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汇编 出版。保密的学位论文在解密后适用本规定。 研究生签名: 时间: 年 月 日 导师签名: 时间: 年 月 日I 摘要 随着社会进入新的发展阶段,人力资源逐步发展为企业竞争的核心因素,当下以人才激励为目 的绩效管理在企业发展过程中应用范围不断扩大。随之而来的企业在绩效管理实施过程中暴露的问 题也越来越多,其突出表现为大部分企业对绩效管理未形成正确的认知,出现企业绩效管理机制不 完善,企业绩效管理机制不适宜,与企业发展契合度低等问题,而面对当下市场竞争不断加剧的实 现情况,从企业发展的层面来讲,企业首先要结合自身情况建立完善的绩效管理体系,这是最基本 的先决条件之一,同时也是企业现阶段发展过程中的主要问题。目前,新疆部分国有企业还面临着 绩效管理理念落后,绩效管理方法单一,绩效管理制度不完善等问题,所以有必要在国有企业中开 展绩效管理优化活动。新疆油田公司公建公司(以下简称公建公司)近年来业务发展很快,取得了 不俗的业绩,但是由于国企长期以来的体制束缚等因素,目前公司内部的绩效管理已经不满足其长 足发展需求,因此有必要对公建公司绩效管理现状进行认真分析,总结绩效管理方面的问题并提出 具体的实施和改进建议。 论文以公建公司绩效管理的优化为研究目标,采取了理论与实践密切联系的研究思路,综合应 用了文献调查法、问卷调查法等研究方法。论文首先研究了绩效和绩效管理的概念及绩效管理理 论、KPI 方法,BSC 方法,作为研究的理论基础。在详细介绍公建公司背景和绩效管理现状的基础 上,论文对公建公司内部 240 名员工进行了绩效管理满意度问卷调查,取得了详实的第一手欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司, 调查发现公建公司现行绩效管理的问题主要在于:绩效管理与战略目标脱节、缺乏科学绩效管理指 标体系、绩效管理组织与培训欠缺以及绩效管理中注重结果而不注重过程。论文分析了产生这些问 题根源,认为绩效管理制度不健全,管理层对绩效管理缺乏正确的认识,原有绩效管理指标难以量 化,绩效管理程序执行不到位等是造成目前公建公司绩效管理滞后的主要原因。继而对这四大问题 论文提出了公建公司绩效管理的优化方案,从绩效管理的优化原则和思路入手,从公司级、部门级 和员工级三个层面提出绩效优化方案。为了保障优化后的绩效方案顺利实施,论文还研究提出了组 织保障、制度保障、人员保障、文化保障四个保障措施。 论文的研究对于国有企业深化制度改革,提升管理水平,加强绩效管理的有效性,促进企业核 心竞争力发展都有一定的理论研究意义和实践指导价值,可以为有关部门制定国企绩效管理相关政 策提供参考依据借鉴,并可为同类型企业绩效管理的完善提供参考。 关键词:国有企业;绩效管理;KPI;BSCII Abstract As society enters a new stage of development, manpower and resources are gradually developed into the core of enterprise competition. As the core of motivating talents, enterprise management is expanding its application scope in the development process of enterprises. At this stage, there are many problems in the implementation process of enterprise performance management, which do not form a correct understanding of enterprise performance management, and performance management is not perfect. In the face of increasing market competition, enterprises must first establish a sound performance management, which is also the main problem in the development process of the enterprise at this stage. At present, some state-owned enterprises in Xinjiang are still facing problems such as backward performance management concepts, single performance management methods, and imperfect performance management systems. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out performance management optimization activities in state-owned enterprises. Xinjiang Oilfield Company's public construction company has developed rapidly in recent years and achieved good results. However, due to the long-term institutional constraints of state-owned enterprises, the company's internal performance management is no longer suitable for the rapid development of performance, so it is necessary to The performance management of the public construction company of Xinjiang Oilfield Company was carefully analyzed and suggestions for improvement were put forward. The thesis takes the optimization of performance management of Xinjiang Oilfield Company's public construction company as the research goal, adopts the research ideas closely related to theory and practice, and comprehensively applies the research methods such as literature survey method and questionnaire survey method. The thesis studies the concept of performance and performance management and performance management theory, KPI performance management method, and BSC performance management method as the theoretical basis of research. On the basis of a detailed introduction to the background and performance management of the Xinjiang Oilfield Company's public construction company, the paper conducted a performance management satisfaction questionnaire survey for 240 employees in the Xinjiang Oilfield Company's public construction company, and obtained detailed first- hand information and found Xinjiang. The problems of current performance management of oilfield company public construction companies are: the disconnection between performance management and strategic objectives, the lack of scientific performance management index system, the lack of performance management organization and training, and the focus on results rather than the process. The paper analyzes the root causes of these problems, and believes that the assessment system is not perfect, the management lacks a correct understanding of performance management, the original performance indicators are difficult to quantify, and the performance appraisal procedures are not in place, which is causing the performance management of the Xinjiang Oilfield Company's public construction company to lag. main reason. Aiming at these four problems, this paper puts forward the optimization plan of performance management of Xinjiang Oilfield Company Public Construction Company. Starting from the optimization principle and ideas of performance management, the performance optimization plan is proposed from three levels: company level, department level and employee level. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the optimized performance plan, the paper also proposed four safeguard measures: organizational security, system security, personnel security and cultural security. The research of the thesis has certain theoretical research significance and practical guidance value for state-owned enterprises to deepen institutional reform, improve management level, strengthen the effectiveness of performance management, and promote the development of core competitiveness of enterprises. It can provide reference for relevant departments to formulate relevant policies for performance management of state-owned enterprises, and can provide reference for the improvement of performance management of the same type of enterprises.III Keywords:State-owned Enterprises, Performance Management, KPI,BSC.IV 目 录 摘要................................................................................................................................................................I Abstract...........................................................................................................................................................II 第一章 绪论....................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景及研究意义...........................................................................................................................1 1.1.1 研究背景 .......................................................................................................................................1 1.1.2 研究意义 .......................................................................................................................................1 1.2 国内外研究综述...................................................................................................................................1 1.2.1 国外研究综述 ...............................................................................................................................1 1.2.2 国内研究综述 ............................................................................................

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