随着国民生活水平的不断提高,人们的购买力也越来越大, 西点已经逐步进入普通市民的家庭,更成为了年轻人的日常消费 品。中国烘焙欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司近几年高速发展,大量国外品牌烘焙坊涌入中 国市场且发展趋势良好,但因为中国市场的庞大,烘焙欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司远远 没有饱和的迹象。据权威调查研究机构数据显示,至 2012 年底, 烘焙欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司实现销售收入 1886 亿元,同比增长 13.6%,2013 年,行 业销售收入为 2202 亿元。据预测,2017 年我国烘焙食品欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的销 售收入预计达到 4658 亿元,2020 年我国烘焙食品欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的销售收入 预计将达到 5500 亿人民币。 虽然中国的市场仍然庞大,但是大多数烘焙企业都将目光聚 焦在商业区域,如大型商场,交通枢纽商圈,景点商圈等等,而 社区周边要么稍有烘焙坊,要么是一些国内名不见经传的小面包II 房,YY 公司在这样的情况下应运而生,服务社区,将最美味、健 康、时尚的烘焙产品带到社区。 YY 公司是一家西点烘焙连锁经营的公司,计划在 5 年内店面 增加到 8 家。主要提供烘焙成品、烘焙食材、烘焙设备和创意设 计服务等。烘焙成品包括,面包、蛋糕、西点、饮品等等。面包、 西点的定价为 5-15 元,蛋糕定价为 90-400 元不等,饮品的价格为 4-15 元。烘焙食材主要有面粉、添加剂、谷物、配料等等。烘焙 设备主要为量杯、电子秤、面粉筛、打蛋器、土司模型、蛋糕模 型、烤盘、烤炉、搅拌机、饼干模、发酵箱、切面机、刮刀等等。 创意设计服务主要包括 DIY 烘焙,私人定制,烘焙厨艺班,亲子 烘焙等等。目前为止主要市场覆盖面为新兴的中高档小区,随着 品牌效应的渐渐扩展,后期可以竞争到更多小区。 本商业计划书通过对 YY 公司西点烘焙连锁经营所处的内外部 环境进行分析,认为消费者对健康、时尚、方便生活的诉求,城 市化发展和中产阶级的快速壮大,以社区为中心对烘焙产品的需 求,以及经济增长带来的消费能力的提高等多方面构成了 YY 公司III 的机遇,而 YY 公司的威胁主要来自于企业成本不断上升、现有的 竞争对手竞争等因素。YY 公司的内部优势包括着手于新兴小区, 丰富的产品品类,先进烘焙技术,创意服务的提供,内部劣势主 要是全新品牌,缺乏相关的经验等。但从总体来看,公司的优势 明显,外部机会多,从而确定了公司整体的增长型战略。 通过调查研究和数据统计,对 YY 公司进行目标消费者分析, 了解消费者需求、购买动机和影响客户购买决策的主要因素。利 用市场定位策略和营销组合 4P 策略,对竞争对手和 YY 公司进行 竞争情况分析后,我们可以掌握竞争对手的主要情况,并制定 YY 公司西点烘焙连锁经营从产品、促销、价格、渠道开发的营销计 划。运营计划则详细描述了 YY 公司西点烘焙连锁经营的管理团队 构成及未来五年的发展目标以及在公司运营上所需的各类资源, 并建立相应的评价体系。 本文最后对 YY 公司西点烘焙商业计划进行了为期五年的财 务预测与分析,揭示该计划可能存在的风险并提出对策,并对执 行计划做出总结概要。IV 关键词 烘焙 DIY 消费者分析 竞争分析 商业计划书V BUSINESS PLAN FOR BAKERY CHAIN OF YY COMPANY ABSTRACT With the living standard continues to improve in China, purchasing power also increased tremendously, pastry/bakery is one of the product that is well received by the general public and penetrated to family level. Bakery is also consumed by the younger generation daily. In the past few years, China bakery business has been developing in extreme speed, many foreign brands have joined this emerging market and developing fast and wide. With the huge consumer base in China, bakery business is far from saturation. Based on market leading research institute report: Until end 2012, bakery business revenue in China is RMB188.6billion with growth of 13.6%, by 2013, the sales revenue increased to RMB220.2billion. As estimated by the institute: By 2017, the sales revenue will grow to RMB465.8billion and by year 2020 shoot even further up to RMB550billion. At the moment, China market is huge but most of the bakeries are focused in commercial area like shopping mall, transportation hub and tourist area, it is not fully extend to the living area. Those living area equipping with bakery are also not branded and are small setup. With this situation and gap, it accelerated the room of growth for YY company to service the community by bringing the delicious, healthy, trendy bakery/pastry product to the consumer. YY Company is a franchise chain running bakery business, their business plan is expanding within 5 years to 8 franchise bakeries. Their main business is providing bakery final product, ingredients, baking equipment and creative design service etc. to their customers. Bakery final product included: bread, cakes, pastries/cookies and drin k etc. PriceVI range for Bread and Pastries/cookies are RMB5-15, Cakes is RMB90-400, Drinks RMB4-15. Baking ingredients mainly consists of flour, additive, grain, condiments. Baking equipment mainly consists of measuring cup, scale, flour sieve, egg beater, mold for bread, mold for cake, oven tray, baking oven, mixer, mold for cookie, fermenting oven, bread cutter, cake shaping blade etc. Creative design service mainly consists of Do-It-Yourself baking, Personal order service, Baking class, parent & child baking class. At the moment, the main business strategy is to cover the new high/medium class living vicinities. When business grow with good reputation and recognition from the general public, penetrating to old and established high/medium class living vicinities will be second phase. This business proposal is focus on analyzing YY company bakery franchise chain internal capability and external business aspect, it reckon the consumers are mainly focus on health, life style and convenience. With the city development and rapid expansion of middle class, the community need of bakery in their area in extreme. This provides business opportunity for YY Company due to economic growth and high consumer demands for these kind of services. The threats to YY Company are operations and material cost, existing competitors in the market. The competitive edge of YY Company is their nurturing of new high/medium living area, rich assortments of product lines, advance baking equipment and technology, ability of providing creative design service, the down side of the company internally is relating to the lack of experience to their brand new products. The company business situation is high in opportunities as they have prominent advantages to fulfill their overall business expansion strategy. YY Company surveyed their target consumers and used statistical data analysis to analyze and understand the main factors that influence buying decision, motive of purcha se and consumer needs. Analyze YY Company against their competitors by using market position strategy and combination of 4P sales strategy, it developed YY Company franchise chain business strategy for product, marketing, price and channel development thro ughVII thorough understanding their competitors’ situation. Business plan detail described company YY bakery franchise chain how they build management team, next 5 years business development target and resources in operation, at the same time build the relevant accessing system. The last part this thesis is illustrate YY Company bakery franchise chain’s 5 years financial estimate and analysis in order to show the risk and possible mitigation. The thesis will also conclude execution plan with final comment. KEY WORDS: Bakery, DIY, consumer analysis, competition analysis, business planVIII 目录 摘要.........................................................................................................................I Abstract .................................................................................................................V 第一章 绪论...........................................................................................................1 1.1 选题背景与意义 ...........................................................................................1 1.2 报告内容及结构 ...........................................................................................4 第二章 YY 公司分析 ............................................................................................5 2.1 YY 公司简要介绍 ........................................................................................5 2.2 产品选取目标和原则 ...................................................................................5 2.3 YY 公司品牌价值主张 ........................................................................