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摘要 本文以TE培训学校为研究对象,首先介绍相关薪酬理论知识和现代薪酬设 计的发展趋势,结合学校教师薪酬体系的现状,对学校教师薪酬进行满意度调 查。从中找出目前学校薪酬体系中存在的问题,针对这些问题对TE培训学校的 教师薪酬体系进行再设计。本文将TE学校薪酬设计为两个方面:经济性薪酬和 非经济性薪酬。经济性薪酬设计包含工资的设计、岗位津贴的设计、年度奖励、 经济福利及股权、业绩分红。在针对教师的工资设计中,采用了宽带薪酬的设 计方法,将教师岗位级别和考核等级结合起來,充分调动教师的工作积极性。 使得教师即使岗位级别低,但只要工作足够努力,其考核等级Oi会随之升高, 薪酬水平将会大幅提高。在整个经济性薪酬设计中,力求做到教师的薪酬水平 竞争的公平性,充分发挥薪酬的激励性能,使薪酬与教师的工作性质、绩效水 平密切结合。在非经济性薪酬的设计中,充分考虑了学校教师工作的特殊性, 在设计中注重非经济因素,充分满足教师的心理需求和自我价值的实现。在本 文的结尾,指出新的方案在实施中所需注意的问题。本文旨在通过对TE培训学 校教师竞争环境及现状的分析,有效合理的开发利用人力资源。本文的研究方 法和研究结果,对同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司具有一定的参考价值。 本案中,薪酬设计在培训学校的人力资源工作中具有重要意义。薪酬设计 能引导教职员工的行为,使他们能自觉自愿的、高效的、高质量的完成任务。 薪酬设计要同时掌控好经济性薪酬和非经济性薪酬,就能达到事半功倍的效果。 经济性薪酬体现员工在工作中的绩效,按照多劳多得的原则,对工作热情高, 工作效率高,对企业贡献大的教职员工给予更多的报酬。促使其主动提升自己 的业务能力和获得更多的劳动技能,提升自身的修养和价值。非经济性薪酬通 过对教师个人贡献进行奖励,使教师意识到自身在学校乃至在对学生进行基础 教育中所产生的价值,培养教师的敬业精神,建立校园文化。总之,科学、合 理的薪酬设计能极大地调动教师的积极性和创造性,也能保证培训学校教师队 伍的稳定性,对学校实现目标起到强大的推动作用。 关键词:TE学校人力资源;薪酬设计;绩效; Abstract Abstract This paper studies on TE training school, first introduces the development trend of related salary theories and salary design, combines with the status of the school teachers 'pay system and then makes a satisfaction survey of school teachers' salaries. To find out the problems in the school salary system, and I redesigns the teachers' pay system. In this paper, the TE school salary is designed to be two aspects: the economic salary and non-economic salary. Economic salary design includes the design of the wages, the design of the allowance, annual incentives, economic welfare and performance bonus. Design for the salaries of teachers with the design method of broadband pay, teachers' job level and assessment level combined, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the teachers. The teacher has the low job level, but as long as the work is hard enough, the assessment level will also rise, pay levels will dramatically increase. In the design of the whole economic salary , and it strives to achieve fair competition level of the salaries of teachers, gives full play to the performance of incentive , to pay and teachers' work, the level of performance is closely linked. Give full consideration to the design of non-economic salary, and the special work of school- teachers, focusing on non-economic factors in the design to ftilly meet the psychological needs of teachers and self-realization. At the end of this article , it pointes out that the new programs require their attention in the implementation of the problem. This article aims to TE training school teachers in a competitive environment and the status , effective and rational development and utilization of human resources. Methods and findings of this study, the same industry has a certain reference value. On the paper, the salary design has an important meaning to training school's human resources. Salary design can guide teacher's action, it can make teacher finish work by voluntary, high efficiency and high quality. Meanwhile, salary design can control economic salary and noneconomic salary, it makes good works. Economic salary embodies teacher's performance by more work more salaries, let the teacher get more salary by plunged into his work with immense zeal, by high efficient work. II Abstract Let the teacher increase his individual skill ability, increase self-educated and self value. Noneconomic salary makes teacher get the reward by his individual contribution. Let teachers realize that his value is important to school and the students'basic education. Train teacher's work inspirit, build the school's culture. In short, the rational salary design can stir teacher's active and creative, it makes sure the teacher team stably which will impulse the school achieve its target. Keywords: TE School Human resource , Salary design, Performance in 目录 目录 m , - i Abstract , II 第1章引言 1 1.1研究的背景、目的和意义 1 1.2薪酬理论及应用 , 2 1.2.1薪酬相关理论 2 1.2.2现代薪酬设计的发展趋势 3 1.2.3薪酬理论在TE学校的薪酬设计中的运用 5 1.3研究内容和方法 6 1.3.1研究内容 6 1.3.2研究方法 6 第2章TE学校现有薪酬体系分析 8 2.1 TE学校人力资源构成 8 2.1.1TE学校基本情况 8 2丄2TE学校的员工薪酬水平和结构 12 2.2 TE学校教师的职业特征 14 2.3薪酬满意度调查 15 2.3.1.调査指导思想及方法 15 2.3.2调査问卷方案设计 16 2.3.3数据描述及分析 17 2.4 TE学校薪酬体系存在的不足 23 第3章TE学校新的薪酬激励方案设计 26 3.1基于绩效的薪酬体系的设计原则 26 3.2经济性薪酬设计 27 3.2.1 :1:资的设计 27 IV 3.2.2岗位泮贴的设计 3f 3.2.3年度奖励 31 3.2.4经济福利 3^ 3.2.5股权、业绩分红 38 3.3非经济性薪酬设计 39 第4章新的薪酬方案在实施中所需注意的问题 41 ^ i 44 附录A 44 隠B 49

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