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近年来,习近平总书记多次提出要“做强做优做大国有企业”。在此背景下, 国有企业掀起了兼并收购的浪潮。如何对并购过程进行监督和管理?如何让国有 企业兼并收购战略产生更好的绩效?如何在事后评价兼并收购战略是否成功? 内部审计应当发挥其应有的作用。国家审计署在 2018 年 1 月发布了修订后的《审 计署关于内部审计工作的规定》,重新划定了内部审计机构的职责和权限,对内 部审计工作成果提出了更高的要求,但当涉及到企业并购时,内部审计如何才能 发挥重要作用值得审计理论界与实务界关注。鉴于此,本文以“并购财务信息披 露与内部审计差异的治理机制”为研究对象,以期能为治理该问题提供借鉴和参 考。 围绕上述研究对象,本文以中国保利集团有限公司对 BP 股份有限公司的并 购事件为背景开展研究。首先,从内部审计视角对 BP 公司在并购发生的事前和 事中披露的财务信息执行分析性程序,发现 BP 公司存在利润率不高、毛利率下 降明显、部分会计政策处理不合理、企业现金流发生明显异动等问题,有虚增利 润、虚构现金流和盲目扩张的嫌疑;其次,通过对比审计结果发现了企业并购财 务信息存在未披露重大投资、企业真实利润以及企业潜在安全风险与法律风险等 情况;再其次,通过进一步分析发现,并购财务信息与内部审计结果差异对并购 产生了不利影响,即增加了并购价格、降低了并购方未来的财务收益和增加了并 购方的经营风险和法律风险;最后,本文得出如下结论:(1)BP 公司应该采取 措施进一步规范财务信息披露;(2)国有企业的并购行为可以引入内部审计机 制规避被并购方虚假财务信息披露的行为,降低并购风险。此外,还可以采用惩 罚机制提高财务顾问的工作质量,提请国家审计介入解决并购中发生的重大问题。 本文主要创新点包括如下两个方面:(1)在分析视角上存在创新,从内部 审计的角度对企业并购财务信息披露行为进行分析;(2)研究对象和内容存在 着一定的创新,本文基于内部审计视角,选择被并购方 BP 公司为研究对象,对 其被并购的过程中披露的财务信息进行研究,丰富了内部审计理论的研究对象和 内容。本文的不足之处在于并未完全详述财务报表分析理论中的所有内容,在财 务分析理论运用方面有一定的局限,同时本文为国有企业规避并购财务信息差异 而总结归纳的建议可能还存在遗漏。 关键词:国有企业;内部审计;并购;财务信息披露;差异分析;治理机制I Abstract In recent years, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward for several times to “build strong, outstanding and large-scale state-owned enterprises”. Under such background, a tide of mergers and acquisitions has been started in state-owned enterprises. How to supervise and manage during the processes of mergers and acquisitionsHow to achieve better performances in merger and acquisition strategy of enterprisesAnd how to evaluate whether the strategy of merger and acquisition is successful or not after itInternal audit should give play to its deserved functions. National Audit Office published the revised Regulations on Internal Audit Works of Auditing Administrations in Jan. 2018, in which the responsibilities and authorities of internal audit agencies were reclassifies and higher requirements were put forward to the work achievements of internal audit, while when it came to the merger and acquisition of enterprises, how internal audit could give play to its significant role was worth concerning by the theoretical and practical cycles of audit. In view of this, with “disclosure of merger and acquisition information and governance mechanism of internal audit variations” were taken as the research objectives of this thesis to provide references for the disposal of this problem. Around the above research objectives, researches of this thesiswere launched with the merger and acquisition of China Poly Group on BP Co., Ltd. as the background. First of all, analytical procedures of the financial information disclosed before and during the merger and acquisition of BP Co., Ltd. was executed from the visual angle of internal audit, through which problems including low corporation benefits, obvious decrease of gross profit rate, unreasonable disposal of parts of accounting policies and obvious transactions in money flows of enterprise, etc. were found in BPCo., Ltd., and there was the suspicion of inflated profits, fictional money flow and blind expansion, etc.; secondly, through comparison of audit results, conditions like undisclosed significant investments and true profits of enterprise, potential enterprise risks and legal risks, etc. were found in the financial information of merger and acquisition of the enterprise; what’s more, through further analysis, it was found that the variation between financial information of merger and acquisition and internal audit results had caused bad influences on the merger and acquisition, that is, the price for merger and acquisition was increased, the future financial profits of the acquirer was reduced and the operational and legal risks of the acquirer were increased; finally, the following conclusions were obtained in this thesis: (1) BP Co., Ltd. should take measures toI further regulate the financial information disclosure; (2) internal audit mechanisms could be introduced to merger and acquisition of state-owned enterprises to avoid the false financial information disclosure of the acquirer and reduce the risks in the merger and acquisition. In addition, punishment mechanisms could also be adopted to improve the working quality of financial consultants, and state audit departments could be submitted to solve the significant problems occurred during the merger and acquisition. Main innovative points of this thesis contained the following 2 aspects: (1) innovationsexistedintheanalysisvisualangle,andthefinancialinformationdisclosure in merger and acquisition of enterprises should be analyzed from the aspect of internal audit; (2) there was certain innovation in the research objective and contents, based on the visual angle of internal audit, the acquirer BPCo., Ltd. was selected as the research objective to research the disclosed financial information during the process of merger and acquisition of it, which enriched the research objectives and contents of internal audit theories. The insufficiencies of this thesis lay in the facts that not all the contents of the financial statement analytical theories were expressed in details, and there were certain limitations in the application of financial analytical theories, meanwhile there might also be omissions in the suggestions summarized for the state-owned enterprises to avoid variations in financial information of merger and acquisition. Key words: state-owned enterprise; internal audit; merger and acquisition; financial information disclosure; variation analysis;governance mechanismIV 目 录 摘要......................................................................................................................... I Abstract................................................................................................................. II 1 绪论.....................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景及意义...........................................................................................1 1.1.1 研究背景............................................................................................1 1.1.2 研究意义............................................................................................2 1.2 国内外研究现状...........................................................................................2 1.2.1 财务信息披露的研究现状.................................................................2 1.2.2 内部审计的研究现状 ........................................................................4 1.2.3 财务信息披露与内部审计差异的研究现状.....................................5 1.2.4 国内外研究现状评述 ........................................................................5 1.3 研究内容与研究框架...................................................................................6 1.4 研究的创新之处...........................................................................................9 2 财务信息披露与内部审计的理论分析..............................................................10 2.1 相关概念的界定..............................................................

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