昆阳公司绩效管理系统问题及改进方案 房地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司一直以来都是对我国国民经济起到重要支撑作用的产业,控制 着国民经济的命脉。近年来,国家对于房地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的调控政策层出不穷,进入 2018 年,供需两侧精准调控以及融资口的调控给房地产企业带来空前压力,房 地产企业也提出了高周转、快营销的应对策略。高周转、快营销的策略对企业 的运转速度以及人才素质的提升提出了新的要求。在市场竞争和政策压力下, 房地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司整体也从“高投资、高收益”转向“重潜力、重人才”,人力资源因 此成为房地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展的重要资源。绩效管理是人力资源管理的六大重要模块 之一,和其他模块共同组成人力资源管理。绩效管理不仅仅是对员工工作情况 的考核,对员工绩效提高也起到很大的作用。绩效管理的过程是界定、测量以 及激发个人和团队绩效水平,并且让这些绩效表现和组织的战略目标趋同的过 程。绩效管理总体来说是一个闭环流程,包括绩效计划、辅导、考核以及反馈 四个方面。 本文以绩效管理的相关理论为基础,对昆阳公司现行的绩效管理系统的制 定过程及内容进行了整理和分析,找出绩效管理系统存在的问题,并针对绩效 管理系统存在的问题,从绩效循环的各个方面来完善绩效管理系统,助力企业 实现其经营管理目标。昆阳公司是小型房地产央企的代表,具有该种企业普遍 存在的发展空间受限的问题。本文对昆阳公司这种小型房地产央企的绩效管理 系统进行了分析并提出了改进建议,对于其他小型房地产央企的绩效管理系统 的构建及改进同样有着重要的参考意义,为小型房地产央企应对新形势下激烈 的市场竞争做好“人才”方面的保障。 关键词: 房地产央企,绩效管理,目标管理,关键绩效指标考核,平衡记分卡II Abstract The Drawbacks and Improve Scheme of Kun Yang Company’s Performance Management System The real estate industry is one of the most important parts of our economy and has been supporting the national economy for several years. These years, the property market pressure has further intensified, the government's price limit policy in purchase has been introduced, bank loans have tightened, and financing capacity and cash flow have become important factors affecting the development of enterprises. Real estate central enterprises have an advantage in market competition by virtue of their strong financing capabilities. However, in the past year of 2018, the scale of real estate business operations exceeded 5,000 trillion, and the top three companies on the comprehensive strength list were private enterprises. They were characterized by high turnover and fast marketing. High turnover and fast marketing put forward new requirements for the operation speed of enterprises and the improvement of talent quality. Under the market competition and policy pressure, the real estate industry has shifted from “high investment, high income” to “heavy potential and talented people”, and human resources have therefore become an important resource for the development of the real estate industry. Performance management is an important part of human resource management; it concludes the process of searching, measuring, and developing individual and team performance and matching these performances with the organization's strategic goals. Based on the relevant theories of performance management, this paper sorts and analyzes the development process and content of the current performance management system of Kun Yang Company and finds out the problems existing inIII the performance management system. The problems existing in the performance management system are reflected from the performance cycle. Improve the performance management system and rebuild the performance appraisal system in all aspects to help the company achieve its business management objectives. This paper analyzes and improves the performance management system of “growth” real estate central enterprises and plays an important reference role in the construction and improvement of the performance management system of other “growth” real estate central enterprises. It is a “growth” real estate central enterprise. We should do a good job in ensuring the talent in the fierce market competition under the new situation. Keywords: real estate central enterprises; marketing department; performance management; target management; key performance indicator assessment; balanced score cardIV 目 录 第 1 章 绪论........................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ............................................................................ 1 1.2 研究方法与内容 ............................................................................ 3 1.3 理论基础和文献综述 .................................................................... 3 第 2 章 昆阳公司绩效管理系统现状及存在的问题........................... 9 2.1 公司概况 ........................................................................................ 9 2.2 公司绩效管理系统概况 .............................................................. 10 2.3 公司绩效管理系统存在的问题.................................................. 14 第 3 章 昆阳公司绩效管理系统改进方案......................................... 20 3.1 完善绩效计划制定流程 .............................................................. 20 3.2 完善绩效考核系统 ...................................................................... 21 3.3 定期开展绩效辅导工作 .............................................................. 38 3.4 强化绩效反馈面谈工作 .............................................................. 38 第 4 章 昆阳公司绩效管理系统实施保障......................................... 40 4.1 公司绩效管理系统实施的人力保障.......................................... 40 4.2 公司绩效管理系统实施的组织保障.......................................... 41 4.3 公司绩效管理系统实施的制度保障.......................................... 42 结 论 ..................................................................................................... 44