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I 苏宁易购O2O模式优化研究 摘要 近年来,随着网络的普及和电子商务的不断发展,人们的生活日益网络化, 在网络和电子商务的强烈冲击下,传统零售企业面临着市场萎缩、成本增加、竞 争激烈等诸多问题。而在新时代下,O2O 模式不受时间、地点的限制,不仅交 易更加快速便捷,而且运营成本比传统零售企业更低,这独特的优势也使 O2O 模式下的电子商务不断扩张,对我国传统零售业的发展有着重要的影响。因此, 传统零售业优化和改变营销手段迫在眉睫,而将线下商业机会与互联网结合的 “O2O 模式”,成为许多企业走出尴尬期的首选。 本文以苏宁易购为研究对象,采用文献研究法和案例分析法运用 4C 理论对 苏宁易购 O2O 模式的现状进行深入分析,首先简要介绍了苏宁易购的概况;其 次,运用 4C 理论和 O2O 模式的营销理论分别对苏宁易购线上线下现实情况进 行分析。再次,分析了苏宁易购 O2O 模式目前存在的问题,并指出苏宁 O2O 模 式的重要性;最后,针对苏宁易购 O2O 模式营销的实施存在的问题,运用 4C 理论提出了苏宁易购 O2O 模式需要改进的具体策略,即满足消费者需求、降低 企业成本、提高消费者的便利性、加强各方合作沟通四个方面提出了苏宁易购 O2O 模式的保障措施。 本文立足于中国经济的发展现状,结合我国传统零售业目前所面临的市场环 境,通过将苏宁易购的发展特点与 O2O 模式的优势结合,得出苏宁易购 O2O 模 式优化的必要性。苏宁易购 O2O 模式的优化研究,具有非常重要的理论意义和 现实意义,不仅能把理论与实际结合起来,而且也为其他平台提供参照。实现 O2O 模式的有效发展,降低营运成本,提高经济效率,为实现企业经营效益的 提高,提供了诸多宝贵的借鉴与参考。 关键词:苏宁易购 ;O2O 模式;4C 理论华北水利水电大学硕士学位论文 IIABSTRACT III THE OPTIMIZATION STUDY OF SUNING’S O2O MODE ABSTRACT In recent years, with the popularization of the Internet and the continuous development of e-commerce, people's lives has become increasingly cyberized. Under the strong impact of the Internet and e-commerce, traditional retail enterprises are faced with many problems such as shrinking market, increasing cost and fierce competition. In the new era, O2O mode is not limited by time and place. It not only is faster and more convenient for transactions, but also has lower operating costs than traditional retail enterprises. This unique advantage also makes the continuous expansion of e-commerce under O2O mode, which has an significant impact on the development of China's traditional retail industry. Therefore, it is urgent to optimize and change the marketing methods for the traditional retail industry, and the O2O mode that combines the offline business opportunities with the Internet has become the first choice for many enterprises to get out of the awkward period. This paper takes Suning as the research object, adopts literature research method and case analysis method, and uses 4C theory to make an in-depth analysis of the status of the O2O mode of Suning. Firstly, it briefly introduces the general situation of Suning. Secondly, 4C theory and O2O mode marketing theory are used to analyze the online and offline reality of Suning. Thirdly, the existing problems of Suning e-shopping O2O model are analyzed, and the importance of Suning’s O2O mode is pointed out. Finally, in view of the problems existing in the implementation of the Suning’s 020 model, the specific strategies to improve Suning’s O2O mode are proposed by using the 4C theory, namely, meeting consumers’ demand, reducing the enterprise cost, improving the convenience of customers, and enhancing all parties’ cooperation and communication, which are four aspects of safeguard measures of华北水利水电大学硕士学位论文 IV Suning’s O2O mode. Based on the current situation of China's economic development and associated with the current market environment of China's traditional retail industry, the necessity of optimizing the O2O model of Suning is concluded by combining Suning’s development characteristics and the advantages of O2O mode. The optimization study of Suning’s O2O mode is of great theoretical and practical significance. It can not only combine theory with practice, but also provide references for other platforms. A lot of valuable suggestions are offered to help realize the effective development of O2O mode, reduce the operating cost, improve the economic efficiency, and improve the operating efficiency of enterprises. KEY WORDS: Suning;O2O mode;4 C theory目 录 V 目 录 1 绪论..........................................................1 1.1 研究背景................................................1 1.2 研究意义................................................2 1.3 文献综述................................................2 1.3.1 国外文献综述......................................2 1.3.2 国内文献综述......................................3 1.4 思路与方法..............................................4 1.4.1 研究思路..........................................4 1.4.2 研究方法..........................................4 1.5 创新与不足..............................................4 1.5.1 创新点............................................4 1.5.2 不足之处..........................................5 2 相关理论基础..................................................7 2.1 O2O 模式的定义及特点 ....................................7 2.1.1 O2O 模式的定义 ....................................7 2.1.2 线上线下协同及整合................................8 2.2 4C 营销理论............................................10 2.2.1 4C 营销理论的内容 ................................10 2.2.2 4C 理论与 4P 理论的关系 ...........................11 3 苏宁易购 O2O 营销策略的分析...................................13 3.1 苏宁易购线下营销策略分析...............................13 3.1.1 以消费者为主导的服务.............................13 3.1.2 成本让利消费者...................................14 3.1.3 购物环境的便利性.................................14 3.1.4 线下的优质服务...................................15 3.2 苏宁易购线上营销策略分析...............................15 3.2.1 活动促销模式.....................................16华北水利水电大学硕士学位论文 VI 3.2.2 平台的搭建.......................................16 3.2.3 业务交易便利.....................................17 3.2.4 线上沟通服务及时性...............................17 4 苏宁易购 O2O 营销策略存在的问题...............................19 4.1 会员营销效果差.........................................19 4.1.1 会员优惠力度小...................................20 4.1.2 会员线上线下的脱节...............................21 4.1.3 沟通与信息不对称.................................22 4.2 库存管理不当...........................................24 4.2.1 配送中心库存管理.................................25 4.2.3 库存分配不合理...................................26 4.3 配送物流运作效率低.....................................27 4.3.1 物流服务水平低...................................28 4.3.2 物流运作成本高...................................29 4.4 线上线下的融合不足.....................................29 4.4.1 未满足消费者需求.................................30 4.4.2 线上线下分离.....................................30 4.4.3 广告轰炸,频繁造节...............................31 4.4.4 忽视在线直播营销 .................................33 5 苏宁易购 O2O 营销策略的完善措施...............................35 5.1 满足用户需要...........................................35 5.1.1 完善会员制.......................................35 5.1.2 满足社区拼团需求.................................36 5.1.3 挖掘农村消费潜力.................................37 5.2 降低企业成本...........................................38 5.2.1 线上线下及时衔接,储备合理库存...................38 5.2.2 降低消费者的成本和企业的成本保障.................39 5.3 提高消费便利性.........................................41 5.3.1 配送中心和物流运作就近原则.......................41目 录 VII 5.3.2 为消费者提供更好的便利服务.......................41 5.4 加强合作沟通...........................................42 5.4.1 完善苏宁易购线上线下的融合.......................43 5.4.2 协调企业与供应商的沟通保障.......................43 5.4.3 消费者售前售后及时反馈 ...........................44

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