近半个世纪以来,半导体科技的飞速发展给我们日常生活带来了日新月异的 变化,从电脑,手机,数码相机这些生活中必备品的出现,以及它们的快速的更 新,升级,这一切都归功于半导体技术的飞速发展。紧跟摩尔定律的神话,半导 体技术革新向着更小,更快,更低功耗,更低成本目标不断前进。 趋于如上的发展方向,晶圆面积越来越来大(晶圆尺寸已达到 12 寸),单一芯 片面积越来越来小,故相应的芯片制造成本越来越低。但是针对封装厂来说,材 料的选用基本没有特别太大变化,而且随着原材料金导线价格的不断上涨,例如 金价目前已超过 1700 美金/盎司,因此封装厂需要找出替代金引线键合的方案用 来降低封装成本。目前欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内正在大力致力研发铜线替代金引线键合的方案。 因为铜线的价格优势,加之良好的导电、导热,机械性能,替代金导线键合 并实现大规模生产是具有很高可行性。但是铜导线易氧化会影响引线键合工艺质 量和产品可靠性,另外其高硬度容易造成铝垫受到损伤等劣势,同样面临巨大考 验。于是封装外包厂应该多同客户,材料供应商,设备供应商合作,共同研究, 找出解决方案,将该方案尽快由设想或者小规模生产转变为量产模式,这样就可 以在保证产品品质的前提下大幅降低生产成本,使封装外包商在整个产业链当中 更具有市场竞争优势。 本课题的目的就是通过理论分析和工业实验相结合的研究方法,进行传统记 忆体封装中铜导线替代金导线的可行性评估研究。第一章中简单介绍传统记忆体 封装工艺引线键合流程和评估引线键合质量是否合格的评判标准。第二章内容针 对铜线和金线的优势和劣势进行分析比较,并着重阐述了铜导线在封装过程中面 临的主要问题和解决方案。第三章主要内容是通过理论结合工业实验的方式讲述 了工业化大规模生产中如何通过实验得到铜导线封装引线键合的优化参数。第四 章内容针对可靠性和失效模式分析进行讲述。第五章讲述了铜导线封装未来的发 展趋势,例如铜导线防止氧化的新工艺控制方法。 本课题研究的主要成果是我们使用工业实验设计方法,在设备和材料供应商上海交通大学硕士学位报告 III 的大力支持下,通过大量的工艺实验,针对单一封装形式低引脚数目产品得到了 铜引线键合可大规模生产的优化参数,例如保护气体流量,劈刀速度,引线键合 时间,引线键合压力,超声波能量等关键参数,使铜引线键合替代金引线键合的 假设变成可能。但是这只迈出了实际工业应用中的一小步,由于封装类型的多样 化,我们仍然需要更多的研究和实验来进行铜导线针对其他不同的封装形式和多 引脚封装应用中的可行性评估,只有这样才可以将同引线键合引入大规模量产时 代。 关键词,铜导线,封装,引线键合工艺参数,可靠性上海交通大学硕士学位报告 IV FEASIBILITY ANANLYSIS OF Cu WIRES BONDING IN MEMORY PACKAGING ABSTRACT For nearly half a century, the rapid development of semiconductor science and technology has brought great changes to our daily lives, such as computers, mobile phone, digital cameras. All of these are due to the rapid development of semiconductor technology. Following Moore’s law, semiconductor technology moves towards smaller size, faster speed, lower power and lower cost. . Following the above development direction, wafer size becomes bigger (from 6inch to current 12inch) and single die size becomes smaller, so cost of manufacturing per die becomes lower. But for Assembly House, there has been no big change of raw material. Since the price of gold wire is rising (Currently gold price over $1,700/Ounce), Assembly House must find out the solution of substitute gold wire to make cost down. Currently many Assembly House and material suppliers are committed to research on Cu wire bonding process. Because of copper’s lower price, good electric conductivity, thermal conductivity and mechanical features, copper wire bonding process is of high feasibility. But there are some challenges, for example, Copper is easy to oxidation and harder than gold wire. Easy to be oxidated will deteriorate bonding ball quality and reduce bonding reliability, and bigger hardness will damage the Al bonding pad. So Assembly House should co-work with customer, material suppliers and equipment vendor to do research and find out the solution. The solution should make the Cu wire bonding successful from not only in theory mode or trial run production but also in mass production. With high quality and low cost Cu wire bonding process, the Assembly House will be more competitive in the market in the whole industrial chain.上海交通大学硕士学位报告 V With the combination of theory analysis and experiments, this thesis will focus on the feasibility study of Cu wire bonding process to substitute Au. Chapter I will briefly describes the wire bonding process flow of memory package and standard quality criteria of bonding process. Chapter II will compare the performance of Cu wire and Au wire and describe the advantage and disadvantage of Cu wire bonding process. We are going to deal with the main challenges, such as easy to be oxidated and big hardness, and find out solutions to resolve them. Chapter III will focus on to get optimized production parameter, and during the study we will use the industrial experiments design method. Chapter IV will introduce the Cu wire bonding reliability capability and failure mode analysis mode. Chapter V forecasts the development trend of Cu wire bonding and mainly introduces one new control method to prevent Cu oxidation, and at last, we draw a conclusion in chapter VI. With great support from equipment vendor and material supplier, we have used industrial experiments design method and have obtained a large number of Cur wire bonding optimized parameters, such as N 2 flow rate, capillary velocity, bonding time, bonding force, US current and so on. The above experiment results will help Cu wire bonding process being realized in mass production from theory assumption. But it only took one step in the industrial application, due to so many package types, we still need more research and experiment for copper wire bonding for different packaging types and multiple pins package application feasibility evaluation, only in this way we can introduce copper wire bonding to mass production. KEY WORDS: Au Wire, Packaging, Wire Bonding Parameter, Reliability上海交通大学硕士学位报告 VI 目 录 第一章 铜导线可替代性研究的课题背景及研究方法介绍1 1.1 传统记忆体封装流程介绍 1 1.1.1 封装流程介绍 2 1.1.2 封装的分类形式 2 1.1.3 IC 封装形态比较 3 1.1.4 传统记忆体封装形式介绍 5 1.1.5 封装主要工艺站点介绍 5 1.2 丝球键合评估标准 7 1.3 报告的主要内容与章节安排 8 第二章 铜导线键合优势和劣势分析9 2.1 铜导线和金导线性能比较 9 2.1.1 铜导线优势 9 2.1.2 铜导线劣势 11 2.2 铜导线封装主要问题的解决方案 13 2.2.1 铜易氧化问题的解决方案 13 2.2.2 铜高硬度和铜铝化合物不易形成问题的解决方案 14 2.3 小结 14 第三章 工业生产中铜导线键合参数实验评估 15 3.1 实际生产中使用的铜导线基本介绍 15 3.1.1 两种铜导线基本性能介绍 15 3.1.2 不同尺寸铜导线物理特性比较 16 3.1.3 铜导线自身可靠性评估 16 3.2 保护气体成分配比和流量控制实验数据 18 3.2.1 保护气体成分配比实验数据 18 3.2.2 保护气体流量控制实验数据 18 3.3 铜导线键合性能与工业参数之间的关系 19 3.3.1 烧球质量与火花放电工艺相关性 20 3.3.2 烧球直径与超音波相关性 21上海交通大学硕士学位报告 VII 3.3.3 铜线抗剪强度与超音功率,压力,频率和温度变化相关性 21 3.3.4 铜导线初期型变量 22 3.3.5 球厚度与压力相关性 23 3.4 铜线键合工艺参数选择实验 23 3.4.1 评估方案拟定 23 3.4.2 球键合参数评估 24 3.4.3 楔键合参数评估 28 3.4.4 塑封压模评估 28 3.5 对铜铝 IMC 形成的参数选择实验 29 3.6 小结 30 第四章 铜单线键合可靠性和失效分析31 4.1 传统导线键合的可靠性分析流程 31 4.2 铜导线可靠性分析和失效评估方法 32 4.3 小结 32 第五章 铜导线未来发展趋势33 5.1 防止铜氧化的其他控制方法介绍 33 5.1.1 镀钯导线介绍 33 5.1.2 ABW 线的优点 34 5.2 小结 36 第六章 结束语 38 6.1 主要工作与创新点 38 6.2 后续研究工作 38