澳海光电公司发展战略研究 光电产业是当今在世界上最受瞩目的战略性产业之一,它是以光电子学为 基础的高新技术产业。光电产业可以运用到光电显示、光通信、航空航天配件 等各个领域中,它目前已经公认为 21 世纪最具有竞争力的产业。国家在政策、 资金等方面对光电产业给予大力支持,使得光电产业获得了非常迅速的发展, 整个欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的规模不断扩大,技术水平也在快速提高。在我国光电产业迅速发展 的今天,光电技术在我们生活中的应用也越来越广泛。目前,我国的国民经济 水平不断上升,公众对于光电产品的需求量也会不断增加。现如今,我国在光 电产业已经初步的形成了一个相对完整的产业链,产品的技术与质量升级,光 电产品的需求量也在不断提升,我国政府对光电产业也给予相当大的扶持力度。 但是,目前主要的知识产权仍旧掌握在国外的一些垄断巨头手中,由此可见, 当前企业之间的核心竞争力显得尤为重要。如何才能打破这种壁垒,建设民族 性的产业,增强中国企业的核心竞争力,完善企业的经营策略,并制定好企业 未来的发展目标与方向,是每一个光电企业当前需要解决的重要问题。 企业处在一个不断发展的环境中,而其面临的挑战也有所不同,为应对这 些不同的挑战,就要运用到不同的管理策略,发现企业在不同的发展阶段所面 临不同的问题。所谓的发展战略,就是在一个特定的时期内对企业发展的能力、 发展速度以及发展的方向所作出的策略与选择。企业要想发展强大,首要的任 务就是需要制定出长远的发展战略。 澳海光电公司位于珠江三角洲中科技实力较为强大的深圳市光电子产业园 区,公司现有员工 460 人。公司的主营业务是从事 LED 技术的研发与生产等。 公司已在光电技术领域取得了强大的竞争优势,并且在技术和生产上占有一定 的地位。公司亟待加强核心竞争力,规划未来的发展方向,将澳海光电公司建II 成中国光电制造领域里的知名企业,为我国光电事业的发展做出更大的贡献。 本文以澳海光电公司为研究对象,综合运用战略管理理论和竞争优势理论这两 大相关理论基础,根据 PEST 分析、SWOT 分析法等研究现有市场中竞争对手的 优势与劣势等,为自己探寻出一条合适的发展方向与发展战略。第一章为绪论 部分,首先介绍了本文的研究背景与意义,接着说明了本文的研究方法和内容, 最后指出本文的理论基础和文献综述。第二章介绍了澳海光电公司的概况以及 对企业的发展现状作出评价,寻找澳海光电公司现阶段存在的问题并对其成因 进行分析。第三章为本文中的核心部分,基于 PEST 分析法对企业当前的政策、 经济、社会和技术等宏观环境进行分析,通过 SWOT 分析法研究企业的优劣势, 从而使澳海光电公司在选择发展战略的时候能够清晰准确,能够对自己有一个 准确的定位,从不同的角度对其发展策略进行研究。第四章根据以上的分析, 为澳海光电公司选择出合理的发展战略,并对发展战略的实施提供保障措施。 关键词: 发展战略,环境分析,战略规划III Abstract Research on the Development Strategy inAohai Company Opto-electronics industry is one of the most important strategic industries in the world. It is a high-tech industry based on Optoelectronics. The optoelectronic industry can be used in various fields such as Optoelectronics, optical communications, and aerospace accessories. It is currently recognized as the most competitive industry in the 21st century. Under the strong support of the country for the optoelectronic industry, the optoelectronic industry has achieved unprecedented rapid development, the industrial scale has gradually expanded, and the technology level of the entire industry has continuously improved. With the continuous improvement of our optoelectronic technology, optoelectronic technology has been more and more used in our daily life. With the continuous improvement of our economic level, the demand for various optoelectronic products will be gradually expanded. Nowadays, China has formed a relatively complete industrial chain in the optoelectronic industry. The technology and quality of products have been upgraded. The domestic demand for optoelectronic products has gradually increased, and the state's support for the optoelectronic industry has been continuously strengthened. However, at present, the main property rights are still in the hands of some monopoly giants abroad, so it can be seen that the core competitiveness between the current enterprises is particularly important. How to break this barrier, build a national industry, enhance the core competitiveness of Chinese enterprises, improve the management strategy of enterprises, and formulate the development goals and directions of enterprises in the future are important problems that everyIV optoelectronic enterprise needs to solve. In order to deal with this situation, enterprises need to use different management strategies to deeply study the main problems existing in different periods. The so-called development strategy is the strategy and choice made for the ability, speed, and direction of enterprise development in a specific period of time. If an enterprise wants to be big and strong, the primary task is to formulate a long-term development strategy. Aohai Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. is located in Shenzhen Optoelectronics Industrial Park and currently employs 460 people. The company's main business is engaged in the development and production of LED technology. The company has gained a strong competitive advantage in the field of optoelectronic technology and occupies a certain position in technology and production. The company urgently needs to strengthen its core competitiveness, plan its future development direction, and build the Australian Optoelectronics company into a well-known enterprise in the field of Optoelectronics manufacturing in China, making greater contributions to the development of optoelectronic equipment manufacturing in China. In this paper, based on the research object of Australia Sea Optoelectronics Corporation, the two related theories of strategic management theory and competitive advantage theory are used to study the advantages and disadvantages of competitors in the existing market based on PEST analysis and SWOT analysis. To find a suitable direction and strategy for our own development,The first chapter is the introduction section, which explains the background and significance of this article, expounds the research methods and contents of this article, and points out the theoretical basis and literature review of this article. The second chapter introduces the general situation and the evaluation of the development status of the company, looking for the problems existing in theV current stage and analyzing the causes of the company. The third chapter is the core part of this article. Based on the PEST analysis method, it analyzes the current macro environment of enterprises, such as policy, economy, society, and technology, and studies the advantages and disadvantages of enterprises through SWOT analysis. As a result, the company can choose the development strategy clearly and accurately, enhance its strengths and avoid weaknesses, and can explore and improve its development strategy from multiple perspectives. Chapter IV, based on the above analysis, draws up a development strategy suitable for enterprises and provides safeguards for the implementation of the development strategy. Keywords: Development strategies,Environmental analysis,Strategic planningVI 目 录 第 1 章 绪论........................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义............................................................................ 1 1.2 研究方法与内容............................................................................ 3 1.3 理论基础和文献综述.................................................................... 4 第 2 章 澳海光电公司发展现状和问题分析....................................... 8 2.1 澳海光电公司概况........................................................................ 8 2.2 澳海光电公司发展现状评价...................................................... 11 2.3 澳海光电公司发展存在的问题和原因分析.............................. 12 第 3 章 澳海光电公司战略环境分析................................................. 15 3.1 澳海光电公司外部环境.............................................................. 15 3.2 澳海光电公司内部环境.............................................................. 20 3.3 澳海光电公司 SWOT 分析......................................................... 22 第 4 章 澳