2.2 中药现代化面临的良好机遇 63 7.3 中药产业现代化面临的严峻挑战… 65 7.4 中药产业现代化的目标与对策 66 7.5 天士力集团以产业链管理提升现代中药业的系统竞争力… 72 结论78