当前,国内中小企业在促进我国社会经济发展的道路上有着极为重要的推动作用, 特别是在提升毕业大学生就业机会、加速企业产品技术的创新与变革以及促进我国科学 技术研究等各个方面都是有着无法代替的作用。国内有很多优质的中小企业自身拥有多 项专利,拥有着极大的发展潜力,但是这些中小企业往往因为资金的缺乏,最终被扼杀 在萌芽当中。因此,中小企业的融资困难一直都是中小企业发展的重要瓶颈。 我国科学技术创新类型的中小型企业是国家技术创新的主要中间力量,也是促进我 国社会经济发展当中不可缺 , 少的主要载体之一。在近十多年时间,国内科学技术创新型 的中小企业一直都是保持着极为快速的发展速度,在实现科学技术产业化方面也是有着 很大的促进作用。截至 2019 年 3 月,河南省 , 已经备 , 案的 科 , 技型中小 , 企业 , 共 12431 家, 根据河南省 , 政府和相 , 关部门出台的一系列政策举措可以 , 看出,省政府也在一直致力于打 造完善的科学技术中小企业融资的服务体系和管理制度,目的是使中小企业的融资方式 不断增多,从而促进河南省经济发展。但是,河南省的科技型中小企业融资难和融资贵 问题依然存在,而且这类企业的融资困难不仅威胁企业自身的生存和经营,从宏观角度 看,还在一定程度上限制了国内社会经济的发展、甚至阻碍科学技术创新的发展。和西 方的发达国家相对比,我国科学技术创新类型的中小型企业在应对相应的资金短缺限制 时,还是存在较为突出的问题,融资方式的选择、融资效果如何、如何改善融资环境等 问题也都在一定程度上限制着我国科学技术创新类型的中小型企业的发展。基于此,本 文主要是针对这方面的问题进行详细的分析探讨。 首先,本文通过对文章的研究背景、研究意义进行说明,梳理相关的研究成果,对 中小企业和科技型中小企业的相关概念进行了界定。其次,分析了支撑本文的理论基础, 包括三角模糊法,生命周期理论,权衡理论,融资优序理论等,为后面的分析和研究内 容提供了理论依据和支撑。再次,在探讨分析我国中小企业融资问题的基础上,笔者专 门针对河南省的科 , 学技术创新型 , 的中小企业的 , 融资问题进 , 行了更 , 加深入具体的分析,并 作出了对比。以 HK 公司为例,介绍 HK 公司融资情况和效果,建立基于三角模糊法的评 价指标体系,通过计算,得出了影响到 HK 公司融资情况的各项因素,以及这些指标因 素的影响情况,结合 HK 公司具体融资实际,对这些影响因素进行深入分析,进而提出II 解决问题的合理性建议。最后,通过对河南省科技型中小企业的政策建议,包括完善法 律法规、加大政府支持、提升企业价值、实现金融创新、发展多层次资本市场等等一系 类的举措,解决河 , 南省科技型中小企业面 , 临的共性融资难题 , ,使河南省科 , 技型中小企业 在目前经济大背景下快速发展并且 , 能做大、做优、做强,为河南省地 , 方经济的发展提供 重要的支 , 撑力量,也为促进我国中小企业的创新 , 发展提供重要的现实指导意义。 关键词,科技型中小企业,中小板上市,融资模式,融资效果III ABSTRACT At present, domestic small and medium-sized enterprises play an extremely important role in promoting the social and economic development of our country, especially in promoting the employment opportunities of graduates, accelerating the innovation and transformation of enterprise product technology, and promoting the scientific and technological research of our country. There are many high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises in China that own a number of patents and have great development potential, but these small and medium-sized enterprises are often nipped in the bud due to lack of funds. Therefore, the financing difficulties of smes have always been an important bottleneck in the development of smes. Small and medium-sized enterprises of science and technology innovation type in China are the main intermediate force of national technology innovation and one of the indispensable main carriers to promote the social and economic development in China. In the past ten years, the domestic science and technology innovative small and medium-sized enterprises have been maintaining a very fast development speed, in the realization of science and technology industrialization is also playing a great role in promoting. As of March 2019, small and mid-sized enterprise of henan province has been put on record, a total of 12431, according to henan province government and relevant departments issued a series of policy measures, you can see that the provincial government are also has been committed to creating the perfect scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprise financing service system and management system, the purpose is to make small and medium-sized enterprise financing way, thereby promoting economic development of henan province. However, the financing difficulty and high cost of small and medium-sized science and technology enterprises in henan province still exist, and the financing difficulty of such enterprises not only threatens the survival and operation of enterprises, but also restricts the development of domestic social economy and even hinders the development of scientific and technological innovation to a certain extent from a macro perspective. And the western developed countries, China's science and technology innovation types of small and medium enterprises in dealing with the corresponding shortage of funds limit, there is a relatively prominent problem, the choice of the ways of financing, financing effect how, how to improve the financing environment and other issues are also to some extent, restrict the typesIV of small and medium-sized enterprises of science and technology innovation of our country's development. Based on this, this article mainly aims at this aspect question to carry on the detailed analysis discussion. Firstly, this paper explains the research background and significance of this paper, sorts out relevant research results, and defines the relevant concepts of smes and technology-based smes. Secondly, the theoretical basis supporting this paper is analyzed, including triangular fuzzy method, life cycle theory, balance theory, financing priority theory, etc., which provides theoretical basis and support for the following analysis and research content. Thirdly, on the basis of discussing and analyzing the financing problems of small and medium-sized enterprises in China, the author makes a more in-depth and specific analysis of the financing problems of small and medium-sized enterprises with scientific and technological innovation in henan province, and makes a comparison. With HK company as an example, introduce HK company financing situation and effect, based on triangular fuzzy method of evaluation index system, by calculation, it is concluded that the factors affect the financing situation of HK company, and the influence of these factors, combined with the HK company specific financing practice, in-depth analysis of these factors, put forward the reasonable suggestion to solve the problem. Finally, through the policy Suggestions of small and mid-sized enterprise in henan province, including perfecting the laws and regulations, increasing government support, promote enterprise's value, the implementation of financial innovation, development of multi-level capital market and so on a series of measures, solve common financing problem of small and mid-sized enterprise in henan province, the small and mid-sized enterprise in henan province in the context of the current economic rapid development and can do, we are doing, we provide important support for the development of local economy of henan province power, to promote the development of the our country small and medium-sized enterprises innovation also provide important practical guiding significance. KEY WORDS: Technology-based smes, Small and Medium Board Listing,Financing model, Financing effectV 目 录 摘要...........................................................................................................................................I ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................. III 1 绪 论......................................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景..........................................................................................................................1 1.2 选题意义..................................