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近年来,随着中国经济和居民收入的平稳增长,旅游地产作为房地产、旅 游两个欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的联姻产品,成为新兴的投资热点。市场上涌现了不少非常成功的 旅游地产项目,但是有些项目因为市场定位不准、资金链断裂等原因而导致失 败。一份客观的商业计划书不仅能帮助企业进行投资决策,还可以为项目融资 提供重要参考。本商业计划书的研究对象是位于广东省佛山市南海区WZ国家 旅游产业集聚(试验)区内的XY旅游地产项目,本项目由广东旅游业的龙头 企业S旅集团开发,本商业计划书的用途是为S旅集团提供决策参考。 本文釆用了理论与实证、定性与定量相结合的方法进行研究,研究内容包 括项目的幵发条件分析、经营环境分析、进度计划与组织、市场定位、营销策 划、财务评价、风险分析等。 本文首先通过采用SWOT等分析工具综合考虑本项目的自身优劣势、宏观 环境情况、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争情况,形成项目的总体定位结论:具备鲜明养生文化特色 和综合文体娱乐体验的高端湖滨旅游地产,成为既适宜人居的住所,同时也是 一种供游客在外部观光的旅游吸弓I物。 接着在需求调查的基础上运用4Ps营销组合理论提出了项目的产!^、.价格、 分销渠道、促销等营销策略。 进而在投资估算、销售预测、资金筹措、现金流预测等基础上计算评价指 标,对项目进行财务评价。 本文还进行了敏感性分析、盈亏平衡分析,研究了项目面临的风险并提出 相关防范建议。 最终可以得出结论:本项目高回报,低风险,投资回收期短,项目可行。 关键词:旅游地产;商业计划书;SWOT分析;营销策略;财务评价;风 险分析 MBA学位报告作者:曾国胜 XY旅游地产项目商业计划书 ABSTRACT In recent years, along with the steady growth of China's economy and the income of residents, the tourism real estate industry which is the cross-development of tourism and real estate becomes a new investment hotspot. The market has emerged many very successful tourism real estate projects, but some projects failed because of wrong market positioning, capital chain rupture, etc. A good business plan can not only help enterprises to make investment decisions, but also can provide important reference for project financing. The research object of this paper is XY tourism real estate project located in WZ national tourism industrial cluster experimental zone,Nanhai District, Foshan,Guangdong Province. The project is developed by S Tourism Group, a top tourism company in Guangdong Province. This paper provides decision-making reference for S Tourism Group. The paper adopts the method of combining theory and empirical analysis, also quantitative analysis coupled with qualitative analysis, research contents include the analysis of development conditions, analysis of business environment, construction planning and organization, SWOT analysis, market positioning, marketing planning, financial analysis, risk analysis. Firstly, according to the conclusion of SWOT analysis by considering the advantages and disadvantages of the project, the macro environment, industry competition situation, the project should be positioned as high-end lakeside tourism real estate which is full of distinctive health culture and comprehensive entertainment experience. Every building is not only a suitable house, but also a tourist attraction. Secondly, on the basis of demand investigation, we put forward some relevant suggestions on product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy, promotion strategy by i^ing 4Ps theory. Then the paper makes financial analysis by investment estimation,sales forecasting, financial planning, cash flow forecasting, evaluating financial indicators. Next, the paper makes analysis of sensitivity and the breakeven point, discuss the potential risk and the relevant measures. Finally, we can draw a conclusion that the project is feasible, with high returns, small risk, short playback period. Key Words: Tourism Real Estate; Business plan; SWOT analysis; Marketing strategy; Financial analysis; Risk analysis MBA学位报告作者:曾国胜 XY旅游地产项目商业计划书 目录 一、绪论 1 (一)研究背景及意义 1 (二)文献综述 2 (三)研究内容、技术路线与研究方法 4 二、项目概况及开发条件分析 7 (一)项目位置 7 (二)项目用地及规划条件 10 (三)项目交通条件 11 (四)项目周边生活配套设施 11 (五)政府支持力度 12 (六)项目总体定位 12 三、项目的计划和组织 13 (一)项目进度计划 13 (二)投资方概况 13 (三)项目的管理团队和组织架构 14 四、项目开发经营环境分析 16 (一)政治法律环境 16 (二)经济环境 19 (三)社会文化环境 24 (四)技术环境 27 五、房地产市场分析和项目竞争分析 28 (一)佛山房地产市场概况 28 (二)项目竞争环境分析 32 六、项目SWOT分析 37 (一)SWOT各因素分析 37 (二)构造SWOT矩阵 38 (三)SWOT分析结论 39 七、项目市场定位和营销策略 40 (一)项目需求预测 40 (二)客户定位 43 MBA学位报告作者:曾国胜 XY旅游地产项目商业计划书 (三)产品定位 44 (四)价格定位 47 (五)分销渠道策略 49 (六)促销策略 51 八、项目财务评价 54 (一)投资估算 54 (二)资金筹措 56 (三)经营收入、经营税金及附加、土地增值税预测 57 (四)评价 58 九、项目风险分析 62 (一)盈亏平衡分析 62 (二)敏感性分析 62 (三)风险因素分析及防范对策 63 ^ i仓 66

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