中国餐饮市场在改革开放后开始随着经济高速发展一起快速成长,在最近 十年的年平均增长速度达18%。而快餐业也在洋快餐进入中国后,有了巨大的 增长,尤其在经济发达地区市场份额更高达90%。随着快餐业不断发展,市场 开始注重市场细分,本报告以“豆豆炒饭”连锁快餐项目作为研究对象,以商 业计划书的形式分别从产品、经营场所、市场营销、财务测算等方面进行阐述, 对项目的发展前景和风险进行分析。本计划书既是对项目进行详细说明,是行 动的指南,也用于向投资者描绘项目的具体实施方法,利于资金的筹集。 本计划书首先从项目市场背景开始,通过市场和竞争分析、产品和服务介 绍、店铺特色和经营模式、营销策略等一一详细阐述,同时运用市场分析工具 如PEST分析、SWOT分析以及财务测算如现金流量测算、净资产收益率、单因 素弹性风险分析,确立项目的可行性及运营前景。因针对主要客户群是在中央 商务区上班的白领一族,所以本项目将在注重食材品质的基础上,同时注重就 餐环境,用餐的餐具等细节,给客户带来时尚、卫生、新奇的就餐体验。加上 利用新的营销平台,针对主要客户人群进行针对性组合营销工作,来达到品牌 宣传、扩大知名度和占据一定市场份额的目的。计划首先投资单店,建立标准 化的采购、生产、服务等作业流程,用1年时间,在单店运营成熟的基础上, 计划再用1年的时间发展至5家连锁店,之后以每年10-20家的速度发展,至 此建立成熟的连锁模式,形成有一定规模的快餐连锁企业。并在达到一定规模 时,引入“中央厨房”,利于成本控制和质量控制,并利于规模化经营。 本项目主要是从市场细分入手,同时注重经营模式、营销模式的创新。利 用产品定位、店铺特色、营销策划的具体手段,形成自己的企业文化。同时通 过财务测算,可以看出在创新模式下,中式快餐还是能有一番作为的。 关键词:商业计划书;豆豆炒饭;连锁;创新 I MBA学位报告作者:郭奭飚 豆豆炒饭连锁快餐项目商业计划书 ABSTRACT Chinese food market began with the rapid development together with the rapid economical growth,the average annual growth rate is 18% in the last decade. The fast food industry had a tremendous growth when the Western fast food entering China, especially had more than 90% market share in economically developed regions. With the continuous development of the fast food industry, the market began to focus on market segments, this thesis Peas fried rice chain of fast food items as the research object, in the form of a business plan from a product, business premises, marketing, financial estimates and other aspects were elaborated on the prospects and risks of the project were analyzed. The plan is both a detailed description of the project, a guide to action,but also for projects to investors depict the specific implementation methods, which will help raise funds. This plan from the project first began to market context,through market and competitive analysis, product and service descriptions, specialty shops and business models,marketing strategies and other eleven in detail, while the use of market analysis tools such as PEST analysis,SWOT analysis and financial estimates as cash flow estimates, ROE,elasticity univariate risk analysis,establishing the feasibility and operational prospects of the project. The main reason for the customer base is in the central business district of white-collar work,so the project will focus on food quality,based on the environment while focusing on dining,dining utensils and other details,giving customers fashion,health, new dining experience . Coupled with the use of new marketing platform for targeted marketing efforts for major clients portfolio crowd,to achieve brand awareness , expand awareness and occupy a certain market share goal. We will invest a single store in the beginning,to establish standardized procurement, production and service processes, in the first year,and then to develop five stores in the next year,and then thereafter 10-20 store every year in the forture,bringing a mature chain model,formed a certain scale fast-food chain. And when it reaches a certain size,establish a central kitchen,conducive to cost control and quality control, and is conducive to large-scale operations. his project is mainly start from market segments,while focusing on business models, innovative marketing model. Use product positioning, store characteristics, specific means of marketing planning, forming our own corporate culture. Meanwhile through the financial calculations, it can be seen in the innovation model, Chinese fast food can still have 狂 part to play. Key words: Business plan; DouDou fried rice; chain; innovation II MBA学位报告作者:郭奭飚 豆豆炒饭连锁快餐项目商业计划书 目录 一、绪论 1 (一)研究的背景和意义 1 (二)相关理论和研究方法 2 二、项目介绍 4 (一)项目概述 4 (二)项目发展计划 5 (三)项目组织、团队介绍 5 (四)投融资计划与退出方式 7 (五)人力资源管理 8 (六)公司战略 9 (-h) 9 三、产品、服务设计 10 (一)店铺特色、经营模式 10 (二)主要产品、服务 11 (三)店铺选址、设计 13 (四)产品、服务创新 17 (五)本章小结 19 四、市场环境分析 20 (一)PEST 分析 20 (二)欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析 23 (三)SWOT分析 26 (四)本项目竞争策略 28 (五)本章小结 28 五、营销策略与CIS 29 (一)STP营销分析 29 (二)产品策略 31 (三)价格策略 32 MBA学位报告作者:郭奭飚 豆豆炒饭连锁快餐项目商业计划书 (四)渠道策略 33 (五)促销策略 33 (六)企业CIS 35 (七)本章小结 39 六、财务规划和测算 40 (一)相关数据测算依据和说明 40 (二)财务测算 40 (三)现金流量表 43 (四)财务分析 43 (五)单因素敏感性分析 44 (六)本章小结 45 七、关键风险和问题 46 (一)市场风险 46 (二)经营风险 46 (三)管理风险 49 (四)财务风险 50 (五)政策风险 51 (六)竞争风险 51 (七)不可抗力等其他风险 52 (八)本章小结 52 制仓 53