在当今社会经济全球化发展的时代,很多全球性的制造业企业凭借自身的产 品技术,抓住市场机遇,制定符合自身发展的战略,从而使公司得到了快速的发 展。随着公司的业务增强,自身产能受限,企业在保留核心部件生产的过程中同 时部分或者完全生产外包,以此来释放自身的产能,增强企业的市场竞争力,由 此产生了一级组装供应商跟二级零部件供应商这样的两个层级供应商,并且通常 情况下二级供应商是由企业在研发阶段指定,并在量产阶段转为一级供应商对其 进行日常的考核管理。企业如何选择合适的一级组装供应商和二级零件供应商, 协同管理好两个层级供应商,平衡两个层级供应商的利益分配,确保优质稳定的 供应链渠道,对其整个供应链的发展和企业的健康运营都起到了关键作用。 在以上背景下,论文针对两级供应商协同管理这一热点话题,结合 GE 无锡 公司供应链的实际运营状况,分析并讨论当前 GE 无锡公司在两级供应商协同管 理过程中遇到的问题,首先运用层次分析法优化对当前的供应商选择评价予以优 化,并且基于此对当前供应商资源进行再选择优化,再结合企业信息化管理理论 建立两级供应商信息共享平台,对两级供应商的过程管理中的准时交付,质量以 及成本优化三个方面设计出一套完整的改善方案。最后为公司供应商协同管理改 善方案进行了案例应用,同时提出保障措施来辅助确保方案的顺利实施。借助本 文提出的方案,帮助公司优化当前的供应商协同管理模式,为供应商协同管理提 供更好的支持,保证了供应链运营的可持续发展。 论文以 GE 无锡公司两级供应商协同管理为论题,结合供应商管理理论以及 协同学理论以及企业信息化理论,帮助优化当前的两级供应商管理,为 GE 无锡 公司管理层提供了科学的决策依据,论文的研究有利于增强公司供应链的核心竞 争力,实现可持续发展。同时,通过对于 GE 无锡公司的两级供应商协同管理优 化的研究,也为同类型企业提供一定的借鉴跟指导意义。 关键词:两级供应商,协同,层次分析法,企业信息化II REARCH ON THE TWO TIERS SUPPLIERS SYNERGISTIC MANAGEMENT OPTIMIZATION FOR GE WUXI COMPANY Abstract In today's age of social and economic globalization, many global manufacturers, relying on their own products and technologies, have seized market opportunities and developed strategies that are in line with their growth, enabling them to realize a rapid development. As their businesses are increasing and subject to their limited capacity, the enterprises partially or completely outsource their assembly production while retaining the core components part so as to release capacity and enhance market competitiveness, therefore generate 1 st tier assembly supplier and 2 nd tier component supplier, and also normally 2 st tier supplier is designated in new product development period and then move under 1 st tier supplier management. In this process, how to choose appropriate first-level assembly suppliers and second-level parts suppliers, balance the interests of both and ensure the stable supply of high-quality parts are crucial for corporations in their development of entire supply chain and healthy operation. Especially for the manufacturing enterprises in the medical industry, which involves the use of numerous key parts, any parts may restrict the normal production of their products and any quality problems of such components may be bad enough to affect their normal operation. Therefore, it is very important for such enterprises to manage all levels of suppliers collaboratively. In the context mentioned above, targeting the hot topic of two tiers supplier collaboration and in light of the actual operation status of this company's supply chain, the paper analyzed and discussed the current problems encountered by GE Wuxi in its management of this collaboration. Firstly the paper applies the analytic hierarchy process to optimize current supplier selection appraisal and then basing on that reselect current suppliers, established an information sharing platform by combining with the enterprise information management theory and two tiers supplier collaboration, providing the company with a package of improvement plans on supplier on time delivery ,quality management and cost reduction . At last, the paper made a case application on these plans, in same time, offered supporting measures toIII ensure a smooth implementation. By applying the plans thereof, the company is able to improve its current supplier collaborative management model and got better supports for its supplier management, which assure the sustainable development of supply chain operations. Based on the assembly production outsourcing model, the collaboration among suppliers is the basis for the sound and stable operation of enterprises and plays a key role in their development. The paper chooses GE Wuxi's hierarchical supplier collaborative management as its thesis and combine with theories such as supplier management and synergy to optimize the company’s supplier management, providing scientific decision basis for the its management. The research of the paper is conducive to enhance the core competitiveness of the company's supply chain and to achieve sustainable development. Meanwhile, through the study on the collaborative management optimization of GE Wuxi's hierarchical suppliers, it also provides certain references and guidelines for similar enterprises. Key words: Two tiers Suppliers, Collaboration, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Enterprise InformationIV 目 录 中文摘要................................................. I Abstract ................................................ II 第一章 绪论 .............................................. 1 1.1 研究背景 .................................................... 1 1.2 研究意义 .................................................... 2 1.3 研究内容与方法 .............................................. 4 1.3.1 研究内容...............................................4 1.3.2 研究方法...............................................5 1.4 论文的技术路线 .............................................. 6 第二章 理论简述及国内外研究现状 .......................... 8 2.1 理论简述 .................................................... 8 2.1.1 供应链管理.............................................8 2.1.2 供应商管理.............................................9 2.1.3 企业信息化管理........................................11 2.2 国内外研究现状 ............................................. 12 2.2.1 国外供应商协同管理研究现状............................12 2.2.2 国内供应商协同管理研究现状............................13 第三章 GE 无锡公司供应商协同管理现状与问题分析........... 15 3.1 GE 无锡公司两级供应商管理现状............................... 15 3.2 GE 无锡公司两级供应商业绩考核指标........................... 16 3.2.1 两级供应商准时交付率..................................16 3.2.2 两级供应商零件不良率..................................16 3.2.3 两级供应商成本优化率..................................17 3.3 GE 无锡公司两级供应商业绩考核现状........................... 17V 3.4 GE 无锡公司两级供应商协同管理的问题......................... 19 3.4.1 两级供应商无法协同准时交付............................19 3.4.2 两级供应商无法协同解决质量争议........................19 3.4.3 两级供应商无法协同优化产品成本........................20 3.4.4 两级供应商无法有效信息传递............................20 3.5 GE 无锡公司两级供应商管理问题分析........................... 20 3.5.1 两级供应商无法协同准时交付问题分析....................20 3.5.2 两级供应商无法协同解决质量争议问题分析................23 3.5.3 两级供应商无法协同优化产品成本问题分析................25 3.5.4 两级供应商无法有效传递信息分析........................26 第四章 GE 无锡公司供应商协同管理优化方案设计............. 27 4.1 两级供应商协同管理优化思路及框架 ........................... 27 4.1.1 两级供应商协同管理优化思路............................27 4.1.2 两级供应商协同管理优化框架............................27 4.2 两级供应商协同合作战略的建立 ............................... 31 4.3 基于 AHP 进行两级供应商选择评价优化 ......................... 32 4.3.1 确定两级供应商选择影响因素............................32 4.3.2 建立层次结构模型......................................32 4.3.3 构造判断举证并一致性检验..............................33 4.3.4 确定供应商评价影响因素权重值..........................34 4.3.5 选择评价优化结果分析..............