广西近年来时尚、新兴的气排球运动开展十分火热,已成为广西大众开展全民健身的 一项主要运动。各行各业、各个地区都举行形式多样、规模不一的气排球比赛,在市区和 一些县城,出现了大大小小的气排球俱乐部,大众参与的积极性很高。在广西高校里气排 球运动也蓬勃开展,部分高校在体育课中甚至设置了气排球课程。气排球运动在作为全民 健身运动普及与开展重要基地的高校中开展,成为学生喜闻乐见、积极参与的休闲、健身 运动,具有一定积极的意义。本文主要运用文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法、实地考察法、问卷调查法、访谈 法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法,对广西 10 所普通高校开展气排球运动的现状及体育俱乐 部的现状进行深入调查,对影响高校建立气排球俱乐部的主要因素,高校建立气排球俱乐 部的意义进行分析,论证了广西高校建立气排球俱乐部的可行性。研究的结果表明, 目前广西高校课外都开展了气排球活动和比赛,深受大学生欢迎;有些高校设置了气 排球课程。高校在很多体育项目上均开展了俱乐部,运作情况良好,主要以无偿服务形式 开展,主要是体育教学部统一管理,师生对体育俱乐部的认可度高,影响高校建立气排球 俱乐部的主要因素有,决策部门的重视程度;场地、设备的数量与管理;相关师资队伍的 数量与质量;社会体育环境的影响;气候条件的影响;气排球俱乐部的性质、管理、宣传 力度、吸引力、资金来源以及学生参与气排球运动的动机和热情。广西高校建立气排球俱 乐部有助于增强大学生体质,促进身心健康发展;有助于提高大学生素质,加速其个体社 会化进程;有助于激发学生参与气排球运动的动机和锻炼热情;有助于促进气排球运动的 普及和发展;丰富了体育教学内容和校园文化生活;有助于提高体育人口的数量,促进全 民健身计划的实施;有助于学生终身体育、快乐体育、体育生活化观念的形成。 对广西高校构建气排球俱乐部的可行性论证得出,有相关的政策、法规作为理论依据。 广西大学生的运动健身观和体育消费观强;师生对气排球喜爱和支持;高校运动人群集中, 人员流动大,易开展俱乐部活动;气排球运动本身的独特魅力和价值;高校原有的排球基 础和条件;有高校成功体育俱乐部的经验和启示等良好的内环境作为基础。有广西良好的 经济环境;气排球运动蓬勃开展的良好大众健身运动环境;有一批业务精良的气排球裁判 员和教练员队伍等外环境作为基础。因此在广西高校建立气排球俱乐部是可行的。建立高 校俱乐部主要要健全组织机构、加强管理和运作。 建议广西高校气排球俱乐部的建立必须职权划分明确;增加气排球场地的建设、投资、 维护和科学合理的管理;需要加强相关教师的技术和职业道德的培训;气排球俱乐部要分 层次教学,可分为初级、中级和高级三个层次;对于气排球俱乐部的管理与运作要使用先II 进的方法,如建立飞信或 QQ 气排球俱乐部群等。 关键词,广西;高校;气排球;俱乐部;可行性III On the Feasibility of Setting up Balloon Volleyball Clubs in the Higher Educational Institutions in Guangxi Researcher: Liang Yi Li Instructor: Professor Liu Wei Chun Physical education and taining Postgraduate of 2006 Grade Researcher Direction: Volleyball Abstract There has been a fervent trend of playing balloon volleyball recent years, a kind of newly-developing sports activity, and it has become the mainstream in body building activities of the masses of people in Guangxi. Despite the vocations and regions they belong to, people hold such kind of competitions of different forms and scales. Balloon volleyball clubs also have begun to appear in both urban districts and suburban areas, in which massed of people have high interest to join. It is the same that balloon volleyball sports are prospering in the higher educational institutions of Guangxi, some of which have even offered special courses for it. As an important venue for the popularization and implementation of mass body-building activities, higher educational institutions have taken the role of implementing such sports activity, thus the aim of guaranteeing students’ leisure and their active participation into body-building will be ensured. Documentation, investigation on the spot, questionnaire, interview, statistic and logical analysis are used in this paper, and special attention is given to a deep research into the current situation of such sports activity within 10 higher educational institutions in Guangxi as well as in some sports clubs; main factors affecting the setting up of these clubs, their significance and feasibility are also being looked into. The results are as follows: Extracurricular exercises and competitions are being put on in higher educational institutions in Guangxi currently, and are welcome by college students; some institutions have implemented courses of such activity. Clubs are planned and set up upon many sports issues, being well organized and gratuitous under general supervision of PE departments. Students take a high degree of appreciation towards these clubs. There are main factors affecting the setting up of this kind of club: how much importance the decision-making departments have put on it; administration of courts and equipments; the quantity and quality of relative administrative teachers; the influence from social PE environment and climate; characters, administration, propaganda, attraction, sources of investment and students’ motives and enthusiasm. The setting up of these clubs will help their body-building, improve their health both physically and mentally; it would promote their levels of competence as well as their socialization; it may do something for the popularization and development of balloon volleyball, enriching campus life; it can increase the quantity of people taking part in sports activities and enhance the realization ofIV body-building plan of the whole mass; it would also do good to students’ life-long PE notions. Some conclusions are: this is based on related political and rules, college students in Guangxi have got higher interests in body building and have been fond of such volleyball sports; intensive group and fluidity of masses of people on campus have helped clubs’ setting up; balloon volleyball sports has got its own charisma and values; there do exist some kind of foundation of volleyball for PE teaching; and more successful experiences and enlightenment from other institutions also cast light upon it; Guangxi has its own advanced economical environment; well established facilities and judges and coaches are being considered an indispensable part. Thus the establishment of such clubs in Guangxi would be feasible. Primary tasks are to complete organization and enhance administration and operation. Duties and rights in the establishment of such clubs must be evidently classified; construction, investment, maintenance and reasonable administration shall be intensified; teachers are also required to improve their professional techniques and morals; teaching of such sports must be leveled into preliminary, vantage and higher; more advanced methods should be employed in administration and operation, such as Fetion Technology of China Mobile and QQ. Key words: Guangxi, Higher educational institutions; balloon volleyball; clubs; feasibility.V 目录 摘要..................................................................................................................................................I Abstract .........................................................................................................................................III 前言.................................................................................................................................................1 1 研究综述......................................................................................................................................3 2 研究目的和意义..........................................................................................................................6 3 研究对象与方法..........................................................................................................................7 3.1 研究对象...........................................................................................................................7 3.2 研究方法...........................................................................................................................7 4 研究结果与分析..........................................................................................................................9 4.1 相关定义、概念的定